Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1270: Alliance Emperor

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the next afternoon.

The carriage sent by Oscar arrived as scheduled, carried Richard from the courtyard, walked along the street towards the center of Char, and finally entered an extremely gorgeous building complex, which was the palace of the Alliance Emperor in Char.

In a palace as spacious as a warehouse, Richard met the so-called Emperor of the Alliance.

The Alliance Emperor sat on a special wide chair, nearly one meter wide. Even so, some parts of his fat body still inevitably "spread" out of the chair. There was no mana fluctuation in the opponent's body, he looked like an ordinary person, but the huge body brought inexplicable pressure, he didn't look like a person, more like a bear in human skin.

In fact, one of the other party's names is Brown Bear.

The Brown Bear Emperor - Peter Romanov!

At this time, the other party pressed a pair of fan-like hands on the armrest, and stared at the air in front of him with gray eyes. His eyes were deep, and his expression was not majestic. Compared with the emperor, he looked more like a thinker.

It's just that this thinker is so fat that people can't help but wonder if what the other person is thinking about is what to eat for the next meal.

The waiter who led Li Cha in, after seeing this scene, called softly: "Your Majesty, the person you want to meet has arrived."

Emperor Peter came back from his contemplation, responded, and while waving his hand to let the waiter back down, he cast his eyes on Richard and began to size him up with interest.

"Richard Austin, right, I've wanted to meet you for a long time." These were the emperor's first words.

Before Li Cha could respond, the second sentence followed.

"From Oscar, I already know a lot about you and appreciate you."


"I believe that you are a very smart person, much better than those moths under me who only know how to embezzle. Moreover, you are a very capable person. After all, you have won the list that Oscar has been talking about for a long time.

You know, last year, Oscar almost forced me to mobilize a full 10% of the financial budget as funds for his intelligence agency, so as to obtain that list at all costs. Fortunately, you got it for him, otherwise I might have to think about going on a diet, or not making new clothes for a year, to help Oscar squeeze out this 10% of the budget. "

"I..." Li Cha didn't know how to answer. He could hear the emperor's words, which were meant as a joke, but there were too many flaws. The other party wants to say, because it is too edible, will it eat up 10% of the financial budget? Or, because the body is too tall, clothes can also use up 10% of the budget?

Fortunately, the emperor spoke like a cannonball, and did not give Li Cha time to respond, so he continued talking.

"In addition, I also believe that you are very strong, much stronger than most of the guards in this palace. After all, you can stay in that Truth Society, and I heard from Oscar that in the last moment of Truth Society's lurking , you seem to have some problems and are forced to fight.

Afterwards, Oscar sent people to look at it, and the people who came back reported that the entire area was destroyed, and no one survived—except you. Look, you can eradicate a branch of the opponent by yourself alone, which is comparable to the army that costs me a lot of military expenditure every year. Maybe, I should give you a general position and try to keep you here, so as to save a lot of military expenses and prevent me from having to count every meal. "

After talking for a long time, the emperor finally stopped, as if he had thought of something, he waved his hand at Li Cha and said, "By the way, you can sit whatever you want. Don't be nervous. I should be the one who should be nervous, as well as the one who is hiding outside the door." The guards are afraid that you will kill me suddenly."

Li Cha sat down on a chair in the palace and smiled at the emperor as a response. After all, if the other party violates the routine, I really don't know how to answer properly, so I can only let the other party play.

After listening to the other party for a while, Li Cha seized a gap, looked at the other party and asked: "Your Majesty, listen to Mr. Oscar,

You asked me to come and talk to me about something? "

"Um, yes, I want to talk about something."

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, just talking casually."

"Just talk about it?" Li Cha really suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, let's talk casually." The emperor confirmed, "Oscar and other people will deal with trivial matters in reality, and it is not worth my time as an emperor. The purpose of my invitation is to talk casually with you. Let's talk, let's get to know you. After all, you can be regarded as a hero of the alliance, and I have to have a little impression of you."

"But, even if we talk casually, there must be a topic, right?"

"That's right." The emperor nodded, agreeing, and thought for a while before making a sound, "I heard from Oscar that you want to borrow books from the Royal Library? So, you are very interested in books, right? You should have read a lot of books." Why don't you tell me what is your favorite book, maybe I just read it too, so you can share your thoughts."

Is this a reading exchange meeting?

"..." Li Cha hesitated for a while, then slowly said an answer, ""Pikes' Self-examination"."

This is a book that is widely popular on the mainland, but it is biased towards a small audience. It is about philosophical thinking, that is, a medieval philosophy book. Because the text inside is difficult to understand, the sentences are long and difficult to understand, and the content is boring, only a few people read it, and most people use it as a hypnotic tool.

The reason why he mentioned this book is to end this topic tactfully, so that the emperor, who does not follow the routine, can return to a relatively normal conversation.

Unexpectedly, the emperor's eyes lit up at the next moment, and he said with a little surprise: "You have read this book, it's really good, in fact, I have read it too."

"You know, I prefer the content in the second chapter of the book, which is Bix's discussion on cognition: whether there is a natural deficiency, which leads to a series of cognitive errors, I think..." The emperor spoke fluently Speaking of it, it fully proves that he is really not lying, but has really read it, and has read it deeply.

Now Li Cha couldn't help being silent, and looked at the emperor whom he met for the first time with some wonderful eyes.

"In short, I think what Bix said is basically correct." After talking for a long time, the emperor concluded, and then looked over, "What about you, what do you think?"

"I..." Li Cha took a deep breath, a little regretting that he really said the answer of "Pix's Self-examination", which led to the topic being led to an extremely abstract philosophical discussion, but he was only a little regretful. He has read this book several times, combined with the knowledge of some philosophical books on earth, it is easier to digest and understand, so he is not afraid to talk.


Exhaling the air he had inhaled, looking at the emperor, Li Cha thought for a while and said: "I basically agree with what your majesty said, but there are some differences in some details, mainly the third and fifth points in the second chapter of Bix. And the eighth point. Bix said that part of human cognition comes from blood inheritance, and I am more inclined to be affected by the family environment. I think..."



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