Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1316 The Time Is Near

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Li Cha shook his head in his heart, thinking that the speculation was unrealistic.

It's not that Sauron couldn't think of this, but even if he thought of it, the result would be difficult to control, and he wouldn't really choose to do so.

After all, the Kingdom of Sika is a big country, and its domestic situation is very complicated, especially in the face of great enemies and the possibility of national subjugation, everything is possible. Maybe it will get worse, but maybe it will become more consistent. If it is the latter, such a long delay will definitely give the other party a chance to breathe, leading to a change in the war that would have been won.

And this is absolutely not what Sauron wants.

So what is going on?

Confused, Li Cha heard a report from his subordinates, and someone came to visit him, and his identity was different from others, saying that he was his friend.

his friends?

With doubts, Li Cha met with the visitor, and only then did he know who it was.

It turned out to be Jasmine's subordinates.

One was the limping female wizard Su. He remembered that the other party was very good at wind spells. Although she was missing a leg, she could run faster than a wizard with two healthy legs.

The other is a one-eyed dragon with only one eye. He is good at fire spells and wears the same iconic red robe as before. It is hard not to recognize him.

I met the two people in the living room, briefly asked about the purpose of the visit, and the other party told me frankly that I wanted to win his support.

As the blood princess, Jasmine is currently a very powerful rebel force in the Sika Kingdom, and she really wants to overthrow the current royal family's rule and establish a new kingdom. This point, and the current alliance, there are some places where we can cooperate.

Jasmine sent two people because she already knew that he was the second-in-command of the alliance army—the command consultant, so she wanted to get a word from him and figure out what the alliance wanted to do next. If possible, on the premise of not destroying the Kingdom of Sika, we are willing to cooperate.

But the problem is, he doesn't even know what the alliance wants to do next, how can he disclose it to the other party?

Helplessly, he sent the other party away politely, saying that it is not the time for cooperation yet, and when the time comes, he will take the initiative to contact the other party.

After sending off Jasmine's men, Li Cha became really curious about Sauron's actions.

He could guess that Sauron's recent frequent visits to him and ordering the army to stop must be a conspiracy. And this conspiracy is definitely not as simple as it can be guessed casually, otherwise it would not be worthwhile to let Sauron, the commander of the army, perform in person, and also include him.

If there is no accident, it is very likely that this conspiracy was formulated at the beginning of the war. It was a foreshadowing when Oscar proposed the condition to let him become the command consultant of the army.

After all, according to common sense, no country would directly appoint a person of no status to let the other party become the second in command of the army and entrust the fate of a country to him.

In doing so, it can only be said that the plot is very big, and they are willing to pay a certain price and risk for this.

At first, he wanted to find out the truth, but to no avail.

Now, he didn't look for the truth, but the result was revealed little by little.

So what could it be?

Next, Sauron continued to visit, and Li Cha no longer blindly let the other party drink tea alone in the living room, if he was not busy with research, he would also chat with the other party for a while.

He didn't think that Sauron would really tell him the secret, but he just wanted to learn from the side of the conversation how far he was from revealing everything.

If it doesn't work, it's time to make friends with Sauron.

In this way, he and Sauron really got to know each other, and the "friendliness" increased.

Slowly, when Sauron visits again, he will bring some homemade petal tea to share—from this point of view, the other party is indeed not used to drinking the barley tea that has been brewed for the other party—only out of face, he refrained from not drinking it. Saying it out, but also pretending to savor it carefully, it was really hard work.

Slowly, Sauron also became interested in the graduate students that Richard had been coming to, and Richard did not hide his secrets—in his opinion,

Even if you teach the other party hand in hand, you don't think the other party can learn it—invite the other party to watch the latest spell test several times.

In the garden used as a testing ground for external spells, Sauron witnessed Bibi being ravaged again and again, and after being ravaged, she could only get a piece of bread, a small bottle of wine or a little other food as rewards.

Sauron said euphemistically with some embarrassment: Isn't this kind of method a bit too inhumane and too stingy? If the economy is really insufficient, the army can provide resources to feed this poor girl before being beaten... After all, even if the heinous criminal is beheaded, he still needs to have a full meal, right?

Of course, Sauron just expressed it euphemistically, and more energy should be focused on the effects of Richard's spells. As an ordinary person without extraordinary power, he can't give any insights from the perspective of a wizard, but he still gave a high evaluation of the application of Richard's "extraordinary cohesion" and "blood power extraordinary factor binding force", thinking that the combination of the two , is simply an excellent cage.

"The test was really successful. It's not just as simple as a cage." Li Cha said.

"What could that be?" Sauron asked curiously.

Li Cha smiled mysteriously: "This is going to be kept a secret, just like you haven't told me why you used my name to deceive your staff, and I won't tell you what the ultimate effect of my magic concept is."

"Okay." Sauron spread his hands helplessly, paused, and said again, "Actually, it's not impossible for me to tell you the reason, but the time has not yet come. When the time comes, I think you will understand everything without telling you. "

"I?!" Li Cha raised his eyebrows, feeling that the other party was perfunctory to him, a bit like he was perfunctory to Jasmine's subordinates, but it cannot be denied that the other party really knew the inside story, so he asked, "Then when will it be time?"

"Soon, soon." Sauron said.

In this way, time passed day by day.

In a blink of an eye, it was already one month after the Battle of Kasha City.

During this month, many things have happened and many changes have taken place.

For example, the alliance mobilized many second-line troops from the country to station in the occupied area to maintain order and consolidate public security. In the Kingdom of Sika, Blood Princess Jasmine formally rebelled, raised a banner, and gathered many people to oppose the royal family.

But from a large perspective, the changes are actually not that big.

Although the alliance has mobilized many second-line troops, the Sika people in the occupied area still have extremely low loyalty, and the chaos has not been alleviated much, and only the superficial order can be maintained. And Blood Princess Jasmine's official rebellion only caused a little disturbance in the Kingdom of Sika. The people who gathered together couldn't compete with Sika's army, and the Sika army didn't have much energy to pay attention to Blood Princess Jasmine. Confront the Alliance army on the defensive.

During the confrontation between the armies of the two countries, on an ordinary afternoon, Sauron visited Richard again.

But this time Sauron didn't go to the living room to taste tea, but went straight into the garden and found Richard who was testing the spell.

Looking at Sauron with a serious expression on his face, Li Cha raised his eyebrows, feeling a little abnormal, and asked with some guesswork: "Could it be... today is a special day?"

"Yes, today is a special day." Sauron said sternly, "Your Excellency Richard, I have disturbed you for a while. If there is no accident, today may be the last time I visit you."

"So... the time you said, has it come?" Li Cha narrowed his eyes.

"No, not yet." Sauron shook his head, then changed his tone, "'s very close, very close..."

"Okay, I'll visit you again if I have a chance in the future." Suo Renlisuo said goodbye, and walked out of the garden without looking back, saying as he walked, "If you have time, you can pay attention to it these few days. The movement in the street, and also taking care of your own safety—well, that's all I can say, goodbye."

After saying the last word, Sauron's figure disappeared outside the garden gate.

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