Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1294 When luck meets bad luck

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After breaking through the siege, the Red Maple Cavalry regiment followed the gap in the line of defense, accidentally crashed into the depths of the line of defense of the Kingdom of Sika, and was almost surrounded.

What followed was a crazy assault all the way, which successfully disrupted the situation, but because of a negligence, Mario failed to keep up and fell behind.

Among the dead bodies on the ground and the surrounding flames, Mario rode on the horse and saw that there was darkness in the front, back, left, and right sides. In the darkness, there were sounds of fighting and roaring. It is better to walk.

Looking back, there were still three subordinates and four horses following him. This was the only force left in his team. The rest were dead or lost.

Alas, this battle was fought...even if four men have three horses...what's the use of having one more horse now?

Mario scratched at the head in distress, but he didn't catch the hair at all, only the bare helmet.

ah! ! !

The itching on the scalp tortured Mario to go crazy. He really had an urge to throw away the helmet and rolled on the ground scratching. But he is an officer and a squad leader after all now, and he can't do whatever he wants like before.

really want to die...

Angrily, Mario scratched the head of the horse under his crotch, which made the horse snort, shaking its head in confusion.

Mario was scratching vigorously, thinking about which direction to go next, when a sound suddenly appeared beside him.


Mario drew out his sword instantly and looked over, and the rest of his men followed suit.

Then I saw a "corpse" standing up in the pile of dead people. The other party approached with his hands raised, and said in his mouth, "Don't attack, alliance people!"

"Which team is that?" Mario didn't choose to trust the other party easily, and asked seriously.

"I used to be in Newburgh. After the battle in Newburgh, I was transferred to the outpost near the Reef Fortress. A few days ago, the outpost was attacked by the Sika and injured. I was raised in the Reef Fortress for a few days. I was incorporated into the Second Battalion of the Glorious Regiment of the Sixth Army of the Fourth Allied Army. Just now our regiment was sent out to support the beleaguered team, but when we encountered the cavalry of the Sikas who cooperated with the wizards to attack, all of them died, and I was the only one left. "The corpse" said so.

After hearing this, Mario became slightly less vigilant. After all, the experience the other party said was not easy to fabricate, so he calmed down and asked, "Then what is the name of your regiment leader?"

"Thom Huster." The other party replied.

"No, why do I remember that his name is James Trafair?" Mario raised his eyebrows and said with a serious expression, "Are you lying to me?"

"No, no, no." "Corpse" shook his head quickly, with a look of injustice on his face, "My lord, our leader's name is really Tom Huster. I don't know James Trafair at all."

"Really? That's a coincidence, I don't know him either." Mario said, just trying to cheat, now it is basically confirmed that the "corpse" is not an enemy.

"Ah?" The "corpse" was a little unresponsive.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Mario said, looking at the corpse, seeing that the other person was about his age, he asked, "Tell me your name?"

" name is Frank, Frank Days." "Corpse" said.

"Very good, Frank." Mario said, "Since your regiment is dead and there is no commander, just follow me for now, I happen to have an extra horse."

"Yes, my lord." Frank responded quickly, knowing very well that in such a chaotic battlefield, the more people there are, the more likely they are to survive.

After getting on the horse, Frank seemed to remember something, and said to Mario with a little embarrassment: "My lord... are you not afraid of my bad luck? I have accidents wherever I go, from Newburgh to the reef. From the rock castle sentry point to the group of honor, in case you are dragged down..."

"Just you?" Mario glanced at Frank with disdain, "I tell you, no matter how unlucky you are,

I am not afraid. I was a first-class soldier three days ago, but after a fall, I became a first-class commander—no matter how unlucky you are, can you still beat my luck? "


"Okay, stop talking nonsense, we can't afford to waste time, let's talk about it after finding a way to leave here, after all, it's not a good thing to stay in one place for a long time." Mario pointed forward with his sword and asked for advice, "We will start from this How about going forward and exploring?"

"I think it's safer to explore from this direction." Frank pointed to the left direction and whispered.

"You walked by?" Mario asked.

"No, but I think..." Frank said, before being interrupted.

"What do you think! I'm the officer here, follow my orders and go in this direction." Mario insisted on his choice, whipped the horse and went forward, the three men followed, and Frank had no choice but to follow.

A group of five people walked forward, walked about a few hundred meters, bypassed a collapsed outpost, and saw a wide view.

In the open space ahead, there were more than a hundred powerful knights in magic suits wearing gorgeous armor and riding on horses.

Mario's eyes widened sharply, and he recognized it. This was the magic cavalry brigade that forced their Red Maple Cavalry to break out of the encirclement at first.

None of their regiments dared to confront them before, let alone his half-disabled squad now.


Mario was panting heavily, and the magic cavalry brigade in front looked at him with cold eyes. At this moment, Mario heard Frank picked up from behind and muttered in a low voice: "I just said, you can't go in this direction..."

"Shut up! Run away!" Mario reacted, shouted angrily, quickly turned the horse's head and galloped to the left, and the three men and Frank quickly followed.

The Magic Knights Brigade of the Kingdom of Sika froze for a moment, a little hesitant to eat the "snacks" delivered to the door. There were only five people, so it shouldn't be a trap, but it was not worth their shot.

After a few seconds, the captain of the magic cavalry brigade gave an order after thinking: Attack!



Many knights in magic costumes chased out quickly, constantly closing the distance with Mario.

At the same time, in front of Mario's escape, in a depression, there are three whole teams of magic knights from the Soma Alliance lurking.

A gray-robed figure flew over, landed directly in front of the officer in command, and said a few words.

"Huh?" The officer said with some doubts, "What, the target group of magic knights has moved and is approaching us? Didn't we have time to release the bait? Forget it, don't worry, attack, let me go up , eat them!"


"Wow!" The three magic knight brigade quickly jumped out of the depression, activated the magic pattern on the armor, and accelerated their charge.

At this time, Mario, who was running away, saw the light of the magic pattern suddenly shining in front of him, and couldn't help shouting: "I...I'll go!"



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