Affected by the enemy's momentum, the morale of the alliance's central army fluctuated significantly. The second-line troops were okay and could stick to their positions, while the captive troops had already begun to look around and prepare to escape.

They are all from Sika, and they were not willing to fight against their compatriots. In addition, they also knew how powerful the five thousand-man regiments were, so they didn't feel that they were opponents. Perhaps the entire Chinese army can block this wave of attacks, but those in front of the Chinese army will most likely become victims and be killed.

And they definitely don't want such an end, they surrendered precisely because they didn't want to die, they didn't want to die before, and they don't want to die now either.

As the five thousand-man regiments got closer, the chaos in the alliance's central army became more and more obvious, and the long-range counterattacks plummeted. Due to the retreat of the captive troops, the second-line troops also began to show timidity, which was in stark contrast to the front-line troops who charged forward on the left and right wings and hacked desperately.

Seeing this situation, the supervising team made a decisive move.


A head was chopped off.


Another head was chopped off.


Another head.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people's heads fell to the ground, and the most obvious escape movements were all decapitated. The bloody scene made the Chinese army feel silent. Those who are still preparing to escape have to stop and start to seriously think about which side is closer to death and which side is farther away from death——do you want to fight or run away next?

As for becoming hot-blooded, rebelling on the spot with weapons, and fighting the Alliance Supervising Team, that is completely out of their consideration. The reason is simple. The Kingdom of Sika has never allowed civilian soldiers to voluntarily surrender. Once they voluntarily surrender, they will be permanently betrayed—they have already betrayed once, and it is impossible to return to the Kingdom of Sika. It is absolutely impossible to betray the second time. Neither side of the Ma Alliance can stay.

"No retreat, the retreater dies!"

The Overseer issued a warning.

Amidst the sound of warning, the prisoners finally made a decision and chose to fight. Under the pressure of the sword tip of the supervisory team, seeing the five thousand-man regiments of Sika approaching close enough, they stopped the long-range attack and cooperated with the second-line troops to meet them.

Contact, fight.

A new fight begins, and new bloodshed emerges.

Everything is just a repetition of the previous one, the only difference is that the scale is a little bigger, the intensity is a little more intense, and more people died.

kill kill kill...

During the fight, the number of both sides continued to decrease. The five thousand-man regiments of the Kingdom of Sika decreased more slowly, while the army in the alliance decreased faster. However, the five thousand-member regiments of the Kingdom of Sika have fewer people after all. According to the fixed speed, they will die first in the end.

Li Cha watched for a while, and even calculated the exact time.

But war is not pure mathematics after all, it has more variables. When nearly half of the five thousand-man regiments of the Sika Alliance suffered casualties and nearly four thousand casualties of the Central Army of the Alliance, variables appeared.

A prisoner picked up his long sword and was about to stab a blood-stained soldier in the Kingdom of Sika when his eyes widened and he exclaimed, "Team...Captain!"


The prisoner's body shook, his hands seemed to be scalded, he threw away the long sword, turned around and ran away.

This run seems to have caused a chain reaction. In an instant, a large number of prisoners threw away their weapons and turned around to flee, causing chaos in the entire Chinese army formation.

"Stop, offenders die!"

The supervising team let out an angry roar, holding a thick-backed sword like a long iron plate, and slashed at the deserters mercilessly.

"Puff puff!"

A series of heads fell to the ground quickly.

The signs of escape eased slightly. After all, the fastest runners were all dead, and the rest were hesitating.

"Puff puff!"

The supervising team was not polite, and a series of heads fell to the ground.

The deserters were finally suppressed, and began to turn around reluctantly, killing the soldiers of the Kingdom of Sika. But soon, they were frightened back again, and then the supervisor team cut off the heads of a group of people again to teach them a lesson.

What followed was like a killing contest between the soldiers of the Kingdom of Sika and the supervising team. Only by killing more and more decisively could the supervising team force the captives to face the soldiers of the Sika Kingdom.

Instead of confronting them.

Screams, howls, and shouts continued...

With great difficulty, the Chinese army stabilized, and the five thousand-man regiments of the Kingdom of Sika had died, leaving only one and a half regiments, and the victory of the alliance was imminent.

At this moment, a new change appeared—the Kingdom of Sika sent another attacking team.

The number of new attacking teams is not large, and they are not as good as the two thousand-man regiments sent at the beginning. At a glance, there are only a few hundred people, but the impact of the opponent's appearance is stronger than the second wave of five thousand people. The impact of the group is greater.

There is no other reason, just because it is the magic knight who appeared this time.

About one hundred and fifty magic knights—a brigade of strengthened magic knights, each member is wearing magic pattern armor, holding magic pattern weapons, riding on specially selected tall horses, galloping quickly.

"Da da da, da da da..."

The hooves of the horses sounded like thunder, and before they reached the front, the Alliance Central Army had become flustered as a whole. This time, not only the captive troops wanted to escape, but even the second-line troops wanted to escape, because they really didn't think they were opponents of the magic knight.

The magic knight is like a needle. Although the number is small, it is difficult to kill the entire army in the alliance, but it will definitely bleed wherever it rushes.

This is not something they can resist, not even the frontline troops can resist.

Only the same magic knight or wizard can resist the magic knight.

As the magic knights approached, they found that the long-range crossbow shots were almost completely ineffective, and the Chinese army retreated slowly as a whole. The supervising team no longer kills people, because the number is too large to kill - their role is to stand up when necessary, to prevent the collapse of morale and the collapse of the formation. But they are not gods, and if a rout is entirely inevitable, there is nothing they can do about it.

To be honest, facing a brigade of strengthened magic knights rushing forward, they didn't know how to solve it.

Pay the price of the sacrifice of thousands of soldiers, and consume the opponent's life and death? If it was an elite first-line force, they might be able to succeed, but their group of second-line troops and captive troops would almost collapse if they only needed a few shocks from the opponent.

What to do?

The supervisor team couldn't help looking at Mutai.

Li Cha on the wooden platform squinted his eyes, looked at the magic cavalry brigade that was getting closer, and began to think about whether to make a move.

At this moment, there was a sound from the direction of the left wing, and the sound of horseshoes approached quickly, and almost two hundred people from the two alliances of magic knights appeared and greeted the magic knights of the Kingdom of Sika—the support from the left wing, Apparently, Sauron took into account some special circumstances, so he held back.


Seeing the appearance of one's own magic knight, without having to face the impact of the enemy's magic knight, most people in the entire Chinese army breathed a sigh of relief, but it was only a sigh of relief.

As soon as the magic knights of Sika and Soma came into contact, the formation of the central army of the opposite Sika Kingdom suddenly split from the middle. This time, a whole group of five magic knights rushed out.

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