Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1283: Temptation

Stepping over the threshold, Li Cha walked into the war command room with a dignified atmosphere.

At this time, he had already understood that the highest military meeting that the former white-robed staff officer invited him to attend was actually a meeting of two people. One of the two people involved was him, and the other was the army commander.

Hearing the sound of him entering the door, inside the door, the young military god Sauron Bonaparte, who had just passed his thirty-ninth birthday not long ago, turned around, revealing a square and majestic face. The other party's facial features were neat, and the edges of his cheeks were as sharp as knives and axes. His gray eyes were like two ambers, shining with a deep light. His expression was heavy, without any smile, like an iceberg.

However, the other party didn't act too coldly, let alone being rude. The moment their eyes met, he immediately nodded his head as a greeting, and then said, "Your Excellency, Li Cha?"

"It's me." Richard replied, "Then you should be General Sauron Bonaparte."

"Yes, I am Sauron Bonaparte. I am the commander in chief of this war. You can call me Sauron. According to His Majesty, this war requires the cooperation of the two of us. I hope that we will work hard to have one in the future." good result."

The other party was polite, and before Li Cha answered, he changed the subject and said, "Okay, Your Excellency, Li Cha, time is limited and the situation is urgent. Before you came, I already knew some of your character from the palace intelligence. You I am a person who cherishes time, and so do I, so don't waste time on meaningless etiquette, let's deal with military affairs.

You have just arrived at Fort Reef, and you may not have a complete understanding of the situation on the front line. I can give you a general introduction. The two problems we have to face at present are that the tens of thousands of troops from the Kingdom of Sika who have infiltrated into the border through tunnels are wreaking havoc and wreaking havoc, and hundreds of thousands of troops are overwhelming on the border.

For this reason, we have to deal with two things in the shortest possible time. One thing is to use the guard troops in the territory to wipe out the invading enemy forces of the Sika Kingdom, and the other thing is to find the tunnels used by the other party to infiltrate the border and completely block them. Death, in order to avoid future troubles. After these two things are dealt with, we can fully devote ourselves to facing the army of the Sika Kingdom on the border without being distracted. "

Li Cha nodded.

"Come and see." Sauron led the way to a huge sand table on one side, on which was a miniature map of the entire continent.

Sauron pointed a few times with a long wooden stick towards the border between the Kingdom of Sika and the Soma Alliance, accompanied by explanations, quickly explaining the specific military situation of the two countries.

After a pause, Sauron said in a concentrated voice: "Before Your Excellency Richard came, I had already made a simple plan, and now I want to discuss it with Your Excellency Richard."

"Look, this is the army from the Kingdom of Sika who invaded the country." Sauron pointed with a wooden stick, "Their main force is near Moko Forest, and they have sent out a large number of small troops to harass the country, causing Great loss.

But their retreat has been cut off, with troops approaching from the north and the south, there is no other choice but to continue to the depths of the alliance—that is, to rush to the east. My idea is to force them to the vicinity of Godardo City, and use the flat terrain without any ups and downs to surround and annihilate them. "

Sauron pointed again on the sand table, pointing near a mountainous area: "In addition to annihilating the invading army of the Sika Kingdom, it is also very important to find the tunnels through which they came in. After all, no tunnels can be found. Even if they are eliminated this time, next time they will be destroyed." , They will still appear next time.

As for the tunnel, it can be roughly determined that it is near the defense line of Bloodstone Mountain. After all, they appeared to attack from behind the defense line. I think, try to capture some soldiers of the Sika Kingdom during the battle, and ask about the location of the passage.

But before the forced questioning came out, a large number of second-tier teams were used to search within a range, and sooner or later they would be found. This range is from Raz in the east, Penuo in the south, Bloodstone Mountain defense line in the west, and Blue Water Mountain in the north. "

While talking, Sauron pointed on the sand table.

In the end,

Putting down the wooden stick in his hand, Sauron looked at Richard and asked, "Your Excellency Richard, what do you think?"

how do you feel?

Li Cha felt that it didn't matter what he thought.

Although he said that he cooperated with Sauron to command the war, Sauron had obviously done all the work. It didn't matter if he couldn't trust him or he worked hard, but there was really no need for him to add more things to the snake. He only needs to nod his head and agree to Sauron's plan, then everything can proceed smoothly.

Perhaps, this is also the idea of ​​the Alliance Emperor - let him be the second in command and deputy commander of the army in name, without really participating in anything, as long as he has a name.

Is it really? What kind of conspiracy is this?

Li Cha's eyes flickered slightly, looking at Sauron in front of him, he wanted to try it out.

As I said before, he doesn't like to be kept in the dark. Since neither the Alliance Emperor nor Oscar is going to tell him the real purpose, he might as well explore it himself.

Isn't it just to explore? He has always been exploring the truth of the world. It is relatively easier to explore the truth of why he became a command consultant.

The first thing he wants to explore is whether his words work or not.

Is he really just a command consultant in name, or will his words really be obeyed.

So even though he felt that there was no problem with Sauron's plan, he still spoke out.

"I have a small opinion, General Sauron." Richard said.

"What's your opinion, Your Excellency Richard?" Sauron looked over.

"The rest of the things, I think you have considered them very well, but regarding the scope of the tunnel search, I think it might be better to expand it appropriately." Li Cha said seriously, reaching for the wooden stick, "It is best to continue to expand to the north For a moment, the distance is tentatively set at five miles."

After Sauron listened, his eyebrows moved slightly and he fell silent, as if he was thinking about Li Cha's opinion, or as if he was dissatisfied with Li Cha's meddling indiscriminately.

The silence lasted for about two seconds, Sauron finally nodded and said: "Since Your Excellency Richard wants to expand, then expand it."

After speaking, Sauron looked aside.

On one side are the staff officers in the command room who are busy processing various materials and intelligence. They do not participate in the Supreme Military Intelligence Conference, but are responsible for conveying the decisions of the meeting.

Sauron looked at one of them and said, "Immediately revise the military plan according to His Excellency Richard's wishes, and then issue an order for the troops to carry out."

"Yes." The staff officer hammered his chest with his right fist, gave a military salute, gave Li Cha a quick and strange look, didn't dare to say anything, and did it.

At this time, Sauron looked at Richard again and said, "Okay, Your Excellency Richard, this time the Supreme Military Intelligence Conference will end here, thank you for your participation."

"You're welcome." Li Cha said, and asked, "Is there anything else going on?"

"Not yet." Sauron shook his head. "It will take a certain amount of time to mobilize the army and execute orders. It will take at least tomorrow until there is feedback on the results of this plan. You can go back and rest now. When the results come out tomorrow, we will Let’s discuss it again and make a new plan.”

"Okay." Richard nodded, "Goodbye, General Sauron."

"Goodbye, Your Excellency Li Cha."

In the sound of farewell, Li Cha stepped out of the command room and walked out of the mansion.


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