Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1323 It's you!

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The long-haired woman looked at the man, gritted her teeth, and her anger erupted like a volcano. She was very unwilling to be teased and imprisoned like this.

She forcibly calmed down and carefully felt the source of resistance. The next moment she turned her head to look, she found that her left arm was entwined with many thin translucent red energy threads—it was this thin thread that prevented her from leaving the house.

It turned out to be nothing more than that.

The long-haired woman sneered disdainfully after seeing it clearly. The next moment her eyes sharpened, she swung her right hand, and a golden light hit her left arm. The entire arm broke off at the shoulder, and fell to the ground with a "bang".

The woman felt the resistance until it disappeared, her eyebrows relaxed, and she didn't care about the injury of the broken arm at all, and continued to rush towards the man beside the stone table.

But within a few meters, new resistance appeared and stopped her again.

Stopping, the woman observed and felt carefully, her complexion became ugly, because she found translucent light green energy thin lines around her body, and these energy thin lines connected to various parts of her body, as if directly locking her vitality.

In other words, unless she dies and loses all her vitality, she will continue to be bound by this thin energy thread and cannot leave.

Do you really want to be imprisoned in this place forever?

The woman clenched her teeth deeply into her lips, and stared at the man at the stone table without giving up. With a wave of his right hand, it condensed into an ice pick, held it firmly, and stabbed mercilessly at his lower abdomen.

"Puff puff!"

In a second, he stabbed several times, as if he was not himself at all.

And doing so, the effect is obvious, with a lot of blood pouring out, the woman's body became extremely weak, her vitality plummeted, she was almost on the verge of death, and the thin light green energy line was also reduced by more than half.

How can you stop me? !

The woman shouted in her heart, exerted her strength again, and rushed towards the man beside the stone table.

At the same time, his right hand clenched his fist and blasted out, the purple light on the surface of the fist was condensed, like a cannonball made of energy, full of power.

But when she rushed to a place less than two meters in front of the man, she trembled uncontrollably. She felt that there was an invisible chain buried deep in her body, which she unintentionally pulled out, along with the soul attached to the end of the chain.


The woman's body seemed to be struck by lightning, her steps stopped suddenly, her eyes widened to the maximum, she stared at the man beside the stone table for several seconds, and finally fell to the ground with a "plop", losing all consciousness.

"Shushasha... The subject used self-mutilation to break through the restraints of the body and vitality..."

"Shushasha... After the test subject broke through the above two constraints, he tried to continue to break through, and the soul bondage appeared... It may be because his own soul power is too weak. The test subject fell into a coma without struggling this time. From this aspect, we can learn Come to the following conclusions..."


The man at the stone table kept writing, and it took a while before he stopped.

He left the stone table, walked up to the unconscious long-haired woman, squatted down, checked her body, and then returned to the stone table to start writing again.

"Shushasha... The experimental subject is currently on the verge of death, his pulse has dropped to a dangerous value, his brain has lost his autonomous consciousness, and only a weak pupillary reflex remains..."

After writing for a while, the man walked back to the woman, checked it, and then returned to continue writing.

After so many times, it's over.

After a few minutes, the man finally put down his pen. This time he walked up to the woman, pulled her up, fed some pink liquid of unknown composition into the woman's mouth, and then started to give her simple treatment.

While he was being treated, the man murmured: "Don't die so easily, after all, there are still many items that have not been completed in this test... You have to persevere... Come on..."

It took more than ten minutes, the man was treated and the woman got better. Then the man carried the woman and threw it back into the house. By the way, he turned his head and suggested to the three Sika spies: "By the way, do you want to... try to cooperate with my test?"

The three Sika spies shook their heads frantically,

They were clearly wizards, but at this moment they felt extremely helpless, and they didn't have any thought of attacking the man.

The man looked at it, let out a sigh of disappointment, but didn't say anything more, walked out of the room, sat down at the stone table again and waited.


A long time passed.

It may be that the drug injected had an effect. The severely injured woman woke up, and then found out what happened to her after she was unconscious from the three Sika spies, and looked at the man outside the door with some complicated eyes.

"You imprisoned me, but you rescued me?"

"No thanks, I just want to complete the test." The man beside the stone table explained slowly, "By the way, let me praise you, you are more cooperative than the other three, I should thank you.

Alright, you're almost back in shape, ready to test again? Of course, for you, it might just be trying to break free and come to me and kill me. However, all the same. "

After listening to the words, the woman was stunned for a few seconds and didn't speak. She looked at the man at the stone table, as if she was looking at a non-human creature.

After a few seconds, the woman asked with a broken expression, "Who are you? Don't let me guess, I want to know your real name!"

"My name?" The man at the stone table showed some doubts, and asked in confirmation, "You really don't know who I am?"

"Of course I don't know."

"So, you didn't come after me this time?" the man asked aloud, then nodded, and muttered to himself, "That's right, if you really came after me, it definitely wouldn't be just you guys." There are so many people, you should just come here to simply steal information. Well, let me introduce myself, my name is Li Cha, if the time is pushed back a year, we are still colleagues."

After hearing this, the long-haired woman couldn't help taking a step back, her breathing was a little stagnant: "You are Richard!"

"Yes, I am Li Cha!"

"You ruined Pompey?" The long-haired woman obviously knew what Li Cha had done—although she hadn't seen it, she had heard about it. She reacted from the shock at this time, and the first thing she did was to cover her face. Angrily questioning the wound on his abdomen.

"Yes, I ruined Pompey." Richard nodded without denying it.

"You betrayed us?" the long-haired woman continued to question.

"It's not a betrayal, after all, I never really joined you from the beginning." Li Cha corrected.

"You colluded with the Alliance people?" The long-haired woman's eyes turned red.

"The collusion has gone too far, at most it's cooperation." Li Cha defended.

"In any case, this time you are preparing to unite with the alliance members and completely wipe out our Truth Society, right? How bold!" the long-haired woman shouted.

Li Cha was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and didn't answer for a while: "Is this..."

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