Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1326 White robe, white robe!

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"Say it again?!" After hearing Soi Ying's words, the gray-robed man's gaze sharpened sharply, "You mean, not only do you want to stop cooperating with us, but you also want me to rescue your people?"

"Yes, that's what we mean." Heiying said coldly, "We have long had enough of your aloof and mysterious behavior, we have never been able to figure out your intentions, so we have always doubted your real purpose. Maybe you didn't want us to win this war at all, but just made a disguise so that we would die willingly. Otherwise, our situation in Sika would not be so bad, and this war would not even break out.

Well, let’s stop here, we don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore, the person who rescued us, our cooperation is completely over. "

The gray-robed man pursed his lips and let out a chuckle: "It's really interesting! You're all going to sever cooperation with us, and you're still trying to get me to rescue your people? Why?!"

"You want to know the reason, well, let me tell you." The black shadow looked directly at the gray-robed man, "The reason is very simple, because among our personnel participating in the operation, there is a person similar to me-he knows your true identity, and There is strong evidence. So if you don’t rescue our person, he will definitely confess when he is interrogated, then you will either escape or die without a whole body, in short, you will not be safe.”

Speaking of this, Heiying snorted coldly, and said in a protesting voice: "Do you really think that we Sika people are stupid and will be at your mercy, dying like tools without any value? Overthinking, our Sika Kingdom It is not useless to be the oldest country on the entire continent, the Sika people are much smarter than you think!"

Hearing Soi Ying's words, the gray-robed man fell silent. After a while, he raised his head and stared at Soi Ying, his eyes became cold and sharp.

Soi Ying realized something, but he was not afraid, and instead laughed provocatively: "Oh, why, you want to kill me? Yes, you must be very angry now and want to kill me to vent your anger. But there is one problem, I hope you think it through clearly Li: You killed me, how can you be sure who the person who knows your identity is? So, as long as you don't cooperate and kill me, your identity will definitely be exposed!"

"Maybe..." the gray-robed man said in a serious tone, opening his mouth to reveal his white teeth like knives, "Maybe it's what you think. But maybe, things don't need to be so complicated. Yes, I really don't know if I kill you Who is that person? But it doesn't matter, after I kill you, I will go and kill all of your arrested people.

Rescuing them all is difficult, but killing them all is much easier. Besides, you guessed right, I am really angry now, you have abandoned us, then you are our enemies. As for the enemy, we must destroy them. "

After saying that, the man in gray robe shot without any hesitation, and grabbed the black shadow's neck.

The black shadow's face changed, and he reacted extremely quickly, retreating quickly, waving his hands and releasing fireballs and acid balls, trying to stop the gray-robed man.

The gray-robed man snorted coldly, changed direction quickly, narrowly escaped the multiple attacks of the black shadow, and successfully approached the black shadow. Then he grabbed the black shadow by the neck, and with a "bang", he pressed the black shadow to the ground.

The shadow struggled violently and resisted, but the next second his body became numb and lost the ability to move.

It can be seen that the blood vessels under Sombra's skin protrude and quickly turn gray, and finally the whole skin is stained with a layer of gray, as if petrified.

The black shadow trembled and stared at the gray-robed man with rounded eyes, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't offset the huge gap in strength—it was only at this moment that he realized that the gray-robed man's strength was much, much higher than he had guessed.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The gray-robed man kept pinching the black shadow's neck, and the black shadow began to suffocate.

At this time, the gray-robed man said coldly: "Now I can give you a chance to live: if you take back what you just said and persuade your people to continue to cooperate with us, then I will let you live."

"Don't think about it!" Hei Ying's eyes almost protruded from their sockets.

He didn't give in, and gritted his teeth, "The Sika people... are not cowards!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole body of the black shadow suddenly swelled up. Before the gray-robed man could react, a red light flashed and exploded.

"Damn it!"

The gray-robed man scolded, and retreated quickly, trying to avoid it after all. He saw that the gray robe he was wearing was affected by the power of the explosion, and one sleeve was shattered, revealing the sleeve of another long robe underneath—the color was pure white.

Taking off the damaged gray robe, the man in the white robe cast a hard look at the place where the black shadow blew himself up, and said nothing - after all, even if you talk to a dead person, the other party can't hear you.

With an ugly face, he let out a breath, stepped on the ground, and flew towards Kasha City, and his body merged into the vast night for a while.


Time is passing fast.

The night slowly fades away, and the sun appears in the east.

In Kasha City, Richard's residence.

Li Cha got up very early, or didn't sleep all night - because of interruptions before, he "leaved customs" early, and some small details were not dealt with properly. After a night, they were finally perfected.

Li Cha appeared in the courtyard of his residence, glanced at the white fish belly emerging from the east, stretched out his hands and pressed several parts of his body—elbows, double ribs, left and right waists, as if he was adapting to something, let out a breath for a moment, and walked to the dining room .

After entering the restaurant, I was surprised to find that someone was already there, and it was Bibi.

At this time, Bibi was sitting in front of a long dining table with many plates and earthenware pots on it. Bibi held a piece of bread, dipped the suspicious powder in the plate, and dipped the suspicious liquid in the pot. Send it to the mouth.



Rao kept hiccupping and rolled her eyes, Bibi insisted on eating.

Li Cha watched in silence for a while, and couldn't help but ask, "You... have eaten all night?"

"Hi-hiccup...I'm not eating...Hi-hiccup!" Bibi swallowed the bread in her mouth with great difficulty, and hiccupped while defending, "I'm doing an experiment."

"Experiment?" Li Cha had a strange expression on his face.

Is this also an experiment? I'm afraid it's not an insult to the word experiment.

"I'm really experimenting." Bibi emphasized, waving her hand and pointing at the things on the table and said seriously, "I'm looking for the most delicious food combination, so I put all the edible things I can think of here , a little matching test."

So it's like this... well, it's barely an experiment... an experiment about food... but...

"However, even so, you don't have to eat until now, right?" Li Cha asked.

"Why don't you use it!" Bibi's eyes widened, she didn't know whether she was angry or simply supported, "This experiment is very complicated. If only one kind of bread is used to match the other kind of ingredients, there are many combinations. If you use more than one type of bread, it will double. It is even more complicated to match the ingredients not with one type, but with two, three or more. In addition, considering the order of matching, it will be unimaginably complicated... "

Speaking of this, Bibi scratched her head in distress and said, "It's because I can't remember how many kinds of tests I have tested before, so I have been repeating it for a long time, so I haven't completely tested it yet."

Maybe you need to simply learn the permutations and combinations in mathematics... Li Cha couldn't help thinking, suddenly his expression became serious, and he sensed something, and quickly turned his head to look outside the restaurant.

Within a few seconds, Bibi also sensed something, stopped sending bread to her mouth, and turned her head to look in the same direction.

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