After leaving the mansion, Li Cha, led by his subordinates, arrived at his temporary residence in the Reef Fortress. It is said that Sauron specially arranged for him before coming here.

After entering the temporary residence, Li Cha took a brief tour and found that it was even more luxurious than the residence arranged in Xia Oscar.

Sets of silverware, chairs with gold ornaments, beds inlaid with jewels, furniture made by master craftsmen, antique ornaments that are rare in the market...

Although some of them seem to have weird styles, after asking, I found out that it was part of the ransom sent by the Kingdom of Sika, which was used to redeem the officers and nobles who were defeated and captured under Sauron. But in any case, it can be seen that the mansion is indeed intentional. Sauron did not perfunctory the sudden appearance of his command consultant, and had the respect that he should have in name.

Considering that Sauron also accepted his suggestion at the Supreme Military Intelligence Conference and did not refute it, he seems to have more rights than he imagined.

To put it simply, what he said seems to be really helpful.

Perhaps the purpose of the Alliance Emperor and Oscar was not to make him a mere puppet?

Li Cha sat on the chair in the temporary residence, tapping on the gold armrest, thinking about this question.

From what he has seen and heard so far, he really doesn't look like a puppet, but having said that, this may also be to make him more competent as a puppet, so everyone cooperated with him in acting, but in fact his words were not carried out.

So, it's good to verify.

Verify it.

After a while, it was dinner time. After eating a sumptuous dinner, Li Cha went to the bedroom and told his subordinates seriously that he had to take a good rest and that no one would disturb him before he left the room.

"Yes." The subordinate solemnly replied.

"Very good." Li Cha nodded, and closed the bedroom door with a "bang".

The space inside the door is a full seventy to eighty square meters. It is a suite. In addition to the resting place, there is also a washroom and a study room.

Li Cha checked it and made sure there was nothing wrong with it. He carefully arranged a few warning spells, walked to the bed and lay down on it.

The body is wrapped in the soft mattress, the eyes are closed, the body sinks, and the consciousness rises.

A familiar tremor appeared, like the dandelion seeds leaving the stalk in the breeze, Li Cha's conscious body easily separated from his physical body.

Quickly penetrated the roof, reached the outside, kept rising, glanced at the stern guards in the temporary residence, glanced at the gloomy reef fortress, and glanced at the border between the two countries where the troops gathered, Li Cha had a thought and controlled his consciousness Speed ​​to the north.

The movement of the conscious body is extremely fast, because there is no obstacle in the material world, it can easily break through the sound barrier and reach multiple times the speed of sound. Therefore, in a state of consciousness, you can quickly go to any corner of the world.

Actually, it's not the fastest, the fastest is to utilize awareness markers.

Richard has experimented, as long as he is familiar enough with a location and can clearly construct the location in his consciousness, it constitutes a consciousness mark. Then you only need to think about this place, and you can instantly teleport to the corresponding location.

The clearer the build, the more accurate the teleport will be.

If the construction is relatively vague, and you just heard about a place from other people or information, then the transmission will cause huge errors, so it is better to "run" there honestly like now.

What is the principle involved in this, Li Cha is not very clear. He roughly guesses that it is related to the soul and the current operating rules of the world. Maybe he can understand a thing or two after he can completely decipher all the extraordinary factors.

Thinking like this, during the continuous march, Li Cha saw a crimson mountain range appearing under his body, which is the so-called Blood Stone Mountain.

An important military city of the Soma Alliance and many logistics strongholds are built here, which are part of the border defense line. Because the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the Kingdom of Sika rarely attacks here. Who knows, this time people from the Kingdom of Sika infiltrated from here. Although the military city was not conquered, a series of logistics strongholds were destroyed.

It caused heavy losses, and broke into the depths of the border, constantly wreaking havoc.

According to the plan formulated by Sauron, the raging Sika Kingdom army will be wiped out in a short time. The tunnel that allows the army of the Sika Kingdom to infiltrate is also being searched for.

It can be seen that in the night, countless torches were lit on the ground, and many soldiers searched all over the mountains and plains, not letting go of any corner.

Get a little closer, and you can still hear the soldier captain's loud roar: "I tell you weaklings, the higher-ups have issued a death order, and the tunnel entrance must be dug out within two days, so let me search with wide-eyed eyes. If you don't work hard , Believe it or not, I will transfer you to the front line directly, so that you can resist the attack of the most elite Sika."

A group of second-line army soldiers who had hardly participated in any battle turned pale when they heard this, and they were as quiet as a chilling cicada.

"Have you heard that? Tell me if you hear it!" The soldier captain roared again.

"Yes." The soldiers answered quickly.

"That's about the same." The soldier captain nodded in satisfaction, and directed the soldiers to keep searching forward.

Li Cha, who is in the conscious body, watched all this in the air. After watching it for a while, he had a thought and went further north.

Flying all the way past countless second-line troops holding torches and searching for the entrance of the tunnel overnight, they arrived in front of a mountain that looked like a steamed bun.

This is Blue Water Mountain, so named because there is a special kind of blue mushroom on the mountain, which will dye the rainwater flowing down the mountain blue when it rains.

Li Cha saw that the same second-line army soldiers were searching here with torches. They climbed up the mountain from the south, chopping the dense grass with their long swords, looking for possible tunnel entrances with round eyes.

Slowly they crossed the top of the mountain and walked towards the foot of the mountain in the north. When they reached the foot of the mountain, they stopped and stopped moving forward.

Li Cha looked at it, and there was something active in his heart.

If he remembered correctly, the scope of Sauron's search plan was as far north as Blue Water Mountain. For the purpose of testing, he proposed to explore another five miles north, and Sauron agreed.

But looking at the specific implementation, it seems to be inconsistent.

With his consciousness down, Li Cha went to a place about ten meters above the heads of the search soldiers, and he could clearly see the faces of the soldiers and hear their words.

At this time, a tall and thin soldier turned his head and asked his captain: "Captain, is it over if we search here?"

"Yes, that's it. This is the range set by the higher authorities. It is enough for us to search the entire Blue Water Mountain, and it is none of our business to go further." Hei Zhuang's soldier captain said.

"Then what shall we do next, Captain?" the tall, thin soldier asked again.

"Nonsense, what else can I do? Turn around and search again. I didn't listen to the order from above. I have to search for it within two days. If I can't find it, I will search repeatedly within the specified range until I find it." exclaimed the soldier captain.

"Um, yes."

"Okay, search again." The soldier captain waved and directed a small group of soldiers to turn around and go up the mountain again.

Li Cha watched with emotion: It seems that his command consultant really only exists in name, maybe a group of subordinates and Commander Sauron will accompany him to act, but the order will not be conveyed to the army below.

Thinking this way, as he was about to return, he suddenly saw a fire on a road to the east.

Then there was the sound of horseshoes, and a large group of cavalry quickly approached.


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