Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1279 Don't dare to speak


Vincent's body fell to the ground, and the three soldiers who were still alive couldn't help taking a step back around, looking at Frank as if they were an enemy.

Frank opened his mouth: " don't want this kind of look, it really has nothing to do with me."

The three soldiers shook their heads in unison, expressing disbelief.

"Damn!" Frank couldn't help cursing, then took a deep breath and said, "Well, believe it or not, the most important thing is to live now. Don't stand still, fight back, or I will die here! Give me a hard lesson for Sika with an arrow, and avenge Vincent!"

After hearing this, the three soldiers didn't have any complaints, and they all took aim outside the wall with their bows.

As a result, before the Feather Arrow was shot, a fireball nearly half the size of a house rose up in the field of vision, hitting their sentry point.

"Run—" Frank groaned in despair.

"Bang! Rumble!"

Before the words fell, the entire sentinel collapsed in the explosion, crushing everyone in the ruins.


"Cough cough, cough cough!"

I don't know how long after that, Frank woke up from the coma, tried to push the bricks on his head and stood up, and was a little surprised to find that he had all hands and feet except for a little skin trauma.

However, this discovery only made him happy for a second, and soon he realized the terrible environment he was in, and his heart sank.

Then, out of the corner of his eye, someone was buried nearby, and he quickly ran over to dig him out, only to find that it was the captain of the outpost.

"Captain, how are you?" Frank patted the opponent's cheek and called.

Captain Yoyo woke up, glanced at Frank, spit out a mouthful of blood, and said weakly: "Frank, I'm afraid I can't do it, so you run away. The outpost is gone, and you can't keep it anymore, you go Run in the direction of the rock fortress on the east side. Remember... remember, don't run in a straight line, but go around, so that you can avoid the Sikas and meet our rescue team. Otherwise, you... will die."

"Captain, I understand. I will take you to the reef castle." Frank said, trying to pick up the captain on his back, and ran to the east according to the route instructed by the other party.

In the end, the captain stopped me and said, "Frank, put me down. I...was injured too badly. I was hit by a stone just now. I couldn't feel the whole lower body, and it was still bleeding. Take me back, and I won't survive. You run by yourself...the chances of surviving are a little higher."

"No!" Frank gritted his teeth, his eyes were a little red, "Captain, you are different from the rest of the sentry. We came from the same town, and I have to take you back."

"Frank, listen to me..."

"Captain, stop talking, take a rest, I must take you back. As long as you go back to the rock fort and let the doctor treat you, you will survive." Frank spoke, and started to walk with the captain on his back .

As a result, he only ran two steps, and when he heard the sound of "咻", followed by another "噗", Frank felt a hot and humid liquid flowing down his neck quickly.

Turning his head to look, he found that the arrow flying from nowhere just hit the captain on his back. The arrow came out from his throat, and the captain had already closed his eyes.


Frank put the captain's body on the ground in a daze, gritted his teeth and let out a low cry, pulling his messy hair with both hands in some pain. After that, he stomped his feet hard, panting heavily, and ran towards the darkness in the east.


"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Frank was panting.

In the darkness, he didn't know how far he ran, and felt his whole body was numb, just running forward mechanically.

"call out!"

At this moment, the sound of an arrow piercing through the air sounded behind him.

He had a hunch that the arrow would hit him, but he couldn't control his body anymore, and just continued to step forward under the influence of inertia.

Then with a "poof", he saw the arrow piercing his calf.

subsequent pain,

It was transmitted to the brain a little slowly, his body swayed, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Turning over with difficulty, looking behind him, he saw a group of dozens of light cavalry from the Kingdom of Sika chasing up. The leading cavalry captain was lowering a curved bow. Obviously, it was the arrow shot by the opponent just now.

After the opponent put down the arrow, he drew out his saber and approached on horseback with a cold expression.

Frank watched the other party getting closer, first despaired in his heart, then calmed down, and said in his heart: Well, I'm going to die after all. It doesn't matter if he is dead, the captain is dead, everyone is dead, it's normal for him to die, after all, he has never been so lucky. It's just a pity that I can't go back to my hometown and marry Nuosha.

Farewell Noosa, Farewell...


Before Frank finished speaking in his heart, he saw the galloping cavalry captain and the horse under his crotch slightly stagnated, and then suddenly cut into thousands of pieces by invisible thin threads, bursting out a large cloud of blood, and died on the spot.


Frank was startled, and then saw blood mist erupting from the dozens of cavalrymen of the Sika Kingdom in the back. In a few blinks, they turned into pieces of flesh and died cleanly.

This is……

Frank raised his head suddenly as he guessed, and saw a figure in a purple robe flying past, who was the official wizard of the Soma Alliance.

"Da da da……"

Immediately afterwards, the dense sound of horseshoes sounded from the east, and a large group of cavalry in black armor broke through the darkness and roared past to meet the army of the Kingdom of Sika. Batch support team.

Then came the second batch, the third batch...

The Soma Alliance officially launched a counterattack.

Frank sat on the ground, staring blankly at all this, not knowing what to say for a while.

He was also a little scared and didn't dare to speak again.



late at night.

Xia's palace.


Oscar's face looked darker than usual, and he walked into the palace with strides.

The Alliance Emperor sat on his seat, raised his eyes and glanced at Oscar who walked in, and asked aloud, "Is it something on the border?"

"Yes Your Majesty, as you expected, the Kingdom of Sika really launched an attack on the border, mobilized a large number of troops, and once broke through to the reef fortress. However, we are fully prepared, and the reef fortress is the army again. God sits in the town and repelled the opponent's attack without much effort. We may have lost some of our outposts and garrison strongholds, but the losses left by the Sika Kingdom are even greater. Speaking of which, we have won."

"Win?" The emperor was not too happy when he heard Oscar's words. Instead, he frowned and said in a low voice, "This is not normal. The Kingdom of Sika has been fighting against us for so many years. The situation of the rock castle. As long as there is that person in charge of the defense line there, no one can break through it. Choosing there as a breakthrough point is undoubtedly suicide.

So either the commander of the opponent's army is out of his mind, or this is a disguise - the opponent's attack on the reef fortress is just a feint, and the real attack must have another target. "

After hearing this, Oscar was slightly startled: "Where could that be?"


At this time, the door of the palace was pushed open.


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