"Did you lie? How do you say it?" the gray-robed man asked.

"Isn't it? The information you gave me before clearly stated that the army in the alliance can be easily defeated, but we follow what you said, which is not the case at all." Heiying said angrily, "Not only did we not Success, and because of your intelligence, you gathered too many elites in the central army, which made the two wings too weak, and was broken by the alliance army, leading to failure!"

"So, you're going to blame me?" The gray-robed man sneered, "It's true that you are hopeless. Yes, I did tell you this information, but I also said In order to let you wait for twenty minutes, and then launch a full-scale attack on the alliance's central army, so as to defeat the alliance's central army. Even if it cannot win quickly, it will not be defeated so badly.

As a result, you guys are smart and don't trust my intelligence, so you use a small army to test in advance, and then increase the number one by one. Did you know that this will make the alliance army prepare, even if you attack with all your strength later, you will not be able to achieve the expected effect?

Don't say that your two wings were defeated before your central army attacked, even if it was later, it would not change anything. Because you have done wrong from the very beginning, how can you win if you think you are smart? ! "

"I—" Sombra was immediately refuted and had nothing to say.

The man in the gray robe approached slowly with a domineering aura, forcing the black shadow to step back step by step.

The man in the gray robe opened his mouth, half mocking and half reprimanding: "I know, from the very beginning, you didn't trust us that much. But the question is, does this suspicion bring you any good? Apart from wasting energy and time In addition, which time our intelligence is not all accurate?

If we really want to set a trap for you, why wait until now? As long as we don’t provide you with the alliance’s marching route for you to avoid, half a month ago, most of your main force would be wiped out by the alliance! "


The black shadow was completely silent, speechless.

"Okay." The gray-robed man took a look at the black shadow, let out a breath, and said in a relaxed tone, "I took the risk this time, and I came here to meet you, not to say these words. This time, the main purpose is to remind you, let you understand the situation, and let you know who to trust. If you can still keep your heads clear, then, you and the alliance will still fight."

"Really?" Heiying asked, with a disbelieving expression, "Now that we have lost Kasha City, almost half of the territory has been lost, the other party can use Kasha City as a bridgehead and continue to attack deeper into Xika with the help of convenient roads. .

As for our troops in other directions, there is no advantage in fighting the alliance. Once the opponent wins a few more victories, Sika may have to consider changing the country name. The current situation is extremely bad, so there are still fights? "

"I'm not as pessimistic as you are." The gray-robed man said, "My opinion is exactly the opposite of yours, and I think the current situation is not bad at all, and it is very good.

It is true that the Alliance army has always been victorious, advancing here in such a short period of time and taking Kasha City, but on the other hand, the Alliance army is already extremely exhausted, and logistics transportation is also stretched to the extreme. Alliance is now like a giant with infinite strength but extremely hungry. It may only need a small stone to trip him and make him unable to get up again. "

"Then what do we need to do next?" Black Shadow asked.

"Wait a while, I will send you out of the city, and then you will convey my meaning to your royal family. Tell the royal family to shrink your front, try to avoid fighting the alliance, continue to retreat, and then wait for our news.

Three or four days at the earliest, seven or eight days at the slowest, we will provide you with an excellent opportunity to concentrate your strength, launch a fatal blow to the weak points of the alliance, and break their encirclement offensive.

After breaking, we will give you intelligence support and let you transfer to the lost land with a small number of elite troops. There you know the terrain,

And it can get the support of civilians, which can effectively cut off the opponent's logistics supply line.

In this way, within a few days, the alliance army will have to retreat, and then you will take advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack. If the opponent is not prepared, you are likely to turn defeat into victory.

Even if the other party is prepared, you can't cause too many casualties, and you can greatly improve your current disadvantages and get more breathing opportunities. After all, this is your country, as long as you can persevere, the final victory will be yours after all. "

The gray-robed man spoke slowly, and the black shadow's eyes lit up when he heard it. Seeing new hope, he turned to look at the gray-robed man about to say something.

As a result, the man in the gray robe made a silent movement, and said flatly: "Okay, I know you just want to say some meaningless nonsense, so don't say it. Save it, go talk to your royal family, I This will take you out of town."

"Eh..." Soi Ying's expression froze slightly.

"That's right!" The gray-robed man paused, thought of something, showed the wooden box he took over just now, as if he already knew what was in it, and said, "You can't take this away, you have to keep it."

"Huh?" Heiying stared, a little excited, "Why? This thing must not be left to the alliance dogs!"

"No, actually, it must be reserved for the alliance." The gray-robed man explained loudly, "Only by letting them get the heads here, will they be proud enough, fanatical enough, and arrogant enough, so that when the time comes, they will A failure would be tragic enough, fatal enough."

"But this is an insult to General Rundstede..."

"Defilement? No, it's an honor." The gray-robed man said seriously, "I think if your General Rundsteder knew that his body would still have such a great use after his death, he would definitely choose did it."

Heiying hesitated, with a slightly struggling expression, and agreed after a few seconds: "Okay."

In fact, he couldn't disagree - the wooden box was in the hands of the gray-robed man, and he had no ability to grab it.

"Very good, it seems that our cooperation once again has a good start." Hearing Heiying's answer, the gray-robed man praised, and then took the lead towards the door, "Okay, let's go, I'll take you away. My time is very tight, after taking you back, I have to rush back to the headquarters, after all, I don't want to be exposed yet."

After hearing this, the black shadow quickly followed, followed by the gray-robed man and disappeared into the dense night.

Not long after the two left, a small group of soldiers escorted a first-level wizard to patrol here. After a brief inspection, they found nothing, and turned into a nearby alley shaking their heads.

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