Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1330 Exercising Powers

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Kasha City, the room deep in the prison.

The staff officer in white robes rushed out of the room, getting closer and closer to the helpless General Sauron.

At this time, the white-robed staff officer's body surface was already covered by a layer of purple-black energy, and the ends of five fingers condensed into deadly energy blades, ready to grab General Sauron's neck and cut it off.

Close, keep approaching.

Three meters, two meters, one meter...

Fifty centimeters, twenty centimeters, ten centimeters...

Seeing that the white-robed staff member was about to contact Sauron, seeing that the white-robed staff member was about to succeed, suddenly he felt a huge resistance in front of him.

As soon as the light in the room dimmed, a pure black energy wall appeared in the field of vision, and before the white-robed staff could react, it quickly pressed down on it.


In just a split second, the energy blade at the end of the white-robed staff officer's finger was shattered, followed by five fingers.


The white-robed staff officer screamed in pain, and quickly backed away. At this moment, he saw the black energy wall quickly retracted into Sauron's body, and then a shadow condensed from behind Sauron.

The shadow looked like a copy of Sauron—exactly the same height and build, but without a face.

The white-robed staff officer was startled, not knowing what to say. He knew that Sauron was an ordinary person through and through, and had no superhuman abilities. He really couldn't figure out what this strange shadow was.

Sauron didn't make a sound, glanced at the white-robed staff officer, and gave an order to the shadow: "Kill him, destroy his soul."

The shadow nodded silently, flicked his body, and approached the white-robed staff officer like lightning.

The white-robed staff officer stretched out his other intact hand with extreme vigilance, condensing out a thick gray energy shield, ready to resist.

As a result, the shadow only swipe on the energy shield, and the entire energy shield shattered, along with the entire arm of the white-robed staff officer.


The white-robed staff officer cried out in pain again, and backed away in shock and fear, but he was caught up by the shadow after only two steps back, and then he was grabbed by the neck and pressed against the wall next to him, without even the ability to struggle.

The white-robed staff officer felt that all the strength in his body was being pulled away quickly. He could only helplessly feel the increasing strength in Shadow's hand, and helplessly saw Sauron's cold gaze looking over him.

" can't kill me!" The white-robed staff officer said weakly.

"Why?" Sauron raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked, "Because of the organization behind you? Don't worry, after you die, your organization will also be destroyed in a short time."

"You want to do something to my organization...?" The white-robed staff officer was startled, and then gritted his teeth, "I'm afraid it's you who will be destroyed..."

"It's hard to say." Sauron looked at the shadow expressionlessly, "Let's do it."

Shadow nodded.

"No..." The white-robed staff officer wanted to say something, but the next moment he felt the strength on his neck suddenly increase, and his entire neck shattered instantly. Blood rushed out from under the skin, and a piece of it came out, as well as the soul—then as soon as the soul left the body, it was directly shattered under the action of an invisible force.


The body of the white-robed staff officer fell to the ground, and his consciousness fell into permanent darkness.

Sauron behind the desk stood up, and the shadow that had killed the man returned, stayed behind Sauron briefly, and reintegrated into his body.

Sauron glanced at the dead white-robed staff officer, shook his head lightly, and walked out the door without saying anything.


Sauron walked out of the metal iron gate, and the magic knight and Nat quickly looked over from the gate.

At this time, Sauron had a serious expression on his face, not angry but majestic. He squinted his eyes and announced to the magic knight and Nat in a low voice: "The attack will officially start from now on!"


After everyone listened, they punched their chests in unison, gave a military salute and said loudly, "Yes!"

Then quickly walked out of the cell and passed on the military order.

Inside and outside of Kasha City, after a month of silence, there was a sudden commotion.


In Kasha City,

Li Cha's residence, the living room.

Li Cha left his seat, listened for a while, and said seriously to Jasmine: "There is really a sound, listen."

In fact, needless to say, Jasmine also heard it, because the faint voice from outside suddenly raised a level and became extremely clear.

"Da da da……"

The dense sound of horseshoes came from far to near.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The footsteps of the group of heavily armored soldiers changed from near to far.

I don't know about other places, but the entire Kasha city is indeed boiling, like a drop of water falling into a frying pan, producing the most intense reaction.

Jasmine's first thought about this was that her traces had been exposed, and the people of the alliance were gathering heavy troops to capture her, but after second thoughts, it seemed that such a large force was not needed.

Hearing the news, all the first-line troops in the entire Kasha City were mobilized, and they were more than enough to deal with the king of the Sika Kingdom. It was a bit wasteful to deal with her, a rebellious princess who had no official status.

So what's going on?

"What happened?" Jasmine asked Li Cha.

Li Cha didn't answer, just thought for a while, and said: "Follow me." He said and walked out the door.

Jasmine followed quickly, followed Li Cha to an attic in the mansion, opened the window on the top of the attic, and just in time could see the situation on the streets in the city.

It was seen that, as guessed, the first-line troops in the entire Kasha city were mobilized and moved quickly towards the city. Judging from the faint shouts, it seems that the first-line troops stationed in many camps outside Kasha City have also been mobilized, and the troops in the city are being ordered to gather and then launch an attack.


Who to attack?

The soldiers were completely confused, but under the operation of a complete military system, the speed of action was not affected.

Li Cha looked at all this, thoughtful, and said to himself: "As expected, the plan has started since the infiltration of spies at night, and now it is no longer concealed. It's just...who are you going to attack?"

In the end, Li Cha was also a little confused.

If it is to attack the Kingdom of Sika, why is there a one-month truce? If it was an attack on the Truth Society, why did he appoint him as a command consultant in such a high-profile way to expose his intentions in advance?

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out.

But... In any case, the plan has already begun, and if you read it carefully, you will eventually figure out everything.

With certainty in his heart, Li Cha turned his head to look at Jasmine beside him, and said, "You can also see now that the alliance has been hiding for so long, and finally started the real action of this war. Although it is still unclear who they are targeting, what will be the result? The same, but in any case, your plan has to wait until the action is over before it makes sense to talk about it.”

"I agree." Jasmine nodded and replied while continuing to look at the situation on the street——she is not unreasonable, and she can tell that is indeed the case.

"In this case, for safety reasons, you'd better stay in my mansion until the operation is over." Richard said.

"Then what about you?" Jasmine asked, he could tell that Li Cha didn't plan to stay with him in the mansion.

"Me..." Sure enough, Li Cha smiled lightly, and said, "I've been waiting for this action for a long time, no matter what it looks like, I have to go and have a look, so that I can find out the answer to my doubts. , After all, I am a command consultant, the second in command of the alliance army, and have supervisory responsibilities—it’s fine if I don’t notify me of this operation, but it’s reasonable for me to follow up and supervise.”

"All right."

"Then goodbye." Li Cha said, stepped on his foot, flew out of the attic window, and flew towards the outside of the city.



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