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The white-robed staff officer took out the token shown just now, glanced at the wizard interrogator, and said expressionlessly: "I am the chief staff officer in the command room, Kun Darcy, and the general asked me to come to the prison to understand the situation."

The wizard's interrogator's expression softened a little. He knew that although the people in the command room were not high-ranking, they were close to the center of power and couldn't afford to offend them. He nodded and said, "So it's Mr. Kun, I don't know what you want to know?"

"These people are spies who infiltrated and caught at night, right?" the white-robed staff officer waved his finger and asked.

"Yes." The wizard interrogator responded.

"Did they confess?" the white-robed staff officer asked again.

"No." The wizard interrogator shook his head. "At most, they only confessed some insignificant things. I checked, and they all received special training, and they have special spells forbidden in their bodies. It is difficult to correct the ordinary interrogation methods and spells." They work, and forced interrogation is not advisable, because it will make the magic prohibition in their bodies effective, turning them into worthless corpses.

Therefore, if you want to obtain important information, you must either find a way to get them to actively cooperate, or use water to try to consume their perseverance. "

"Is that so?" The white-robed staff officer nodded, approached the prisoner on the iron pillar, reached out to grab the prisoner's chin, and checked the prisoner's condition.

The prisoner was very uncooperative with the white-robed staff officer, the enemy, and kept struggling, trying to get rid of the white-robed staff officer's hand. The white-robed staff officer didn't care, he let go after a glance, and walked towards another prisoner.

Just during this process, an extremely tiny needle was silently pierced into the prisoner's body by the white-robed staff officer.

This is a specially made needle containing a special venom. After entering the body, it will quickly dissolve and allow the toxin to work. The effect of the toxin is very subtle, specifically to make the prisoner weaker and weaker, first losing the ability to speak, then losing the ability to move and eat, and finally the heart stops beating and the whole person dies. If there is no targeted inspection, it is extremely difficult to find out the real cause of death of the poisoned person.

Therefore, the name of this needle is called "Silent Thorn".

Because when dealing with wizards, they will be detected by wizards before they take effect, so they can only be used against ordinary people. It is not widely used, but it is just right to use it on prisoner wizards who have lost their extraordinary abilities.

In this way, the white-robed staff inspected all the prisoners in the same way, and confirmed that all the prisoners would lose their voice before dying according to his plan. He breathed a sigh of relief and walked back to the wizard interrogator.

"Are all the prisoners here? Or, are there other prisoners?" The white-robed wizard asked aloud. During the inspection, he noticed that there were only Sika's spies here, and no members of the Truth Society.

He is not worried that the members of the Truth Society will confess, and he does not need to deal with the people of the Truth Society, but he is worried that there are not enough prisoners, and there are still Sika spies who slipped through the net and the members of the Truth Society will be locked up in other places.

Sure enough, the wizard interrogator said at the next moment: "There are indeed other prisoners. It is said that they are of higher rank, so they are not under my management. They are all locked in cells deeper in the prison."

As he spoke, the wizard interrogator pointed towards the depths of the prison.

"Is that so?" The white-robed staff officer narrowed his eyes, nodded, without saying anything, and walked towards the direction pointed by the wizard interrogator.

Passing through several guarded gates again, he saw the prison cell that the wizard interrogator said.

In front of a metal door with magic patterns, there are many knights in magic costumes guarding it. The walls have been specially treated to completely prevent detection, and it is impossible to know what is going on inside.

The white-robed staff officer took a deep breath, took out his token, and was about to enter it again and deal with the Sika spy who slipped through the net, but was blocked.

The magic knight at the door was completely unaccommodating, and he only responded with one sentence: "My lord, you can only enter here with the permission of our new warden, and everyone else is prohibited."

Tried several times in a row and got the same answer.

The white-robed staff officer became angry, raised his voice, and said: "Okay, who is your guard, tell me, I will go find him, or invite him out!"

The knight in magic costume took a deep look at the white-robed staff officer, and confirmed that the white-robed staff officer was serious. He said "wait a moment" in a low voice, ran to the side, and called out a person from the small room next to him.

Seeing the man walk out, the white-robed staff officer was slightly taken aback, because it was none other than Nat, the noble staff officer who was taken away from the command room by the magic knight before.

"Why are you here?" The white-robed staff officer raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's Mr. Kun. At the time, the magic knight called me away and took me to meet the general. After a few words, the general appointed me a new position, so I came here."

So is it the "new" guard... This is because there has been no war, and the staff cannot make contributions, so the family power has played a role, and the position has been adjusted, right... The white-robed staff is thoughtful.

At this time, Nat also asked in surprise: "By the way, Mr. Kun, what are you doing here?"

"I heard that in the cell you guarded, there are spies caught at night? I want to know about their situation." The white-robed staff officer replied aloud.

"Ah?" Nat was a little puzzled, and asked, "Why?"

"You don't need to ask too much, you just need to ask your subordinates to open the door." The white-robed staff officer said in a deep voice.

Nat became a little hesitant: "Mr. Kun, this is not good... The general specifically told me that as long as I don't make mistakes in my new position, it is considered meritorious service, but... the premise of making no mistakes is that I can't just let people in. You this……"

"What do you mean? It's rare that you want to say, I'm suspicious?" The white-robed staff officer stepped towards Nat with a displeased voice.

"No...don't's just me..." Nat waved his hand quickly, trying to explain.

"Just what?" The white-robed staff officer approached closer, almost facing each other, frowning and whispering, "Have you forgotten, how did you get the head of Rundstadt that you were credited with? Yes I gave it to you. I gave you such an expensive gift, and you treat me like this now?"

"No, no." Nat shook his head quickly, unable to resist, and said in an extremely low voice, "I'm just wondering why you entered the cell."

"I said, you don't need to know. But you are really curious, I can reveal to you a little bit: this is a secret mission entrusted to me by the general."

"Secret mission!" Nat's eyes widened slightly.

"Shh, keep your voice down, as long as you know it yourself. Anyway, this matter is very important. I'm going in to interrogate the prisoners, and you have to keep my actions a secret, and you can't disclose it to anyone, or be careful that the general will get angry."

"Understood..." Nat nodded slowly, his movements a little stiff.

"That's good, don't talk nonsense, just open the door." The white-robed staff officer said.

"Yes." Nat looked at the magic knight at the door, waved his hand, and asked the other party to open the door.

The white-robed staff officer stepped forward and walked in.

After walking in, the white-robed staff officer found that the space inside was larger than he had imagined, and it was also very empty, like a hall.

He walked to the end of the hall, there was a small door, through the small door, there was a room.

The room was very dark, and one could only vaguely see bookshelves and desks here, which seemed to be the furnishings of a study.

Who is locked here?

The white-robed staff officer guessed with some doubts, and when he thought about it, his eyes were stained a little blood red, and he was about to penetrate the darkness and observe carefully.

At this moment, the sound of a "da" knuckle tapping the table sounded, and the lighting spell props placed in the four corners of the room were triggered, releasing bright light and illuminating the entire room.

Then the white-robed staff officer saw that this room was indeed a study as he had imagined.

And there was a person sitting behind the desk in the study, and the other person looked at him expressionlessly.

Just looking at the other party, the white-robed staff officer was startled, and then the blood in his body was cold, and he blurted out uncontrollably: "General... General!"

Yes, General!

The person sitting behind the desk is the Supreme Commander of the Alliance Army - Sauron Bonaparte!

This is not a cell at all, but Sauron's study!

It seems that the other party has been waiting for him to arrive!


Remember Aishang in 1 second:

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