Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1348: Oscar's Worries

The impact of the war is obviously comprehensive.

Large-scale national wars like the Soma Alliance and the Sika Kingdom are not only purely military contests, but also national power struggles.

Therefore, winning or losing on the front line is not just as simple as soldier casualties, but also affects many aspects of the rear.

Walking on the road, Li Cha saw that because the officials were preparing for the delegation's entrance ceremony tomorrow morning, the overall atmosphere of Shaar was festive, cheerful and busy.

Numerous laborers were scolded by low-level officials to clean the streets and hang festive decorations. On the square, several sculptures commemorating the victory of the war are being carved by stonemasons, and it seems that they can be completed before tomorrow.

However, this is just the appearance.

Look through the appearance and look inside, and you can see a lot of negative things. For example, the number of customers in the store has decreased a lot, and some stores have even closed their doors and posted a "for sale" sign.

After listening to the whispers of the pedestrians, Li Cha confirmed his guess: the war had a profound impact on the residents.

In order to win the war and do a good job in logistics, the alliance mobilized a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources. The emptiness of the national treasury led to the collection of war taxes several times, and increased the payment ratio of many previous taxes.

When the tax rate is high, the remaining money will naturally be less, and the purchasing power of residents will plummet. As a result, the shop earns less money and has difficulty in turnover, so it is a natural thing to close the shop.

That is to say, if you win, you can breathe a sigh of relief, the tax rate will be restored or even reduced, and Sika's war reparations can also stimulate the economy-but if you lose, I'm afraid it will be another situation, and it will become even worse Well, there is nothing wrong with the high-level people, and the people in the lower-level people are in dire straits—this should also be the current situation of Sika.

Thinking about this, Li Cha shook his head lightly, and didn't continue to think about it—he just simply analyzed the information, and he didn't have any feelings of worrying about the country and the people.

He walked towards the more central location of Shaar, and then Li Cha turned into a quiet street.

Walking to the middle of the street, Li Cha stopped in front of a black mansion door, reached out and knocked on the door.

"Tuk tuk!"

After about a few seconds, with a "crash", the door opened. A young man in his twenties appeared inside the door, his eyes were bright, he glanced at Li Cha, and couldn't help showing surprise.

Li Cha knew each other,

When he first came to Shaar, it was the other party who received him.

"Mass, right?" Li Cha glanced at the other party and said, "Let me ask, I returned to Shaar early, can I continue to live here?"

"Of course, Mr. Li Cha, please come in quickly." The other party obviously remembered Li Cha, and greeted him with an extremely enthusiastic and respectful expression. While leading Li Cha to the depths of the reception mansion, he said, "Li Cha Mr. Cha, your residence has been kept, all the furnishings are as they are, and they are cleaned regularly. If you don't mind, you can continue to live there."

"That's good." Li Cha nodded, "I will live there. This time I may only stay for a few days, and I will leave when I finish my work. During this time, I hope that I will try not to let anyone disturb me."

"Okay, I made a note."

"Um, that's right..." Richard thought of something, "Also help me contact Mr. Oscar, I hope he can find time to come, or I can visit him—the war is over, I have something to talk to him— The sooner the better."

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Ma Si said seriously.

"That's good."


In this way, Li Cha lived in the familiar courtyard, and Ma Si, who promised to contact Oscar, did not break his promise and really did it.

After receiving the news, Oscar paid a visit, but the timing of the visit was a bit special, not at dusk, not at night, but in the middle of the night.


In the middle of the night, in the courtyard of Char's official reception.

Li Cha didn't sleep, but sorted out some research questions in the study on the second floor.

In the process of fighting against the Truth Society, he exiled the gray mist, which was affirmed that his research on the banishment technique was valuable. But science knows no bounds, and this can only be regarded as a small success. Whether it is the continued improvement of the banishment technique, the continued improvement of the energy furnace, or the cracking of Baltavin, one cannot relax.

Then next...


Holding a quill pen, Li Cha quickly wrote some of his thoughts and plans on the papyrus scroll.

While writing, the study door was pushed open with a "squeak", and a figure appeared outside the door—not a servant, the servant could not be so rude, it was Bibi who appeared.

Li Cha raised his head, looked at Bibi, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Ha—ow." Bibi yawned, covered her mouth with her hands, and complained, "Someone is looking for you, I'll come up and let you know."

"Someone? Mr. Oscar?" Li Cha asked.

"It should be." Bibi finished yawning, and said with eyes dazed, "I didn't see it too clearly, but it is indeed quite dark, as if I haven't washed my face."

Well, that's it... Li Cha thought, waved away the papyrus scroll on the table, got up and walked out, and walked to the living room on the first floor.

In the living room, he saw the black-faced old man Oscar who was visiting.

The black-faced old man Oscar looked very tired at this moment. He took a sip of the hot tea brought by the servant, stretched his body on the seat, and then let out a long breath, feeling a little relaxed.

Then I heard Li Cha's footsteps coming down the stairs, turned to look at Li Cha, raised my slack eyelids and said hello: "You're back! You told me about your itinerary on star-patterned paper earlier, I thought You'll be with the delegation."

"I originally planned to be together, but there were too many celebration ceremonies along the way. I heard that there is a special ceremony for entering the city when entering Shaar. I didn't want to waste time, so I moved ahead of time." Richard said.

"You're not going to participate in the city entrance ceremony? That's really a pity." Oscar said with a little regret after hearing this, "This time Shaar's city entrance ceremony is very grand, no less than the celebration ceremony held in the palace later, Many people and I are busy with this, so we see you at this time. After seeing you, we will go to the city gate at dawn to deal with the final details and the celebration ceremony later..."

At the end, Oscar couldn't help confirming and asked: "Are you really not going to participate in the entrance ceremony?"

"Forget it, I really don't want to participate." Li Cha shook his head, glanced at the tired Oscar and said, "Mr. Oscar, instead of caring about me, you should care about yourself. Don't be surprised if you work so hard at such an age. "

Something happened, what should I do with my things? Li Cha thought.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Oscar said indifferently, "I've always been in good health, nothing can happen."

Suddenly thought of something, Oscar paused, showing a bit of worry: "Your Majesty, because of the war, I couldn't eat or sleep well for more than three months. Until recently, the situation was completely settled. I was relieved. I am even more afraid of His Majesty's physical problems, but don't be sick and unable to participate in the celebration ceremony..."

:. :

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