Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1315 The real purpose?

When the white-robed staff officer was standing on the city wall full of doubts, Li Cha sat in the living room of his mansion, looking at Sauron who came to visit alone again, with a somewhat complicated expression.

Why do you say again?

Because counting from the end of the Kasha City battle, it took a total of ten days, and this was the fourth time Sauron had come.

It's understandable that I barely talked about things for the first time.

The second time was a bit strange, saying it was to visit the patient.

Visiting sick? No wonder!

Li Cha believed that Sauron was absolutely not stupid, and knew that he said that he was unwell was just an excuse. Since the other party agreed, even if a consensus was reached to a certain extent, there would be a tacit understanding not to expose it.

But the other party didn't, and really came to visit the patient.

In desperation, he had no choice but to cooperate with the other party, pretending to be weak, chat with the other party, and send the other party away.

A few days after sending him off, the other party visited for the third time.

During the visit, Li Cha was pulling Bibi to do a new spell test. He was quite upset when he was interrupted, but he still received the other party, wanting to see what the other party wanted to do.

But the other party did not reveal their tone at all. Instead of the indifference before the battle of Kasha City, they continued to talk about various trivial matters with a friend-like goodwill, but they did not talk about the military.

After talking, smile goodbye and leave.

Just when he thought the matter was only three and finally over, the other party started the fourth visit.

Fourth visit!

Li Cha looked at Sauron who was seriously sipping tea in the living room, and really wanted to ask him: General, why are you so idle? You are so idle, does the alliance emperor know, isn't he afraid that the emperor will be angry? Being idle by yourself was allowed in the original agreement. If you are so idle, you are afraid that you will be punished.

General, you look so lazy now, which makes me very suspicious that you are suspected of collaborating with the enemy. Are you a Sika spy? Was it because of his identity that he fought so hard in the early stage, but now seeing that Sika is too miserable, he would rather expose his identity than prepare to paddle?

After looking at Sauron with a complicated expression for a long time, Li Cha finally asked: "General, what is the reason for your visit this time?"

"Actually, it's nothing. I just came to see if His Excellency Richard's condition is getting better." Sauron said lightly.

Li Cha's face was rosy, and he said without changing his expression: "I'm afraid not, because the overdraft of vitality before has not recovered until now."

"That's it... It seems that your face is indeed very pale." Sauron nodded in agreement, "Then Richard, you should go to rest, you can do other things, you don't need to stay here with me, I'll just sit for a while and go straight ahead."

"Wouldn't that be a little rude?"

"If this is all impolite, wouldn't it be even more impolite for me to interrupt frequently?" Sauron asked with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave first." Li Cha was not polite, turned his head to look at the servant next to him, and ordered, "Greetings, General Sauron."


Nodding to Sauron, it was farewell, and Li Cha walked out the door without any fuss.

Walking outside the door, he walked towards the garden with an unconcealable puzzled look on his face.

He was very puzzled at this moment, wondering what Sauron wanted to do.

Judging from Sauron's appearance and conversation, they were not aimed at him. It was not like the purpose of tricking him into continuing to serve the army, but more like just a cover.

In other words, the other party's "coming here" is not the purpose, but "acting as if they are here" is the purpose.

But hidden under this purpose, what is the real reason? What exactly is the other party plotting?


Li Cha frowned deeply.

As time passed, Sauron visited again and again, and Richard heard some rumors from the outside - although he has always only paid attention to his own research, it does not mean that his news is completely blocked. As a second-in-command in the army, he should pay attention. A lot of information was collected.

First of all, after the battle of Kasha City, Sauron ordered the army to stop advancing completely, and put the whole line into a defensive state, constantly repairing and training, but not attacking.

The reason why Sauron issued this order is said to be the result of discussions with him, that is, to attribute half of the responsibility to him.

This caused him, who had been out of the public eye, to return to the spotlight, making others think that he really had the influence not to lose to Sauron, and could decide the direction of the army and the war. Therefore, many people began to try to visit him, but out of unwillingness to trouble him, except for Sauron, a "stubborn" who couldn't refuse, the rest were turned away by him.

In addition, he also learned that when Sauron ordered the army to defend across the board, the war did not come to a complete standstill, and the army actually had many unexpected victories: most of them were the Sika army's unbearable attempt to counterattack, but they were defeated. The suffocating alliance army was defeated.

Afterwards, he heard that because of the alliance's sudden policy change, the Sika side became a little subtle. Originally, if the alliance pressed harder and harder, it would inevitably force Sika to squeeze out the last bit of national power to fight against the alliance, and it would never end. However, the alliance's stop made the atmosphere of the war relax, and many Sika forces began to make small moves.

First of all, the Sika royal family began to have differences between the main war faction and the main peace faction. The main combat faction naturally insisted on not surrendering or compromising, and wanted to fight for all forces to beat the alliance's troops back to their hometowns. The peace faction believes that it is necessary to recognize the reality-the Sika army is not as good as the alliance army. Instead of continuing to struggle and being wiped out, it is better to seize the opportunity to negotiate peace with the alliance while still having a certain strength. This may lose a lot of benefits, but it can survive. Develop silently, there is no chance of revival in the future.

In addition to the official power of the Sika royal family, some suppressed forces are also ready to move, such as the trade unions formed by some wealthy but statusless businessmen, such as the lower-level nobles, who believe that they have been losing battles, and the current officials of the Sika Kingdom are corrupt. Incompetence matters. If this situation does not change, it will continue to lose. They strongly demanded the restructuring, cleared out a group of Sika moth officials, and let the new forces represented by them appear, which would definitely reverse the state of the kingdom.

However, some rebel forces are more radical, saying that the reason for the defeat lies in the current stupidity of the entire royal family, and that the entire royal family must be thoroughly cleaned up so that a truly capable person can ascend to the throne in order to turn defeat into victory for Sika. Among them, the one who chanted the loudest slogan was Jasmine, the Blood Princess Jasmine, who went on an adventure together with Li Cha and returned to the Sika Kingdom with a huge amount of wealth.

To sum it up, Sauron stopped the alliance army and stabilized the front line, which led to more confusion on Sika's side.

Could this be Sauron's real purpose, to make Sika collapse without a fight?

Li Cha couldn't help guessing, but quickly denied the idea.

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