Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1293 Chaos Battlefield

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late at night.

The border defense line of the Kingdom of Sika, the Bastana stronghold.

Outside the stronghold, a small group of more than a dozen soldiers was patrolling with torches, guarding against the infiltration of small groups of Alliance people. Usually they don't pay much attention to this work, but recently, with the pressure of soldiers from the two countries and the continuous high pressure, they have to play up their spirits.

They have already heard about it. This time, the Soma Alliance on the opposite side has gathered five coalition regiments.

A small team has about ten people, a large group has about a hundred people, a regiment has about a thousand people, a legion has about 10,000 people, and a coalition regiment has about 100,000 people - five coalition regiments have about 500,000 people.

And their side of the Sika Kingdom is not that weak, and they have gathered a whole four coalition regiments. The military systems of the two countries are similar, but the Kingdom of Sika prefers various elite brigades, strengthened regiments, and strengthened legions. The number often exceeds by several percent, so the overall number is almost the same as that of the Soma Alliance.

Calculated in this way, there are one million people from both sides gathered on the border, which makes people feel terrified even thinking about it, which is an unprecedented formation.

Once this kind of battle starts, little soldiers like them really can only resign themselves to their fate. After all, they are thrown alone on the battlefield of millions of people, which is similar to a pebble falling into the sea, and they can't even make a splash. It sank.

Therefore, they have been praying that it is better to maintain this situation and not start fighting.

This may be a war of stealing, but they are just a small soldier, whether they win or not, their military exploits have nothing to do with them, they just want to live.

However, reality is often the opposite of expectations.

Life always brings out the worst - Murphy's Law.

A small group of soldiers patrolled around for quite a while, and they were about to return to the stronghold to replace a group of people, when they suddenly heard some movement in the night.

The sound was very small at first, almost inaudible, but it became deafening in just a few seconds, like a thunderclap, and amidst the rumbling sound, it felt like thousands of bison were galloping towards them.


The soldiers shouted and looked in the direction of the sound. The next moment, they saw the heavy cavalry in heavy armor bursting out of the darkness like a knife cutting through butter. The heavy cavalry formed a dense formation, flying close to the ground like a huge, invisible black arrow.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Sika widened their eyes and subconsciously shouted, "Enemy attack!"

Their bodies became stiff, but the training movements took effect in time, and they quickly picked up the horn on their waists and blew it with all their strength.

"Woo~ woo~"

The old voice spread quickly, and the patrolling soldiers turned around and ran away.

At this time, the Bastana stronghold they set off from had already reacted, and multiple figures flew out, flying towards the charging Soma Alliance army.

The figure that flew out was a sorcerer, who had just received a notice from above and was about to launch a general attack just before dawn. They were a little surprised that the Soma Alliance was a step ahead of them, but they were not too flustered. They were trying to release spells according to the record, delaying the Soma Alliance's offensive and buying time for their own counterattack.

As they flew closer, a bright light appeared in their hands, which meant that the spell was being generated.

However, when the spell was generated halfway, suddenly several spears with gray light mixed with dark blue light approached as fast as lightning and hit their bodies.


After several explosions, the Sika wizard in the air was instantly killed, and his body fell to the ground. And this is precisely the action of the hidden Soma Alliance wizards and magic knights in the heavy cavalry team-the Sika Kingdom has a record for the Soma Alliance's attack, and the Soma Alliance has a record for the Sika Kingdom's record.

This is war, a war like chess, whoever thinks more has the advantage.


Amidst the sound of hooves, the heavy cavalry troop ran over the corpse of the wizard of the Kingdom of Sika, and rushed straight to the Bastana stronghold.

At this time, the heavy armored infantry, holding spears more than four meters long, rushed out of the stronghold, formed a square formation, and became the second group of blocking forces.

At the same time, there was a sound of horseshoes on the left and right sides. It was the cavalry supported by the other strongholds, and they were preparing to attack the heavy cavalry of the Soma Alliance. The offensive and the army are all ready, so the reaction to the Soma Alliance's offensive is not slow at all. The supporting cavalry on both sides, even before the horns of the patrolling soldiers sounded, they had already been dispatched, so they arrived in time.

It seems that now it is the heavy cavalry of the Soma Alliance who are at a disadvantage.

However, they didn't have the slightest fear of being intercepted by the enemy horses on both sides, and they didn't slow down their charging speed, and continued to move forward.


The sound of new horseshoes sounded, and the new heavy cavalry of the Soma Alliance broke out from the darkness, accelerated and changed directions in coordination, and blocked the support forces of the Sika Kingdom from left to right.

For a moment, there was a tragic collision sound, the fighting broke out, and the war really started.

This scene happened near the Bastana stronghold, and at the same time, it happened everywhere on the border between the two countries.

One hour, two hours, three hours.

Three hours later, the pot of porridge started to boil, and the situation on the border battlefield became extremely complicated. Except for the highest command room to understand the overall situation, the soldiers and officers involved were completely confused. Some teams even directly messed up the organizational system, and could only rely on the ability of grassroots officers to adapt to the situation and decide whether to continue to attack or retreat.

Mario is one of them.

He can be said to be extremely lucky. He fell into the tunnel unintentionally at the beginning, and his military rank was promoted to three ranks.

This is already considered a proper officer status. As an officer, the head of the Red Maple Cavalry Regiment is naturally embarrassed to let him continue to serve as a soldier under the original squad leader, so a few people were selected from several squads in the regiment. He formed a temporary special team, including himself, a total of nine people.

He is extremely excited about this, and has already made countless preparations, just waiting to go to the front line, lead his men to make a good contribution, and become a real centurion.

But he can also be said to be extremely unfortunate.

The Red Maple Cavalry Regiment he belonged to did not seize the vanguard status, and was assigned to the rear as a reserve force, and did not invest until the front attack was frustrated. Just trying to break through the enemy's line of defense, he encountered the magic knight squadron of the Kingdom of Sika.

They are indeed an elite cavalry regiment, but they are obviously not the opponents of the magic knight brigade, so they quickly shifted to the side to break out of the encirclement while the head of the regiment roared "Where are our magic knights?"

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