After the commander of Xika's magic knight finished speaking, he took the lead in controlling the horse to jump up, and his subordinates quickly followed.

The horse lifted its hooves off the ground and moved forward in the air. After a while, it lowered its height and approached the ground a little bit.

At this time, some unexpected things happened, and I saw that the wind wall, which was obviously two meters high on the ground, suddenly rose by a section, becoming five or six meters high. As a result, the two-meter-wide "gully" became five or six meters wide. The horses did not fall to the ground, but stepped into the "gully", that is, the wind wall.

The commander of the magic knight was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, due to his cautious character, he couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis in his heart. Although he didn't know what was wrong, he always felt that this situation shouldn't happen, so he waved his horse quickly, trying to leave the wind wall area earlier.

However, things went against his expectations. Every time he took a step forward under the control of the horse, the wind wall would rise a bit, allowing him to drive on the wind wall forever.

At this time, most of the magic knights behind him stepped onto the wind wall with him, and it was obviously impossible to turn around, otherwise they would face the previous problem - exposing their back or side ribs. The leader of the magic knights bit the bullet and led the team to continue forward, ready to deal with all kinds of magical attacks, his teeth clenched slightly: he didn't have the confidence to completely block all the coming attacks, but he was confident in blocking most of them, even if he was hit Seriously injured, the remaining combat power should be enough to slaughter the army in the alliance.

Then, the task will still be completed.

It will still be done.

The commander of the magic costume knight thought in his heart, speeding up his horse and galloping, but he didn't notice the arrival of the magic spell he was guarding for a long time. The only changes in the surrounding area were the continuous expansion of the wind wall, and... the wind wall gradually rose.

Um? elevated? !

The commander of the magic knight was startled, his eyes widened, and he saw that the wind wall had risen by more than one meter and moved to a higher position before they knew it.


The commander of the magic knight was stunned, unable to understand the reason and purpose of this change for a while.

In the few seconds he was in a daze, the speed of the wind wall suddenly increased, as if he was on a rocket, and he reached a height of more than ten meters, tens of meters, and hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

Hundreds of meters!

When he reached a height of hundreds of meters, the commander of the magic knight finally reacted and thought clearly, and the blood in his whole body turned cold in an instant.

He looked at Li Cha, who was casting the spell, and saw Li Cha floating in the air expressionlessly, with his hands slowly raised, so the height of him and his subordinates continued to increase.

One hundred and fifty meters, two hundred meters, two hundred and fifty meters.

Three hundred meters!

In the end, the five magic knight brigades rose to a height of 300 meters above the ground, which became the highest point of the entire battlefield and attracted the attention of many people—whether it was the Sika Kingdom or the Soma Alliance. Even the soldiers in the battle couldn't help watching from the corner of their eyes, looking at the Sika Magic Knight, looking forward to something and fearing something.

The commander of the Sika magic knight who was 300 meters in the air had turned pale, and the magic knight behind him was similar. They all controlled their horses to stop and stood there in fear.

They all stared at Li Cha and his movements.

Li Cha was also staring at them, still maintaining a blank expression, but for some reason, they saw a cold expression like a god of death on Li Cha's face.

Li Cha opened his mouth and said a word.

The voice was very small, and the commander of the magic knight didn't hear it, so he could only guess the words "are you ready" or "starting" based on the vague mouth shape.

Then the next moment, he saw the ever-expanding wind wall under his feet stopped expanding and began to shrink.

The shrinking speed was very fast, but after a while, the area of ​​the wind wall was reduced to less than half, forcing all the magic knights to gather in the center.

After another while, the area of ​​the wind wall was halved again, and it had already spread to the feet of the magic knight.

This forced the knight in magic costume to dismount, and cruelly pushed his "comrade in arms" who could not speak, down the wind wall, and fell to the ground and fell into a puddle of flesh.

After tens of seconds,

During the continuous shrinking process, all the horses were pushed down, and at an altitude of 300 meters, the knights in magic costumes were crowded together, and there was only a cone of ground for each person's feet. If it continued to shrink, the only choice was to push people down.

Just then, the wind wall stopped shrinking.

Li Cha made a sound, the voice was still not loud, but it was clearly heard by the commander of the magic knight.

"You should have seen the situation clearly. Now the place you are staying in is a Jedi. No one can save you. If you stay there, you will only die. Out of humanitarian considerations, I can give you a chance to surrender now. Considering that you are a magic outfit Knight, your status is not low, and you should be forgiven by the Sika Kingdom if you surrender, and you only need to pay a ransom to go back, this opportunity should be very good for you. How about it, think about it?"

After listening to the words, the knights in magic suits looked at each other with hesitant expressions, their eyes were complicated, and they didn't know how to answer.

They naturally wanted to live, but surrender made them subconsciously resist. It is true that they are not like civilian soldiers, once they surrender, they cannot be recovered. But even so, surrender will become an inevitable black spot in life, and even if he can return to the Kingdom of Sika, his future will be bleak. This puts them in a dilemma.

The commander of the magic knight was also hesitating. After hesitating for a while, he seemed to have made a decision. He gritted his teeth and looked at Li Cha and shouted: "We are all loyal warriors of the kingdom. We have sworn allegiance to the royal family of Sika since the day we joined the army. Surrender is against us." Your insult is an insult to our glory. We will never give in, but we don't want to completely reject your kindness, as long as you promise us..."

"No." Li Cha interrupted the magic knight, shook his head and said, "I will not agree to any of your requests, and there will be no conditions for your surrender. You just need to answer yes or no."


"Are you refusing it? Well, it's a pity." Li Cha spread his hands.

The leader of the magic knight suddenly widened his eyes: "You can't..."

"But I can. Goodbye!" Li Cha said coldly, snapping his fingers.


The wind wall under the feet of the magic knights in the 300-meter-high air did not shrink, but collapsed instantly. All the magic knights lost their support and fell screaming.

In an instant, the sky began to scream and rain.


"Bang bang bang!"

The magic costumed knight fell and landed with a long sound, the ground trembled, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. The scene was extremely tragic.

Many people in the audience watched this scene in a daze. Although the impact of this scene on the outcome of the entire battlefield is actually not great, maybe only one percent or one tenth, the mental impact is far greater than here.

This scene made everyone see for the first time that the magic knight could still die like this, and he could die so badly. This scene was deeply engraved in the minds of the soldiers of the two countries.

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