Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1314: The Doubtful Chief Staff Officer

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Sauron walked into the new command room in Kasha City.

After staying up for three days and nights, he quickly surrounded the staff officers and civilian staff who had made multiple sets of combat plans, and said to Sauron very positively: "General, we are all ready, and we can launch a new offensive at any time."

Before getting the head of Sika General Rundstede, Nat, the aristocratic staff officer who made great contributions, squeezed to the front and followed suit: "General, according to our information, after the Sika people lost their General Rundstede, Most of the army began to panic. In the other two directions outside Kasha City, their main force has already shown signs of retreating. And our army, according to your order, has been repaired in turn. Attacking while taking advantage of the situation, we will definitely gain No small fight."

"Yes, General, now is an excellent time to attack..." The others echoed.

Sauron patiently listened to everyone's words, and when everyone was quiet, he pursed his lips and made a sound: "Gentlemen, thank you for your hard work. Although this war was negotiated and commanded by His Excellency Richard, there was no You, there is absolutely no situation today. I am very grateful to you, and after the victory of this war, I will definitely personally ask for credit for all of you in front of His Majesty."

After a pause, Sauron changed his tone and said again: "But now I also have some bad news, I want to tell everyone, that is, I have discussed with His Excellency Richard these days, and I think that the army should not be too aggressive at present. The offensive is better, it is best to stay where you are and continue to repair."




Hearing what Sauron said, all the staff members showed surprise expressions, but they couldn't stop Sauron from continuing.

Sauron said: "Your Excellency Richard and I have unanimously decided that all troops will stay on the defensive and stand by. As long as the enemy does not take the initiative to attack, they will never attack. As for the battle plan you have formulated, sir, seal it up first, and execute it when you need it. "

After the staff officers heard this, they immediately exploded.

"General, general, how long are we going to stay put and stand by?"

"Yeah, General, why did we stop attacking? The situation is obviously good."

"General, we managed to take Kasha City with great difficulty. We can't waste this strategic advantage. We need to attack quickly. Otherwise, we will have no chance if the enemy reacts and adjusts."

"General, why did you discuss it with His Excellency Richard? I don't think this matter can be so absolute..."

"Okay, okay." Sauron raised his hand solemnly, pressed down, motioned for everyone to stop, and said seriously, "I know you gentlemen must be a little confused, but your Excellency Richard and I really have something to say. consider.

Moreover, the army will not go on defense without limit. When I discuss an opportunity with Your Excellency Richard, we will attack with all our strength. At that time, your plan will be used. "

After finishing speaking, Sauron turned around and left the command room without giving the staff and civilian staff a chance to continue speaking.

A group of people in the command post looked at Sauron's back, looking a little exciting. In particular, Nat, the noble staff officer, was holding a scroll in his hand. He was about to say something to Sauron. At this moment, he threw the scroll in the corner angrily, and walked towards the desk angrily.


Sauron's words made all the staff a little confused, but they were forced to bear it because of their identity.

After another three days of patience, they found that Sauron still insisted on letting the army stand by on defense. Some of them couldn't bear it anymore and went to Sauron collectively, begging Sauron to change his mind.

However, Sauron was unwavering and just let them carry out the military order.


In a blink of an eye, it was ten days after the Kasha City battle ended.

Kun Darcy, the always calm white-robed chief staff officer, couldn't help it anymore. He was not in the command room when Sauron announced the decision for the first time, and he didn't participate in the second time the staff members collectively "advised" him, thinking that Sauron must There are special considerations.

But it has been ten days since the battle ended, seeing that Sauron still hasn't changed in any way, Kun Darcy was puzzled,

Privately found Sauron who was patrolling the city wall.

"General, why don't you attack?" The white-robed staff officer was quite puzzled, and asked with a suppressed breath, "It has been ten days now, and our army has been repaired twice in turn, and all the supplies have been replenished." Qi, the broken Kasha City is almost repaired, all the attack conditions are met, and there is no reason to continue to stop.

Going on like this will only give the Sika people a chance to breathe, regroup their army, and eliminate the advantage we have gained for so long. "

At this time, Sauron stood at the northwest corner of Kasha City, looking at the northwest horizon, and didn't answer for a long time, as if he saw something extraordinary.

Half a minute later, Sauron turned around, glanced at the white-robed staff officer and said, "Mr. Kun, please calm down, trust me, I am more anxious than you. But the more it gets to this point, the more you have to be steady, Don't panic. There is definitely a reason for the result of my discussion with Your Excellency Richard, and it is precisely because of the special circumstances this time that we must be very cautious and wait for an extremely rare opportunity before attacking."

"Your Excellency Richard?" The white-robed staff officer blinked his eyes, as if confirming something, "Could it be that this decision is really the result of negotiation between you, General, and that lazy command consultant? It's not your own decision, General. Pull the other party out to cover up?"

"You think too much, this is indeed the result of my negotiation with that Sir Richard." Sauron said earnestly, not at all like lying, "That Sir Richard has indeed been lazy for a long time, but that's just When it doesn't matter. At the critical moment of the war, he will stand up after all. It was in the defense breakthrough battle before, and it is the same now.

After all, he is a command advisor personally conferred by His Majesty the Emperor, second only to me in status. If it is considered that His Majesty may have given him a secret order, if I disagree with him, I doubt that he may replace me and take full control of the army.

You said, such a character can really be lazy all the time? Your Majesty can tolerate it? Can those dignitaries in the parliament bear it? Can the nobles who have been paying attention to this war bear it? "

"This..." The white-robed staff officer hesitated for a moment, but was finally persuaded by Sauron, nodded his head lightly and said, "Okay."

"But..." the white-robed staff officer immediately followed up, "But General, what did you and His Excellency Richard consider before making the current decision? This made everyone, including me, feel uneasy. understand."

"This has to be kept secret for the time being, and it can only be made public when the time is right." Sauron said.


"I remember you suggested to me before that there might be spies in the command room. Although the search did not find out, I am still worried that it really exists. To prevent it, it must be kept secret."

"Okay." The white-robed staff officer understood and said no more.

"That's right." Sauron suddenly remembered something, looked at the white-robed staff officer and said, "I'm going to visit His Excellency Richard now, and continue to discuss some details of the battle plan. You can go back to the command room and press down on those staff officers. Don't make them crazy."

"I'll try my best." The white-robed staff officer smiled wryly.

"I believe in you." Sauron said, patted the shoulder of the white-robed staff officer, walked down the city wall, and walked towards the luxurious mansion arranged for Richard in the city.

Watching Sauron go away, the white-robed staff officer withdrew his gaze and looked northwest where Sauron was looking, trying to find the target Sauron was looking at, but there was nothing.

"General, what are I doing with that lazy command advisor... Why, I feel like I can't see through you all of a sudden..." After a while, the white-robed staff officer muttered to himself.


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