Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1332: Sacrifice

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On the field outside Kasha City, the Alliance army marched toward the northwest direction.

During the march, some soldier suddenly yelled "What is that?", and the next moment many people noticed it and looked towards the sky.

I saw that the originally bright sky above my head was suddenly stained with a layer of pale blood, and a bright spot appeared from the side of the rising sun, which continued to grow, and finally turned into a full moon.

The sun and the moon shine together!

As time passed, the blood color in the sky became thicker and thicker, covering the sun and dimming the world, like the end of the world.

The cold wind was gradually blowing around, and the howling continued, while the round moon next to the sun continued to lower its height and fell towards the ground.

Li Cha, who was located in Kasha City, also saw this strange celestial phenomenon, blinked his eyes, and after a short thought, he quickly left the city and stood up.



When the full moon descended to a certain height, the surrounding cold wind became extremely violent, roaring like a beast, and everyone felt the invisible pressure on their bodies, making them almost unable to move.


The full moon continued to lower its altitude, and its outline could already be seen clearly in the field of vision. It was as big as a mountain, dragging a tail of burning flames hundreds of meters long, and fell straight to the center of the army—it was a meteorite.

The speed of the meteorite far exceeds the speed of sound, making the falling process of the meteorite soundless, but the sound of the surrounding cold wind almost tears people's eardrums.


The meteorite is getting closer...

After a while, the falling meteorite reached the top of everyone's heads, and the whole sky seemed to be completely dark, and the day turned into night.


The alliance army reacted and issued orders from top to bottom, so that the entire army quickly dispersed in all directions to avoid the falling power of the meteorite.

Speaking of it, there is a difference between marching an army and fighting.

When marching, each legion has a corresponding position in the army, but it is not too dense. Following the execution of the "disperse" order, the entire army was quickly divided into more than ten parts, and retreated in all directions, quickly avoiding the central area where the meteorite was expected to fall.

At this time, the meteorite was only a few kilometers away from the ground, and then something completely unexpected happened.

I saw a sudden tremor during the meteorite's fall, as if something happened inside, and then dense cracks appeared on the surface of the meteorite.

Before everyone could react, the meteorite split into dozens of small meteorites.

Dozens of small falling angles have changed. The meteorite is like a fishing net, instantly expanding the damage range by ten times, successfully covering most of the scattered legions, and then falling suddenly, and finally more than half of the number fell to the ground. in the crowd.


The first small meteorite fell to the ground, and after it touched the ground, a huge explosion sounded. It was like detonating a full-filled explosive magazine, and the huge impact force was vented to the outside world, squeezing the air frantically, compressing the air into a frosty white ring, whistling and spreading around like a sickle, sweeping everything.

In the face of this destructive force, ordinary soldiers, no matter whether they were wearing armor or not, could not resist at all - they couldn't even scream, and died directly. And the magic knight and wizard were not much better. They died directly in the central area where the small meteorite fell to the ground, and those located in the outer area were also seriously injured.

I saw that the first small meteorite that fell to the ground directly killed nearly one-third of a legion.

The power is unimaginable!

And this is just the first small meteorite. Subsequent small meteorites crashed into the crowd one after another, touched the ground, and made huge explosions.



Accompanied by the sound, countless lives disappeared.

One of the small meteorites crashed straight into the scattered army of the Chinese army, and Sauron was sitting in it.

A large number of magic knights desperately threw their spears, and many wizards frantically released spells,

Attempt to shatter the meteorite early, or redirect the meteorite. But this is almost hitting a rock with an egg. Even if the magic knight and wizard vomit blood due to overdraft, the meteorite still falls unscathed.

Everyone showed despairing eyes, and Sauron also looked solemnly.

Then, just before the meteorite was about to hit the ground, Sauron was wrapped in a layer of black energy, and his whole body flew backwards in the distance, allowing him to avoid the meteorite's attack.


The falling meteorite touches the ground.



The surrounding meteorites hit the ground one after another, fully releasing their destructive power. The frost-white air shock waves superimposed and affected each other, and the air in the entire area became violent, as if it had turned into a man-eating beast.

After a while, Sauron was wrapped by the black energy on the surface of his body, flew upside down to an absolute safe distance, stopped, and landed.

The black energy disappeared, and Sauron's feet touched the ground. He watched the tragic scene of the army in front of him caused by the falling meteorite, and remained silent for a long time.

But he had no fear, no collapse, and his eyes were calm and dignified, as if he had already expected this result.

But a disaster is a disaster.

"General... General..."

A surviving magic knight covered in blood ran over. Seeing Sauron intact, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then cried in a distraught voice: "General...we have suffered heavy losses...a lot of people died... ..."

"I know." Sauron said coldly, "But we have to accept it if it happens. You go and pass on the order to let the various legions gather their troops, reorganize their teams, and prepare for the battle."

"Fight?" The magic knight was stunned, wiped the blood from his face and asked, "Fight who?"

"Of course the enemy." Sauron said.

"But where is the enemy?" The knight in magic costume was confused, with blood continuously dripping down from the wound on his face.

"You'll know right away, well, go and carry out the order!" Sauron said.

"Yes...Understood." The magic knight hit his chest with a fist and left with deep doubts.

Just as the magic knight left, a wizard in a green robe flew over.

It can be seen that this wizard is as unscathed as Sauron - this is either extremely lucky, or extremely powerful, but his face is also very dignified at this time.

Falling in front of Sauron, the green-robed wizard bowed his head as a salute, and sighed softly at Sauron, "General, I took a quick look, and the loss is beyond imagination. At least 60,000 people died directly, and 30,000 people lost their fighting power." , 10,000 people are seriously injured, and only about 20,000 people are not affected much—the price is a bit high."

"The price is indeed high, but... for victory, we must pay." Sauron sighed, "Don't say that 60,000 people died directly, even if it was 80,000 people, 100,000 people, or even all of them directly. Sacrifice, we have to accept it."

"Victory? Is this the price paid for victory?" A voice suddenly sounded from behind Sauron, attracting Sauron and the green-robed wizard to look.

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