Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1331: Bingfeng Pointing

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Outside Kasha City.

The army gathered.

Originally, before the Battle of Kasha City, the Alliance gathered a front-line force of 100,000 Allied troops around here.

After the Battle of Kasha City, there were some losses, but it was fully made up in a month, and there was some growth after making up. The previous ten legions became the current twelve legions, with a total of more than 120,000 soldiers. people.

At this time, more than 120,000 people were gathering outside the city and forming formations.

The most central is undoubtedly the infantry, of which the heavy armored infantry and light armored infantry are standing in their corresponding positions.

If you subdivide it, you can also see the classification of shield soldiers, spearmen, archers, machine crossbowmen and many other arms.

On the periphery, there are cavalry, which are divided into heavy cavalry and light cavalry. As a mobile force, they can effectively defend the two wings and can also make quick assaults.

The magic cavalry and wizards are divided into branches throughout the entire army formation, like hubs and anchors. Once the war starts, they will drive the entire army to act and exert their greatest power.

A bitter and murderous air diffused from the army formation, soaring upwards, almost piercing the sky.

Li Cha stood on the top of Kasha City, watching this scene with admiration.

It can be seen that the military formation is not completely perfect, and follow-up troops are arriving one after another. Under the transmission of the military order, these follow-up troops entered the military formation almost without causing any confusion, and entered their predetermined positions.

Everything is as natural as a drop of water falling into the ocean, showing the conductor's superb command level, which is almost artistic.

Richard knew that General Sauron was personally directing it.

He could see that the opponent was at the position of the central army at this time, talking to the subordinates and messengers next to him.

Maybe it was because he was stared at for too long, but Sauron noticed something after a while, and slowly turned his head to look at the head of the city, and then waved to Li Cha at the head of the city, as a greeting.

After greeting Sauron, he didn't make any other moves. He turned around, glanced at the completely complete army formation, and gave an order, and the wisdom army rushed to the northwest. one direction.

The dead white-robed staff officer had doubts and boldly guessed because of this, but he didn't confirm it.

Now that the dust has settled, the answer has been revealed, which is the location of the headquarters of the Truth Society in the Kingdom of Sika!

The army is running fast, and the soldiers are pointing at the headquarters of the Truth Society!


Truth Headquarters.

underground hall.


With a hasty sound, the stone door on the wall on one side of the hall opened, and the round Golov staggered in, running in a panic, and rushed straight to the bone table in the center of the hall, preparing to attack Gray Mist, the color ring manager sitting there. Report.

But when he ran to the bone table and looked up, he couldn't help being stunned, because there was no one behind the bone table.

Golov opened his mouth, flustered. Beads of sweat covered his face, but now they slid down in clusters. He didn't know what happened, but all kinds of bad conjectures came to mind. Just when he was about to collapse, a voice came out from the dark corner of the hall.

"Tap, tap, tap..."

Hui Wu was wearing a black robe and walked out pacingly.

Golov turned his head and didn't notice the expression on Gray Fog's face, but subconsciously heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly reported: "My lord, it's not good, the alliance is gathering more than one coalition force to approach us , including a large number of wizards and magic knights, it is very likely that the target is us.

I guess, they must have investigated the location of our headquarters during the one-month truce before, and launched an attack without hesitation after confirming it. This shows that their purpose of launching this war is really as we guessed before. us. We...we have to find a way to deal with it, otherwise..."

As he spoke, Golov lowered his voice because he found that the gray mist had been staring at him.


Golov swallowed his saliva, and asked with some understanding, "My lord, you already knew in advance?" "

"Yes." Gray Mist responded, glanced at Golov and said, "You don't need to panic, it's useless to panic, since the people from the alliance are here, then just eliminate them."

"But they have more than one coalition army." Golov said worriedly, "They are all first-line elite troops with rich combat experience, and there are many wizards and magic knights as the core, and their combat effectiveness is very strong. And we passed In the previous campaigns, a lot of personnel have been lost, and if the personnel stationed outside are removed, it will be difficult for the personnel at the headquarters to defeat them easily. Even if we succeed, we will have irreparable losses."

"Of course I know this." Gray Mist pursed his lips and said after thinking for a few seconds, "So please contact the Kingdom of Heaven and ask for God's punishment to help us win this battle, so that the people of the Alliance can understand exactly what they want to eliminate. What kind of existence."

"But..." Golov hesitated, "But my lord, haven't we used divine punishment once not long ago? The time interval is so short, and if we want to solve it this time, the standard of divine punishment must be extremely high. Tian Guo disagrees..."

"They will agree." Gray Fog said affirmatively, with a serious face, "If they don't agree, the headquarters of the Truth Society will be gone. Are they going to start over? So, go ahead and contact them immediately."

"Yes." Golov shrank his neck, a little afraid of the gray fog at this time, turned around quickly, and trotted out of the hall.



After a while, Golov returned to the hall again, and reported out of breath: "My lord, we have made contact, and the Kingdom of Heaven has agreed... Phew... But they also said it, because the impact of the previous divine punishment has not yet fully After adjusting, we have to wait at least five hours before God's punishment comes down this time, and seven hours is the best time."

"At least five hours? Ideally seven hours?" Gray Fog's face became gloomy, and he spoke out a little angrily, "If it really takes at least five hours, I'm afraid the truth will destroy the headquarters faster than the alliance's destruction The headquarters of the Truth Society was flattened by the alliance army before God's punishment appeared."

"But Heaven did say so..."

"I know!" Gray Fog's tone increased slightly, "I know they have limitations, but I'm afraid they don't know our situation. You can contact them again and tell them that no matter what the price is, they must descend to the gods within half an hour. Punishment, even the lowest is fine. No matter how weak it is, it is better than nothing. And if they can't do it, then don't bother, I will try to contact the true god personally. I don't believe that the true god can bear these believers on his earth Sacrifice all! Yes, the people of the kingdom of heaven are closer to God than us on earth, but the people are not everything, and we on earth are the root!”

At the end, Gray Fog turned his head and glared at Golov, and reprimanded him: "Go, repeat my words to them verbatim, what are you doing in a daze!"

"Yes." Golov just woke up like a dream, ran out of the hall quickly, and contacted again.


A few minutes later.


Golov opened the door and entered, looking exhausted, his whole body was panting, and he didn't say anything, but he nodded vigorously to the gray fog that had been waiting.

This means that the kingdom of heaven has still made a concession, and the divine punishment will come within half an hour.

"Very good." Gray Fog made a sound, glanced at Golov and ordered, "Next, go gather your people, attack after the punishment of God, and try to make sure that no one in this alliance can go back. Teach them a deep lesson."


Golov made an out-of-key sound, turned and left the hall again.

The gray mist left in the hall had cold eyes and a chilling aura.


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