Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1280: Position in War

A minister in a dark gray military uniform quickly walked into the palace.

He ignored Oscar, but went straight to the emperor, and reported with a serious expression: "Your Majesty, the latest military report on the front line, the people of the Sika Kingdom broke through from the bloodstone mountain in the northern part of the frontier defense line, and have invaded our country wantonly." inside."

"Bloodstone Mountain?" The emperor twitched his eyebrows and asked, "The terrain there is not very dangerous, it is basically impossible for large troops to attack, and there are many heavy weapons, so wizards dare not take risks, and there are elite troops stationed, how can it be?" Was it suddenly broken through?"

"According to the military newspaper and the reports of the fleeing soldiers, the enemy suddenly appeared from behind and launched an attack. I guess that the people of the Kingdom of Sika should have dug a tunnel and used the tunnel to carry out sneak attacks and follow-up troop transfers. .”

"Dig a tunnel?" The emperor narrowed his eyes, "Digging a tunnel at Bloodstone Mountain is not an easy task, and it is definitely not something that can be successfully dug in a short period of time.

If the other party really invaded by digging a tunnel, it can only be said that the other party has been preparing for a long time, and had a plan a long time ago. It seems that the other party is not satisfied with the state of our two countries on the border. "

After a pause, the emperor looked at the minister in military uniform and asked, "Where is the forward of the Kingdom of Sika?"

The minister in military uniform pulled out a roll of miniature maps from his sleeve, opened it and pointed it out to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the most prominent cavalry team of the Kingdom of Sika has conquered the city of Qatar and is burning, killing and looting. They released The death row prisoners in the city act as guides and are expanding to the north, east, and west in an attempt to create even greater chaos. We have sent troops to stop it, but it is estimated that tens of thousands of people will die before we arrive.”

"Qatar City? Tens of thousands of people?" The emperor pondered for a few seconds and asked, "I remember that there is a large granary of the Alliance there. I just sent Earl Norton to inspect it not long ago. Is there any news?"

The minister in military uniform hesitated for a moment before replying: "The Sikas plundered the granary, took away what could be taken away, and burned the rest. As for Earl Norton...they took the earl's head , hung on the top of the city..."

Hearing these words, Oscar's face changed slightly, and he was a little surprised. As far as he knew, although the battles between countries were cruel, nobles were rarely chosen to be executed, and such cruel methods were used.

On the one hand, capturing nobles can be exchanged for a large amount of ransom. On the other hand, the nobles represent the face of the country. Once they are executed, they will definitely have a complete grudge. Unless the two countries are prepared to fight endlessly, there is no benefit. After all, if you can execute my nobleman today, I can execute your nobleman tomorrow.

Oscar turned his head slightly to observe the emperor's expression, and found that the emperor did not have much emotional fluctuations, as if he had accepted this.

The emperor made a sound and murmured: "Cut off Earl Norton's head? It's really merciless. It seems that the other party is not trying to make a small fuss this time, but is preparing for a national war. So , They know that they can’t hold our counterattack. The grain in the granary in Qatar City would rather be burned than left to us if it can’t be moved away. They are trying to weaken us by all means. This is a national war, a national war!”

"Your Majesty, then shall we..." Oscar asked in a low voice.

"What we did was very simple. Didn't the Xika people want war? We'll give it to him. We've been preparing for a long time. If they don't do it, we will do it sooner or later, but we didn't expect it to be so soon." The emperor said majesticly , said word by word, "The Soma Alliance builds a country by war, and has never been afraid of war. The people of the Soma Alliance will not shed blood, and will never stop fighting! If they want to fight, then they will fight!"

"Yes." Oscar and the minister in military uniform bowed their heads.

"That's right." At the end, the emperor thought of something again, turned his head to look at Oscar and said, "It's also time to invite your young friend to appear on the stage, this war... can't do without him... he is in our plan. There is a very important position in the…”


Oscar nodded and quickly walked out of the palace.



Char, the luxurious courtyard where Richard temporarily lives, the study on the second floor.

According to the normal situation, at this time, most people have already fallen asleep, but Li Cha has not, and is still studying some materials in the study.

It has been four days since he met the Alliance Emperor. During this period, he has been researching the information in Bibi's mouth and the information exchanged from Oscar, and has achieved some results.

The first achievement is that Baltavin's cracking progress has been improved. On the other hand, he found a very special way to release wind spells from the scrolls in the royal library.

If this release method can be completely deciphered, it can greatly speed up his research on wind energy extraordinary factors.

You know, since the research on the supernatural factor of blood energy has come to a standstill, apart from the breakthrough of the energy furnace, this is considered a rare major progress.

He now has a vague idea that if the research on the supernatural factor of wind energy goes well, combining the energy furnace with the research on the supernatural factor of blood energy, maybe something very interesting can be produced.

Of course, the idea is only preliminary after all, and we still have to take it slowly to see how far it can be developed.

"Wow..." Li Cha sat on the desk and flipped through the pages of the book, thinking about the next steps while reading the content.

Maybe design a few experiments, maybe...

Just as he was thinking, there was a "rustling" sound from inside a wooden box placed on the desk, disrupting his thoughts.

Slightly frowning, Li Cha opened the box, and saw Bibi's face turned upward, with sawdust on the corner of her mouth, the result of gnawing on the wooden box.

"What are you doing?" Li Cha asked aloud, reprimanded a little angrily, "Didn't you say you were making trouble, that's why I removed the cloth that was stuffed in your mouth. If you are disobedient, I will stuff it back. "

"Don't, don't, don't." Bibi said hastily, "I'm just a little bored, and I want to ask you, has the information I gave you been verified? If verified, will it prove that I really betrayed the truth? Okay, can you let me go out to play?"

"What's the rush, there is no news yet, at least it means that there should be no major problems with the intelligence. But we have to wait for the specific situation."

"Then how long do we have to wait?"

"I don't know that."

"I'm smothered to death."

"what you up to?"

"Can you give me something to eat?" Bibi asked aggrievedly, "I can't do anything other than eat now, after all, I only have one head."


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