Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1324: The Beginning

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Facing the "judgment" words of the long-haired woman, Li Cha couldn't help but think of something.

Speaking of it, he has always had doubts about why he participated in the national war between the Alliance and Sika, and why he became the second-in-command of the Alliance Army-the command consultant, and he has been looking for answers.

Now, from the words of the long-haired woman, I got some information.

According to the long-haired woman, the Truth Society had already speculated about his current situation, that is, he believed that he was cooperating with the Alliance and trying to eliminate the Truth Society.

Logically, this makes sense.

Excluding what he did on the east coast, the Truth may not know about it. Regarding his destruction of Pompey, the Truth will absolutely know, and the destruction of many branches of the Southern Freedom Federation and the death of the Chief of the Colored Ring have a high probability. Count it on him.

Speaking of which, he is now full of the hatred of the Truth Society, and he is the number one enemy of the Truth Society.

An existence like him suddenly became the command advisor of the alliance, possessed the right to control the army, and launched a decisive battle with the Kingdom of Sika, constantly rushing into the depths of Sika. No matter how you look at it, it looks like he is here to deal with the Truth Society—you know, the Truth The headquarters of the society is somewhere in the Kingdom of Sika.

Speaking of which... the purpose of the alliance is not to target Sika, but to target the Truth Society?

No no no.

Thinking about it, Li Cha shook his head quickly in his heart.

Such reasoning is flawed.

Yes, there are loopholes.

If the alliance is really aimed at targeting the Pravda Society, then he should not be placed in a high position, at least not so obvious that everyone knows it. This is almost directly informing the Truth Society and making the Truth Society vigilant, and it is bound to fail to achieve the desired effect.

So the purpose of the alliance is to attack the East and the West, on the surface to deal with the Truth Society, but actually to deal with the Sika Kingdom?

That's even more unreasonable.

Because what the Alliance Emperor announced at the beginning was to launch a national war against the Kingdom of Sika, and the army of the Kingdom of Sika was also being wiped out all the time. You can’t think that people in the entire continent are blind and can’t see all this, right?

What is the real idea of ​​the alliance?

According to Sauron's previous behavior, it can be speculated that all of this is definitely not a whim, but a complete plan, and this plan will be implemented soon.

Li Cha rubbed his eyebrows and kept diverging his thoughts, but no matter how divergent, he always felt that he could not get a 100% reasonable explanation.

There are still too few clues... Li Cha couldn't help but sigh in his heart... With so few clues, he can only make the most basic reasoning at best:

First of all, the alliance made him a command consultant and gave him a lot of resource exchanges, so he definitely has an attempt.

Secondly, the Truth Society believes that he cooperated with the alliance this time to target the Truth Society—at least the members of the Truth Society think so. Seriously, if Truth didn't think he was protected by a large army and his strength was unpredictable, he might have assembled a team to kill him instead of sending big cats and kittens two or three times to steal information.

In this case... If the alliance really has a complete plan, it is likely that the truth will be deliberately made to think this way, that is, let him be in the bright side and fill the truth with hatred.

As for what to do next, it remains to be seen.

to be observed……

Li Cha stopped his thinking, looked at the long-haired woman, and said slowly: "You said, I cooperated with the alliance to deal with you? Actually, to be honest, I didn't think so. Alliance cooperation, just to get something."

"You think I will believe your nonsense!" The long-haired woman shouted, "Tell you, don't try to deceive me. You can't deceive me, and you can't deceive the organization. Sooner or later, the organization will give you the punishment you deserve as a traitor. And Don't even think about using me to test anything, because based on what you do, will the truth compromise with you in any way! Go to hell!"

After speaking, the long-haired woman's face turned red, and a strong energy reaction appeared in her body. The air in the room fluctuated at first, and then suddenly turned into a strong wind.

The three Sika spies were knocked against the wall by the strong wind and passed out before they could react.

The energy response in the long-haired woman's body continued to increase, and she was about to explode.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows and quickly stopped. With a wave of his hand, the air surged, and an invisible palm was condensed in the house, and it slashed at the back of the woman's neck.

The woman noticed something and quickly turned around to dodge, but only halfway around, she was hit - because Li Cha's condensed invisible hand was not just one.


The woman was hit on the back of the neck and fell straight to the ground. The energy reaction in her body quickly dissipated, and her attempt to commit suicide was aborted.

Li Cha glanced at the woman and shook his head slightly.

Afterwards, he looked away, looked at the papyrus with dozens of lines written on it, and said with a little regret: "At best, this test has only completed a small half of the items. It seems that the test subjects do not cooperate. It is really difficult. The remaining items can only Find Bibi to solve it.

However, having said that, although the project has not been fully completed, there are gains and losses after learning some information about the Truth Society, clearing up some fog, and figuring out the purpose of some alliances. Next, just quietly watch the alliance in action. I don't know what the alliance will do..."

Li Cha was talking, but the next moment he heard footsteps behind him, he turned his head and saw Bibi walking over.

At this time, Bibi was holding a piece of bread in her hand, dipped in a strange sauce, and kept gnawing on it, her expression seemed to have something to say—but maybe the bread was too delicious, and she was going to finish eating the bread before talking.

Li Cha looked at it for several seconds, and couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter?"

"Well, Gudong!" Bibi swallowed hard the food in her mouth, and finally made a sound, reminding, "Someone broke in again."

"Someone broke in again?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows with a slightly displeased expression.

Why, he used his mansion as a public toilet, and anyone wants to come?

He let go of his perception, quickly sensed it, and turned his head to look at Bibi after a few seconds, but he showed a contemplative expression, shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be someone who broke in, but someone who walked in openly, maybe... a member of the army .”

"Really?" Bibi swallowed another mouthful of bread, and said with a bit of surprise, "Maybe I accidentally misread it, so I'll take another look?"

"No, they're already here," Richard said.

"Huh? Hi-hiccup!"

Sure enough, shortly after Li Cha finished speaking, there was the sound of a large group of people's footsteps, and a servant led a group of fully armed knights in magic costumes.

The servant took a few steps ahead, walked up to Li Cha, and complained in a low voice: "My lord, they are sent by General Sauron. I originally wanted them to wait a while before reporting to you. But they said that the military situation is urgent. , insist on following me to see you."

"Is that so, okay." Li Cha responded without paying too much attention, and looked at the team leader who was approaching.

After a few glances, he recognized the other party—the commander who came was the captain of one of the two magic knight squads that supported the Chinese army on the left wing during the battle of Kasha City—speaking of which, the other party was also Sauron's A confidant, that's why he can be left behind.

Just don't know what's going on with the other party.

At this time, the other party stopped a few meters away, hammered his left chest with his right hand, performed a standard military salute, and said: "Your Excellency Richard, I am sorry to bother you so late. However, Kasha City tonight Invaded by enemy spies on a large scale, we managed to capture most of the spies.

For the sake of safety, General Sauron specially sent us to your mansion to understand the situation. If there are spies, please help arrest them. If your Excellency Richard has already captured them, please pass them on to us and let us take them away. We will imprison them in the dungeon and interrogate them together. By the way, this is the general's warrant, please read it. "

After speaking, the other party respectfully handed out a token engraved with magic patterns, which was indeed not fake.

Li Cha took the token, glanced at it, nodded and returned it to the other party, but he didn't have much opinion.

Anyway, the four spies, including a member of the Truth Society, seem to have a high probability of not cooperating with his test after being rescued, so they might as well hand it over to Sauron to save time and effort.

"Okay, people are in the house, you follow the order." Li Cha waved his hand towards the room, contacted the restraint, and he thought of something in the middle of talking, and paused, "But you probably can't get it." It’s gone, after all, they are all unconscious, so they can be carried away. By the way, when you carry it away, don’t forget that arm is also the spy’s.”

"Yes, I understand." The captain of the magic knight responded, trying not to make a weird expression on his face, waved his hand, and let his subordinates rush into the room, and quickly left with the spy.

Li Cha watched the crowd of magic knights go away, narrowed his eyes, and said thoughtfully: "The enemy spies have invaded on a large scale, and they can respond so quickly, probably because they have already prepared. In this case, the real The hidden plan has begun. Well, it should be..."

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