Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1307 Improvement Ideas for Energy Furnace

Amidst the faint smell of blood, under the gaze of many eyes, Li Cha's body slowly fell from the air and returned to the wooden platform erected.

Looking at the tragic scene not far ahead, he had some thoughts.

The first thing to think about is that the effect of his use of "extraordinary cohesion" has reached the previous expectation-successfully solved a large number of magic knights quickly and directly.

Speaking of it, the magic knight who fully activated the ability of the magic pattern is almost equivalent to an iron hedgehog to the wizard. If you want to kill, it is very difficult to kill, but you can't ignore it, because the attack power of a large-scale magic knight cannot be ignored.

You can imagine what it would be like to be surrounded by dozens, hundreds, or hundreds of high-speed maneuvering iron hedgehogs.

Therefore, since the emergence of the magic knight, how the wizard solves the magic knight has always been a difficulty. Either rely on the crushing strength, take the risk to break the magic knight's defense and kill it forcibly, or consume it slowly so that the magic knight can't maintain the magic pattern ability before harvesting life.

Now that the magic knight is floating in the air, it is considered to have found a third method, using height to collapse the magic knight's defense, and using gravity to create damage and kill it.

Because of the magic war knight wearing the magic pattern armor, the weight of the whole body is very exaggerated. In addition, except for a very few magic knights who have the ability to make short-distance leaps, most of them can only exert their combat power on land. In this way, as long as the magic knight is "raised" to a high altitude, it is basically considered a death sentence.

But having said that, this method is difficult to promote.

After all, in order to repeat this method, there must be massive energy support. Speaking of which, if it weren't for the four energy furnaces at work, he could at most send a handful of magic knights to the sky based on his own energy reserves. And if you really do this, it's better to use the same energy to generate attack spells, which can cause more casualties.

To sum it up, it is an extremely extravagant way to kill the magic knight after being forcibly lifted into the air. Except for someone like him with an energy melting pot, it would be difficult for other people to be considered as options.

In fact, even he himself used this method under certain limited conditions-if it wasn't for the fact that he could gather scattered magic knights in a relatively small area in the early stage, it would be difficult for him to let so many magic knights lift off.

After all, if the "wind wall" generated by using "extraordinary cohesion" is too large, even four energy furnaces cannot support it for a long time.

This is a disadvantage of the current energy furnace - although it can theoretically generate unlimited energy, the energy generated during idle time cannot be stored, so the use process is limited by the efficiency of the instantaneous energy supply in battle.

This is a bit similar to the electric energy of power plants on the earth - all the power produced by power plants must be consumed when connected to the power grid - only when the power produced and consumed in the power grid are in a relative balance can the power grid run smoothly work on.

Once the electricity consumed in the grid at a certain moment is far less than the electricity produced by the power plant, the grid will be burdened and in a dangerous state, and redundant power plant units must be shut down immediately to solve the problem.

Turning off the unit will inevitably cause energy waste. In order to reduce the occurrence of this situation, it is necessary to find a way to store the electric energy.

It is unrealistic to store electrical energy in a super incomparably large battery, but it is possible to convert electrical energy into gravitational potential energy storage. A method commonly used on the earth is to mobilize excess electric energy to the water pump in the specially built reservoir area, and use the water pump to pump the water from the lower place to the higher reservoir for storage.

If it is used, open the reservoir, let the water in the reservoir leak out, hit the hydropower unit at the gate, and turn it into electrical energy again to realize storage and release.

From this point of view, if the energy furnace in his body does not want to waste excess energy all the time, but wants to use the energy in spare time and "overclock it" in battle to achieve greater value, then he must find a similar method to store it.

This is an idea to improve the existing energy furnace and create a second-generation energy furnace.

Li Cha narrowed his eyes when he thought of this, and silently recorded this thought in his heart.

After that, he let out a breath and continued to think.

In addition to considering the improvement of the energy furnace, he also considered another aspect, which is to use "extraordinary cohesion" and blood energy extraordinary factors together.

It seemed amazing to raise many magic knights into the air to kill them before, but he could think that this method is not impossible to crack.

If the Magic Knight had reacted quickly and scattered decisively as soon as he stepped into the wind wall, or if he ran to the edge and jumped off at a relatively short height, he might have survived.

After all, the "wind wall" generated with "extraordinary cohesion" is just a "ground" that can hold people up, but it can't contain people—unless he seals the six directions of front, back, left, right, up and down with "wind walls", Then the energy consumed will more than double.

In terms of blood energy extraordinary factors, there are means that can affect and restrain the human body. The strongest one can realize triple restraint from the three aspects of body, vitality and soul.

Combining the ability of the blood energy extraordinary factor with the "Wind Wall" should be perfect.

Thinking of this, Li Cha looked at the central army of the Sika Kingdom, and saw that the opponent was not discouraged after another failed attack, but began to prepare for a bigger attack.

His eyebrows were raised, and he admired the other party's cooperation.

He stretched out his hand slowly, ready to try his new idea, but when he saw something in the next moment, he was slightly taken aback and couldn't help but smile wryly.

On the side of the Sika Kingdom, amidst the noise, the right wing suddenly burst open like a collapsed dam. Under the command of Sauron, a large number of alliance left-wing troops rushed towards the center of the Sika Kingdom.

Immediately following the left wing of the Sika Kingdom, it was also broken by the right-wing army of the alliance, and more alliance troops rushed into the middle army of the Sika Kingdom.

As a result, the new offensive plan of the Central Army of the Kingdom of Sika was aborted before it even started. While barely coping with the sudden attack, it inevitably became more and more chaotic.

no chance...

Li Cha looked at it for a while and came to a conclusion in his mind.

Yes, the Sikas had no chance, because Sauron's plan was successfully carried out.

Sauron told him at the beginning that he planned to distribute the elite forces, including most of the wizards and magic knights, on the two wings, and attack with all his strength, so as to penetrate the formation of the Kingdom of Sika. Because of this, there is only a group of "old, weak, sick and disabled" in the alliance's army, and he needs to be in charge to prevent it from collapsing too quickly.

Now that he used the technique of levitation to eliminate the attacking magic knight and successfully maintained the alliance's central army, Sauron broke through the two wings of Sika as planned.

Then naturally it is a victory, and Sauron will have the opportunity to perform in the next one. He just needs to be an audience obediently.

After all, the protagonist of this battle is Sauron, not him. He is just a command consultant who has been lazy and paddling.

Because he couldn't test the new idea, Li Cha had a little bit of regret, but it was only a little bit. Then calmly watched Sauron perform, watched Sauron lead the army to kill all directions and collapse the entire Sika army, and then took advantage of the victory to pursue the deserters, and took advantage of the momentum to launch an attack on Kasha City.

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