"Da da da……"

Amidst the sound of horseshoes, a brigade of five magic knights bypassed the fighting magic knights and rushed towards them.

This time there will be no more support, and the Alliance Central Army can only face it alone.

Many arrows were shot, but they couldn't break through the defense of the magic knight at all, and the heavy machine crossbow was shot with a touching lack of accuracy.

The wizard accompanying the army couldn't help but shot, several figures leaped into the air, hindering the casting of spells, but the next moment, hundreds of magic-weave javelins full of energy were thrown collectively by the magic-suited knights.


Amidst the screams, nearly half of the wizard was killed by penetrating his body on the spot, and the remaining half were also seriously injured.

And the spell released at such a heavy price barely delayed the magic knight's attack for a few seconds, and most of the damage was easily blocked by the magic knight's magic pattern defense.

After all, this is a real magic knight, and it is an official elite magic knight who has been fighting for a long time. Unless it is a very strong wizard, or a magic knight of the same size, it is difficult to fight against.

Well, in the end, he still needs to make a move...

Li Cha thought about letting out a breath, stood up from the wooden platform, stepped on his feet, and flew into the air tens of meters.

The five magic-suited knights who came from Mercedes-Benz looked vigilantly, the new magic-weave javelin had started to charge and was ready. As long as Richard dared to approach, he would throw it immediately.

But Li Cha didn't get close, and shot directly on the spot - after all, his attack range has always been very far.

With a flip of the hand, several miniature spell-seeking missiles were taken out from the space iron ring, quickly activated and released.


The miniature spell-seeking missile flew out.


The miniature spell-seeking missile hit the target, causing a strong explosion, and several crimson pillars of flames were thrown up, devouring the figures of many magic knights.

But... that's all there is to it.

It can be seen that the magic knight is highly mobile, and as soon as the miniature spell-seeking missile flew out, the opponent began to evacuate with precaution. So except for the few unlucky ghosts in the center of the explosion, the rest of the people were not affected much. Even an unlucky ghost in the center of the explosion was very tenacious. He survived the explosion damage, but was seriously injured and lost his combat effectiveness.

Li Cha blinked involuntarily, and his expression turned serious.

It is true that he made the move with a tentative idea, using relatively weak miniature spell-seeking missiles, but from this result, it can be seen that the magic knight is indeed difficult to deal with.

In a sense, the magic knight is like a strengthened version of a soldier, and it is strengthened just right - the defense can just resist the wizard's attack, and the attack can just break through the wizard's protection.

This is not to say that the wizard is weaker than the magic knight, but that it is difficult for the wizard to deal with the magic knight as cannon fodder, and they must use refreshments to solve it.

For just one or two magic knights, it’s okay to use snacks. If you need to pay attention to a dozen, dozens, or even hundreds of them—this heart is obviously not enough.

Li Cha thought very clearly that in the current situation, there are limited ways to quickly deal with so many magic knights and stabilize the central army.

In addition to throwing a nuclear bomb to wipe out the enemy and our own people, either at any cost, use a large number of powerful micro-magic tracking missiles to clean up the ground, or use the more powerful blood spear to name and clean up, or rely on the energy furnace advantage, melee slaughter.

It’s just that these methods are a bit wasteful and time-consuming for him, and it may be better to use alternative solutions.

So give it a try?

Li Cha looked at the knight in magic costume who had already rushed a hundred meters away from the Chinese army's defense line, and he had a thought and made a move.

Raising both hands, both shoulders and wrists light up at the same time, and the four energy furnaces are turned on.

The energy gushes out from the body and releases it to the outside world to play a role. With a "hoo", a strong wind blew up in a few miles around, rushing towards Sika's magic suit knight.

The Sika magic knight was vigilant, guessing that it was a wind spell attack similar to the wind blade, and the armor he was wearing quickly emitted orange light, ready to resist.

But they obviously guessed wrong, the strong wind blew in front of them from all around, and suddenly dissipated, it seemed that nothing happened.

Really nothing happened?

The Sika Magic Knight maintained a loose formation, and approached the alliance's central army with undiminished vigilance. The next moment, a cavalry at the outermost edge of the formation suddenly felt something hit his right arm, and a resistance came, affecting him and the horse under his crotch. Uncontrollably moving toward the front left—the center of the formation, deflecting and moving closer.

This is not an exception. More and more Sika magic suit knights encountered the same problem - two transparent walls appeared on both sides of them, distributed in the shape of a "V". Move toward the middle.

Is this going to forcibly gather them together, and then use spells to attack?

what to do?

The leader of the Sika Magic Knights raised his eyebrows, thinking quickly.

It is obviously impossible to retreat, not only the attack mission cannot be completed, but also the back will be exposed and hit.

It is not advisable to slow down and try to bypass from the side, because the side will also be exposed, and if the order is not executed well, it will also lead to confusion in the formation.

Then the only option is to forcibly move forward, break through this restricted area as soon as possible, and you will be safe.

The commander of Sika Magic Knight thought of this, and quickly issued an order: "Highest defense state, highest speed, charge forward with all your strength!"



All the knights in magical costumes responded, and golden rays of light emanated from their bodies, blending with each other to form an incomparably bright energy shield. People can tell at a glance that this is definitely not something that can be easily broken.

Then the emerald green light appeared from the knight in magic costume again, spreading to the horse under his crotch, stimulating the horse's speed to rise suddenly, and roaring forward.

Due to the influence of the two transparent walls in the shape of a "V", the formation of the magic knights became more and more dense, almost huddling together and rushing to the intersection of the two walls. At the same time, the defensive energy is also concentrated to the extreme, but it is not very afraid of attack.

However, the commander of the magic knight did not show any signs of relaxation, and shouted: "Break down the wall in front of me!"


The magic knights listened to the order, and stabbed out the magic-weave spears one after another, venting their huge strength to the transparent walls on the left and right in front of them.

"Boom boom boom!"

The magic-weave spear touched the transparent wall, and there was a muffled sound—this was a full blow from five hundred knights in magic costumes. The transparent wall obviously couldn't stop it, and it began to fluctuate violently. A fuzzy outline appeared in the waves, it was a wind wall no more than two meters high, and then there was a "click", as if it broke, and it slowly fell backwards.


The two broken wind walls fell down, and it looked like there was a two-meter-wide ravine on the ground.

The commander of the magic knight did not hesitate. He glanced at Li Cha, who was floating in the air and would cast spells at any time, and at the very panicked central army of the alliance, who was very close at hand, and shouted: "Leap over, continue to charge, trample the alliance to death!" people!"

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