Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1325 Termination of Cooperation

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While Li Cha was thinking, the knight in magic costume went further and further away, carrying the unconscious spy through the command room in Kasha City to the prison.

In the command room, the on-duty consultants and civilian staff showed curiosity when they saw the magic knight passing by—before, they were so busy that they didn't even have time to sleep, and they were absolutely in no mood to explore such irrelevant matters. However, there has been no military action in the past month. Dozens of battle plans have been made and all of them have been shelved. They are extremely bored, so even a trivial matter can arouse their interest.

"Who is this arresting?" A consultant asked aloud.

"It should be spies." A consultant who heard some news replied, "I heard that Sika spies have infiltrated on a large scale tonight, but we have taken strict precautions to prevent them from benefiting."

"Very good! Those Sikas who are looking for death, this is what they deserve - we have already saved face by not going to trouble them, and they are trying to infiltrate us?"

"Perhaps it is because we have been standing still and they can't figure out the reason, so they have no choice but to try to investigate."

"Then it would be a ghost if the investigation comes out. We don't know what's going on. It's been so long. The general keeps saying prepare, prepare, prepare again. I don't know when the preparation will be finished."

"No way, who told us that we are only staff officers and have no military power. Therefore, let's continue to make plans honestly. Maybe one day General Sauron suddenly orders an all-out attack and it can be used."

"I wish..."

A group of staff and civilian staff discussed and discussed for a while.

In the corner, Nat, the aristocratic staff officer, listened to this, and looked at the open space where the magic knights walked outside the command room, frowning slightly, as if he was thinking about something.


At this time, the door of the command room was suddenly pushed open. Not long ago, the knight in magic suit who was escorting the spy passed by. After sending them away, he returned from the prison, walked in seriously, and asked aloud, "Who is Staff Nat?"

"Ah?" Nat was taken aback, and said in surprise, "I am, why... is there something wrong?"

The captain of the magic knight approached, gave a military salute and said, "General Sauron is looking for you and has something to ask."

"Looking for me?" Nat became even more surprised, "The general is looking for me, what do you want to ask?"

"I don't know." The captain of the magic knight responded with a cold tone, "Besides, this is a military order, and I can't tell you if I know it."

"All right……"

"Then, please!" The captain of the magic knight made a gesture of invitation.

Nat felt that the eyes of everyone in the room were focused on him, and his face changed, but there was really no reason to refuse, so he pursed his lips and said, "Okay."

After speaking, he stepped out with the magic knight and disappeared outside the door.

As soon as Nat and the magic knight left, the staff members and civil servants in the door immediately exploded. They continued to discuss, and the intensity was several times higher than before. They wondered why Nat was called away by Sauron. You must know that this month During the period, the number of times Sauron came to the command room was very few, and few people summoned alone.

This is definitely something big happening.

The more people discussed, the more excited they became, and the command room suddenly turned into a chicken farm.

The white-robed staff officer couldn't stand it any longer and came forward.

"Quiet!" As the chief staff officer, Kun Darcy in a white robe shouted, pressed his hands down, and said in a deep voice, "Gentlemen, please pay attention to your etiquette, this is the command room, and It's not a market or a tavern. The general just summoned a staff officer, please don't make a fuss. I know you are curious, but please restrain yourself!"

After speaking, the white-robed staff officer looked around at the people in the command room with extremely serious eyes.

The group of people staying in the room were slightly taken aback, lowered their heads, and stopped talking—but only for a short while, and after a few minutes, they whispered again—curiosity made them unable to restrain themselves, but they did not Dare to be as loud as before.

The white-robed staff officer was also a little helpless in the face of this situation,

After all, although he is the chief staff officer, his actual status is only half a rank higher than the other staff officers, and he has no management power.

But he didn't care too much, because he was more curious about what just happened than the rest.

Squinting his eyes and looking outside the command room, he was thoughtful in connection with many previous things.

The night outside the door is getting deeper and deeper.


In the middle of the night.

When the night sky, which seemed to be soaked in ink, almost fell to the ground, there was movement in the field outside Kasha City.

A black shadow appeared, stood beside a dead tree and looked around vigilantly. After a while, he saw a gray-robed man flying towards him and landed beside him.

Heiying didn't say anything, out of anxiety, he asked the gray-robed man directly, "How's the situation?"

"Very bad." The gray-robed man replied.

"It's bad?!" Sombra was taken aback, and quickly asked, "How bad is it?"

"The whole operation failed. Most of your people, our people, were captured, and only a very few escaped."

"You!" Heiying stared, and his tone became angry, "This is completely different from what you promised at the beginning—you clearly said that there will be an explanation within two days, is this what you call an explanation?"

"I know, it's something wrong with us." The gray-robed man did not argue, and his tone was calm, "But war, there are many accidents. I really didn't expect that the alliance would not relax during the period when it stopped attacking. On the contrary, vigilance was raised, which led to the failure of this infiltration operation.

With this failure, however, comes experience. I have already learned about the distribution of the alliance's forces. In the next operation, I can definitely bypass the defense, successfully obtain the desired information, and help you Sika to turn the situation around. "

Soi Ying did not choose to trust the gray-robed man lightly. He sneered and said sarcastically, "Then what if it fails next time? Do you want to take the third action? If you fail the third action, do you want to take the fourth action? I don't know." I know what you think of us Xika people, but I regard them as compatriots, not disposable consumables. You asked our people to cooperate with you this time, but failed. Do you know how much sacrifice we have made?

Enough has been sacrificed, we don't want to continue like this. In other words, this action is a turning point. We have reached a consensus that if there is another problem this time, we will no longer be at your mercy. As I said to you two days ago: we can't see hope in this way, so let's change the way.

Sika people are not inflexible antiques, if there are, they are only a handful. The rest of us have agreed to get rid of you and deal with the Alliance on our own terms. So, from now on, you go your way and we go our way. Of course, before that, you have to find a way to rescue our captured operatives—because you owe us this! "

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