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"My lord, is this your first visit to Shaar?" Masi asked Li Cha.

Li Cha nodded: "Yes."

"You are such an adult." Masi said, "Shaar's situation should be a little different from what you thought. Although it is indeed your first time here, many people have paid attention to you before you came, I'm afraid They know that you are here, and they will definitely come to visit. I can help you stop some people with insufficient status, but some people with high status can't do anything. After all, I am just a servant with a little more ability. "

Before he came, someone had paid attention to him... Maybe it has something to do with the black-faced old man Oscar...

Blinking his eyes, Li Cha looked at Ma Si and asked, "Who is the distinguished person you are talking about?"

"This..." Ma Si opened and closed his mouth a few times, spreading his hands in embarrassment, "My lord, it's really hard to say, but I can tell you one thing, that is, there are people from the royal family."

"People from the royal family?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows.


Soon, in the afternoon, what Maas said was confirmed.

Not long after staying in the residence, Li Cha saw the only remaining servant running in from the door, nervously reporting that the eldest prince of the Soma Alliance royal family was visiting.

Then, Li Cha met the eldest prince in the living room on the first floor of the stone building.

The eldest prince was about thirty years old, very calm and very polite. He talked for a long time, but he didn't say the purpose of the visit. He just left a bunch of gifts and left.

Not long after the eldest prince left, the servant ran into the door to report that the second prince of the royal family of the Soma Alliance was visiting.

The second prince was younger, twenty-seven or eight years old. Compared with the eldest prince, he was a little less calm and a little more enthusiastic. After being polite for a long time, he left behind a bunch of gifts that were not inferior to the eldest prince and left quickly.

Li Cha was thinking about following this sequence, whether it is time for the third prince to visit, but the servant reported that the fourth prince of the Soma Alliance royal family had arrived.

The fourth prince was even younger, twenty-three or four years old, a little aggressive, as if he was not convinced by anyone, but he restrained himself when they met. After the other party said the polite words that the eldest prince and the second prince had said, they left a gift and left again.

Next, Li Cha received visits from many members of the royal family and officials, and the gifts he received almost filled the storage room of the stone building.

Until the end, he didn't understand why these people wanted to visit him.


When the night came, and finally saw the black-faced old man Oscar, Li Cha asked his doubts.

"Why are there so many people visiting me today, Mr. Oscar, I think I need an explanation."

Oscar smiled slightly when he heard it, then sighed softly, and said with emotion: "This is politics."


"Although you have been drifting away, you gave us the list of the Truth Society's Southern Liberty League, and you have made a great contribution to the entire Soma League. His Majesty the Emperor has expressed his concern for you many times. In this way, you Naturally, many caring people will pay attention to it. It’s okay if you don’t come to Shaar, but when you come and be exposed to the light, then naturally all kinds of people will come looking for you.”

"It's just that?" Li Cha glanced at the dark-cheeked Oscar, and didn't fully believe the other party's words. He said with a little doubt: "Why do I think there are other reasons? In our previous communication, I mentioned to you I've been, I don't like to get involved in politics. I think if you have the heart, you can arrange for me to be in a private place where I won't be disturbed. Now, as far as I am concerned, it seems more like Mr. Oscar that you are deliberately letting me identity exposed."

"What good will it do me?" Oscar blinked and asked earnestly.

"That's something you have to ask yourself, Mr. Oscar." Richard said.

"Okay, let's talk about something else." Oscar changed the subject, glanced at Li Cha, and said, "Seriously, according to my guess,

I thought you would wait for a while before coming to Shaar, but I didn't expect to come so soon. "

"That's because, besides you want to meet with me to talk about some things in person, I also just want to meet and talk with you about some things."

"You also want to find me?" Oscar became interested and asked, "What is it?"

"I would like to borrow some books from the Royal Library of the Soma Alliance." Richard did not hide, and directly stated his purpose.

"Why?" Oscar frowned and asked.

"In order to do some research." Richard said, without telling all the truth, but briefly explained the reason, "I got some very ancient texts that need to be deciphered, and a wizard friend of mine told me that only the Royal Books Some books in the library can help..."

After listening to Li Cha's long speech, Oscar nodded: "Is that so?"

Oscar didn't agree directly, but thought for a while and said, "Although it may disappoint you, I still want to tell you that the difficulty of this matter is higher than you expected. I guess, you want to use the method I proposed to you at the beginning. One of the three requirements you promised, in exchange for the qualification to borrow books?

To be fair, there's nothing wrong with that. If what you want is not the books in the Royal Library, but the books in my private collection, I can give them all to you, but not the Royal Library.

Because, nominally, the Royal Library only belongs to His Majesty the Emperor, and no one has the right to enter, let alone borrow anything from it, unless His Majesty permits it. You have to understand that the Royal Library is not just a library, it also contains a lot of treasures and secret documents.

In this case, I can't promise you anything here, I can only give you an answer after asking His Majesty the Emperor. But, to be honest, there is no need for me to ask His Majesty the Emperor, you can ask His Majesty the Emperor yourself. "

At the end, Oscar looked at Li Cha.

"I'll ask myself?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows, feeling that there was something in Oscar's words.

"Yes, you can ask yourself." Oscar showed a slight smile, "I can tell you now, the main purpose of inviting you to meet Shaar this time is not that I want to talk to you, but that His Majesty wants to talk to you. What did you talk about. Since you gave the list last year, His Majesty has always wanted to thank you, and wanted to meet you and get to know you."

Li Cha squinted his eyes and felt that things were not as simple as they appeared on the surface.

There are many ways for an emperor to thank him. It is not necessary to meet him, at least not in such a grand manner, so that almost the entire royal family and senior officials of the Soma Alliance will know.

As far as he knows the current Emperor of the Alliance, he is thoughtful and has never done anything meaningless. This time he has to meet him without any concealment, and he must have thought about it.

From the visits of all the people during the day, we can also see from the side that the Alliance Emperor has some ideas, and the specific content cannot be speculated, but at least he wants to have some connection with Alliance politics.

And this is what he didn't want at all.

From the very beginning, he was relatively resistant to politics. In his view, politics is a struggle with people. And people, viewed from a scientific point of view, are extremely unstable. They may be extremely loyal today, but they may directly betray them tomorrow. Moreover, even if you invest a lot of energy and time in politics and win, it doesn't make much sense. Because he hardly needs what he gets from political victory, and what he needs, politics cannot give him.

For him, the biggest function of politics is to consume time. Instead of wasting time on politics, it is better to stay outside of politics and study a little more.

Thinking so much in his heart, he didn't say anything out of his mouth. Looking at Oscar, Li Cha pursed his lips and asked, "His Majesty the Emperor really wants to see me? When?"

"Well, the original reservation was a week later, because I thought you wouldn't come so early." Oscar said, "But since you're here, if there is no problem, we can meet tomorrow afternoon."

"Tomorrow afternoon? So soon?"

"Yes, can you?"

"Yes." Li Cha nodded without refusing. On the one hand, he has something to ask for books about the Royal Library. On the other hand, if the most powerful person in the entire continent wants to see him, he still has to give him face. In addition, he also wanted to see what His Majesty the Emperor wanted to talk to him about, and what was his purpose.

"Well, tomorrow afternoon, I'll have someone send a carriage to pick you up." Oscar made a decision after hearing the words.

Li Cha nodded and didn't say much.


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