Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1313: A Strange Visit

After finishing the recording, Li Cha looked up at Bibi, exhaled and said, "Okay, you have successfully escaped now, but are you sure you can eat like this?"

"Why can't I eat, I underestimate people!" Bibi pointed the back of her head at Li Cha, and said airily, "Look, let me show you."

After speaking, he stuck out his tongue and touched the bread next to his face.


The bread was pushed by Bibi's tongue, knocking over the adjacent glass bottle, the glass bottle tipped over, and the wine inside flowed out quickly.

"Suck and suck..."

Bibi quickly licked it away, but licked nothing, because her tongue was still a bit short, and the bread was very absorbent, like a sponge, which completely absorbed the wine that flowed out.

Bibi froze for a moment, but did not give up. She opened her mouth and gnawed on the bread that had absorbed the wine, eating and drinking again.

During the eating and drinking process, I did not forget to show off to Li Cha: "See, I don't have any problem eating now."

Li Cha looked at the black thread, and really didn't know what to say, so he exhaled helplessly: "You are amazing."

"Hmph, as long as you know, blah blah." Bibi couldn't stop eating.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the garden, and a subordinate walked in, seeing Bibi eating bread with her head on the table, her eyes widened, she was shocked, and felt that her spirit had been polluted.

The world is crazy, right?

At this time, Li Cha looked at the other party with awareness, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Uh, my lord." The other party came to his senses, took his gaze away from Bibi's head, and turned back to Richard to report, "My lord, General Sauron is here and he said he wanted to visit you, and he is already waiting in the reception room."

"Sauron is here again?" Li Cha couldn't help raising his eyebrows after listening.

Before the battle of Kasha City, Sauron visited him with his white-robed staff officer and asked him to contribute in the war, and he did what he said.

What do you want to come to him this time?

Could it be that he saw that he was doing a good job and wanted him to continue?

Then you must dispel the other party's idea.

After all, he didn't want to make any outstanding contributions in the war at all, he just wanted to paddle for fish and do his own research.

Thinking of this, Li Cha put away the scroll that recorded the content on the table, stood up, walked towards the garden gate, and said to the men assigned to him by the Soma Alliance: "Lead me to see General Sauron."


"That's right." Li Cha thought of something, stopped, turned his head to look at Bibi's head on the stone table, and reminded, "Stay here obediently by yourself, and don't move around or cause trouble except for eating. I'll come back to repair your body, you know?"

"Understood, blah blah." Bibi responded, a little impatiently, "You are too wordy, look at me now, can I do other things besides eating? blah blah."

"Okay." Li Cha shrugged, said nothing more, and walked out with his subordinates, while Bibi continued to eat non-stop on the table.

"Hey, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Why didn't I think of it before, I must try it in the future... well, I have to try... baah, baah..."

Bibi murmured.


Not long after, Li Cha, led by his subordinates, met General Sauron in the living room.

To Li Cha's surprise, General Sauron came by himself this time, without bringing anyone with him, including the white-robed Chief Staff Officer Kun Darcy who came with him last time.

But it was just a little surprise, without thinking about it, he stepped into the room and greeted Sauron: "General Sauron, hello."

Sauron was sipping tea at this time, took a sip and put it down, and responded with a smile: "Hello, Your Excellency Richard."

Seeing the other party's smile, Li Cha immediately raised his vigilance.

If you just heard that your subordinates informed the other party of their visit,

It was just a guess about the other party's purpose, but now looking at the other party's appearance, I feel that I have basically guessed it.

According to his understanding of Sauron, this guy usually doesn't know how to smile, and he is usually cold and repulsive. At the beginning, the other party lied to him to participate in the defense breakthrough battle, which kept him busy for a week, and his smile had never been so bright. This time it was definitely not a good thing.

With a high degree of vigilance, Li Cha looked at Sauron and spoke out. In order to prevent him from accidentally falling into the trap of the other party's language, he went straight to the point and said clearly: "General Sauron, what's the matter for coming to me this time? If you want to I am very willing to continue helping the army to do some things, but my body is too heavy to bear.

In the Kasha battle before, General Sauron may have seen it. I killed hundreds of Sika magic knights by flying into the air. It seemed easy, but I did it by overdrawing my life force. This caused me to be extremely weak and unable to recover in a short time. So, I'm really powerless to help. "

"Is it so serious?" Sauron called out, the surprised expression flashed across his face, he pondered for half a second, and said in a low voice: "In this case, it seems that Your Excellency Richard needs to rest for a long time. .”

"Yes, that's what I mean."

"Then, Your Excellency Richard, you can rest in peace. Don't worry about the military affairs. I will make proper arrangements and it will definitely not affect you."

"Then trouble General Sauron."

"No trouble, it should be. After all, His Excellency Richard, as the command advisor personally conferred by His Majesty the Emperor, is the core of the entire army. Some requirements should be satisfied unconditionally." Sauron said seriously, stood up while speaking, and walked out, "Okay, since Your Excellency Li Cha is not feeling well, I won't disturb you today. I hope Your Excellency Li Cha will have a good rest, and I will visit again when I have time in a few days."

After a quick farewell, Sauron walked out without any fuss and left the mansion.

Being so straightforward made Li Cha a little suspicious: Well, it was solved so easily? Did he make up a random reason to dispel Sauron's idea of ​​oppressing him? According to his previous expectation, he would have to confront Sauron several times.

Could it be that there is something in it that he doesn't know? After all...he didn't think that Sauron would be someone who would give up easily. Either, Sauron didn't really want to squeeze him, or Sauron didn't want to squeeze him at all, and he came today with another purpose.

In a word: this thing is not normal.

But he didn't bother to think about it anymore. No matter what the situation was, he wasn't going to participate, as long as he was doing his research well.

Since Sauron is willing to cooperate with him, he should thank him silently in his heart.

"Thank you very much."

Looking at the direction Sauron left, Li Cha said in his heart, turned and left the living room, and walked to the garden - where Bibi was still waiting for her to recover.


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