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"Someone broke in again?" Bibi blinked, took the bread, and rushed out the door.

Li Cha stretched out his hand to stop him: "Don't be so anxious..."

"No, I promised you, as long as I have a bite to eat, I guarantee that no one will disturb you." Bibi shouted loudly, her expression was very serious, and she rushed out the door without listening to the second half of Li Cha's words.

When Bibi's figure disappeared outside the door, Li Cha sighed softly, and Youyou completed the interrupted words: "The person who came seems to be an acquaintance."

Well, acquaintance.

Shaking his head, thinking that it would be best not to have any conflicts, Li Cha stepped out and followed.

When Li Cha came to the induction position, he found that it was a little late, Bibi had already rushed over aggressively, handed over the acquaintance who sneaked in carefully, and then... was stepped on without any accident.



Bibi was stepped on the ground, hiccupping constantly, but she didn't lose her momentum at all. She waved the bread in her hand, looked at the person who stepped on her body threateningly, and said loudly: "Let go of me, or you will look good." Huh, that is to say, because of my experiment today, I ate too much, otherwise I would definitely make you cry! Hi-hiccup! Hi-hiccup!"

The people who sneaked in obviously didn't expect to meet such a wonderful existence as Bibi, and their expressions were a little exciting. He wanted to let go of Bibi, but he was afraid that Bibi would continue to pester her. If he didn't let go of Bibi, it seemed uncomfortable to see Bibi hiccupping constantly.

At this time, Li Cha, who came over, broke the deadlock, looked at Bibi and said, "Okay, Bibi, don't make trouble, this person is not an enemy, but a friend."

"Friend, really? Hi-hicc!"


"Okay." Bibi stopped struggling, reached out and handed the bread to the person in front of her, and changed her attitude, "So I misunderstood you, well, I apologize to you. By the way, you came so early, you didn't Eat something, try my bread? Well, just take a bite, don't eat it all!"

The person who sneaked in: "..." His expression was a little dull, he was speechless for a while, and then he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, Bibi, you'd better go back to the restaurant to continue your experiment, and bring the bread with you, so don't give it to her," Richard said.

"Is it possible?" Bibi was slightly surprised, and asked in confirmation, "Pandora taught me that if I made a mistake or hit the wrong person, I should apologize."

But you were the one who got beaten... And this one who came here should really not be greedy for your bread... The corner of Li Cha's mouth twitched, and he looked at Bibi and said seriously: "This time is an exception, don't be so care about."

"That's good." Bibi Lisuo got up from the ground, and she really didn't seem to want to share her food with others, and quickly ran to the restaurant with the bread.

The person who sneaked in watched Bibi go away, then looked back at Li Cha, with a somewhat weird expression, and asked, "Is this your new recruit, Mr. Li Cha?"

Li Cha spread his hands, looked at the other party and responded: "That's right, Her Royal Highness Blood Princess Jasmine."

The person who came was Jasmine.

At this time, Jasmine was wearing a classical style black robe, without any other decorations, it was very simple, and it seemed that she did not want others to pay attention to her—after all, as a Sika person, even if she was now clearly opposed to the Sika royal family, she came to This Kasha city can be regarded as coming to the enemy-occupied area.

"Don't call me princess, just call me Jasmine." Jasmine responded, a little wary, "Is your subordinate reliable, and will he leak my tracks?"

"Don't worry." Richard said, "By the way, what are you here for? I have to say, you didn't come at a good time."

"I would also like to pick an appropriate time to visit, but the question is when do I have to wait?" Jasmine spread her hands, "Since we can't be sure, it's better to act immediately, so I came here. As for the purpose of my coming here, I want to Talk to you about something."

"Talk about one thing? What is it?" Li Cha asked.


The eastern sky gradually brightened, and morning came.

On the street outside Kasha City, Kun Darcy, the Chief Staff Officer in a white robe, walked towards the prison door.

There are heavy guards here, and when they saw him approaching, two knights in magic suits immediately approached and intercepted: "Sorry, this is a military important place, no special order, no entry or exit at will."

The white-robed staff officer took out a silver token from his pocket, and said expressionlessly: "I am Kun Darcy, the chief staff officer in the command room. This is General Sauron's warrant. Even during the battle, I have priority. Now I Request to enter to investigate some information, any questions?"

"This..." The knight in magic costume was stunned, he exchanged a glance with his companion, looked at the white-robed staff officer, and asked in confirmation, "Is this what General Sauron meant?"

"Do you need me to invite the general here and let him talk to you directly?" The white-robed staff officer said impatiently, looking directly at the magic knight indifferently.

They looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally the magic knight backed away. After thinking for a while, he wanted to open the way, and said, "Please come in, my lord, but I hope my lord will not stay for too long, otherwise we will not be able to explain it."

"Understood." The white-robed staff officer said, walked quickly to the door, and then walked along the passage into the underground—the main part of the prison.

This prison did not exist in the previous Kasha City. It was part of the expansion and renovation project after the alliance occupied it. Because it is a key building, it has been completed seven to eighty-eight times by now. Walking inside, you can see that some details have not been processed, but the functions are basically available.

In the huge underground space, the outermost area is the general prison area, where some captured Sika soldiers and some criminals who broke the law are kept.

At this time, these people stayed in the cell with resentment, anger, or numbness, looking at the white-robed staff officer who walked in with different expressions.

The white-robed staff officer was not in the mood to pay attention, ignored and looked away, and continued to go deeper, passing through multiple guarded gates in succession, and arrived at the special prison area.

The prisoners in this area are all wizards with extraordinary power, so the strength of the guards has been greatly improved: teams of soldiers and knights in magic costumes are constantly patrolling, and the cells are all specially made and extremely strong. Most of the prisoners held inside have been cursed with spells, and are in an extremely weak state, unable to resist. And some guys who tried to escape from the prison were directly destroyed after being discovered, and then tied up with magic-weave iron chains and thrown in the corner.

Here, the white-robed staff officer still did not stop, and continued to move forward, finally reaching the interrogation area in this area.

Dozens of iron pillars stood on top of which hung stripped prisoners, all of whom had been deprived of their extraordinary abilities. The dark-faced wizard interrogator, with the assistance of wizard apprentices, was trying his best to pry open the prisoner's prison. Mouth, ask some information, and then verify, organize, and submit it.

When the white-robed staff officer came to this area, he immediately attracted the attention of the wizard interrogator, stopped the interrogation, and looked over with some doubts.

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