Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1308 Street Fighting

Kasha City is the second largest city in the Kingdom of Sika. Because it is located in the center of the Kingdom, it has geographical advantages and can be easily connected to all parts of the Kingdom of Sika. It can be regarded as a transportation hub and has been able to develop to its current level of prosperity.

But just like a silver coin has its front and its back, prosperity is the front of Kasha City, and poor defense is the opposite of the city.

This city is not a military city like the Reef Fortress, so it has not been specially modified for war. Facing the attacking army, the only large-scale defense measure is the city wall.

And the walls are hard to hold.

After all, in this world, there are knights in magical costumes like tanks, and wizards who can fly.

Therefore, it took almost no time for the alliance army to successfully break through the city.

After breaking the city, it was street fighting.

This is a little more troublesome.

The people of the Kingdom of Sika hate the alliance, not only because of this war, but also because of the long-standing border frictions between the two countries. Therefore, although the city wall was lost, the remaining Sika Kingdom soldiers, magic knights and wizards insisted on competing with the Alliance for the inner city area inch by inch.

In the battle just now, the alliance won the game because of its crazy assault, but the casualties were not small. Coupled with the fact that many people went after the remnants of Xika, only a small half participated in the street fighting, which made the progress of the street fighting very slow at the beginning.

But no matter how slow it is, the balance of victory will continue to tilt towards the alliance.

At most, by tomorrow morning, the city should be completely changed hands... Li Cha watched the battle situation for a while, made a guess, and then did not stay in the battlefield any longer, turned around and prepared to return to the alliance's temporary camp.

His mission has been completed, and there is no point in staying any longer. It is better to go back and study.

It was a pity that he hadn't tried the conjecture of the supernatural factor and cohesive force of blood energy before. It was a pity that he needed to go back and do a small experiment to make up for it.

As for the subject of the small experiment, let Bibi come... If he remembers correctly, Bibi promised him before that she would work for him... Recently, the other party has not worked for a long time, so she should make up for it. It's time to make up time.

Thinking of this, Li Cha took one last look at Kasha City, who was fighting, jumped up and flew away from the battlefield.


In Kasha City, street fighting continued.

As time passed, the advantage of the alliance side became obvious, and more and more areas in the city were occupied by the alliance people. In the end, the remaining Xika people were blocked in an area less than a quarter of the size of the city for their final struggle.


In Kasha City, a two-story stone building leaning to the point of collapse stood stubbornly beside the street.

It can be seen that there is a huge breach on one side of the wall of the stone building, and there are dense cracks around the breach, which is the effect of being bombarded by earth magic.

At this time, in the corner of the hall on the first floor of the stone building, a black figure was panting with his mouth covered, sweat dripping from his forehead, and he occasionally raised his head, revealing a face of grief, indignation and despair.

Sombra is now very aware of the situation he is in - almost a situation where there is no life.

The Alliance has blocked the area where he is located layer by layer, and has been sending out soldier squads, magic knights, and wizards to search every corner. It is difficult for him to fight against the remaining Sikas, and the only rational choice may be to catch him without a fight.

Of course, he can also try his best to break out of the siege for the sake of survival, but that doesn't mean he's really safe.

Because there is also a siege outside the city of Kasha—the alliance army that chased the defeated soldiers of Sika during the day has returned and successfully established a larger and tighter encirclement circle. Had to step back and hide here.

Thinking of this, Heiying reached out and touched a scorched wound on his right chest, feeling seven or eight hot iron hooks stirring the flesh, and the intense pain stimulated him to frown, and then his expression was depressed.

But soon, he looked to the left side of his body, and his expression became firm again.

On the left side of his body, a square wooden box was placed on the ground, as if it contained something. If you open it, you can see that it is a human head—the head of the army commander of the Kingdom of Sika, "Rundstadt".

After making all the battle plans, this half-white-haired veteran did not personally participate in the field battle, but stayed in the city as the final guarantee. When the field battle failed and the alliance army broke through the city defenses, the old general insisted not to break through, but led the few troops in the city to fight in the streets with the alliance.

It was precisely because of the opponent's command and presence that the street fighting at the beginning was extremely stalemate, and the alliance did not get much benefit. But the good times didn't last long. It didn't take long for the alliance to notice the existence of the other party, and set a trap to make the other party seriously injured and near death.

They didn't let the opponent fall into the hands of the Alliance, and paid a heavy price to snatch it back. Then he cut off the head and kept it in a box according to the opponent's last words, and tried to send it out of the city for burial to prevent it from being obtained by the Alliance—otherwise, once the Alliance took the head If it is shown, it will be a heavy blow to the morale of the Sika Kingdom army that is fighting in other places.

Thinking of this, Hei Ying took a deep breath and murmured to the square wooden box: "General Rundstede, the alliance dogs are too tightly guarded, it is really difficult to realize your last wish.

But I won't give up so easily, I will continue to try and find the weak point surrounded by the other party... I swear, as long as there is a slight possibility, I will take you out of here.

However, if it’s really impossible, then don’t blame me for my handling methods—I will completely burn your head with a fire spell, and use a prophecy spell to eliminate all traces, so that you will not be used by the alliance dogs. Please forgive me! "

After speaking, Hei Ying shook his body and stood up holding the wooden box.

As soon as he stood up, his body shook. Sensing that someone was approaching his hiding place quickly, he suddenly turned his head to look at the door.


The next moment, a cloud of yellow mist rushed in.

The black shadow stared, and when he raised his hand, a ball of fire was born in the palm of his hand, ready to attack.

The yellow mist ushered in without fear, passing over the shadow's body at an extremely fast speed.

Heiying's body froze, and the flame in his hand went out with a "poof", and then he fell numbly to the ground.

The wooden box fell, but before it touched the ground, it was caught by a hand protruding from the yellow mist the next moment, and then the whole cloud of mist shrank inward, turning into a gray-robed man.

The gray-robed man carried the wooden box containing the human head and walked up to the black shadow. Looking at the black shadow, he couldn't help shaking his head, and said, "I have to say, you guys really let me down!"

"It's you!" Black Shadow uttered, recognized the identity of the man in gray robe, and at the same time regained his ability to move, stood up quickly, looked at the man in gray robe angrily, and said, "Did we let you down? ? Actually, you lied to us, right!"

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