Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1349: Reappearance of the 13 Bronze Bells

At the end, Oscar lowered his voice, waved his hand to look at Li Cha, and said seriously: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about business. You are looking for me so urgently because you want to make sure how to fulfill the promise you made at the beginning." ?”

"Yes." Li Cha did not deny it, "It was agreed at the beginning, I will help you win the war, and give me what I want, and now the war has been won..."

"Then you will get what you want soon." Oscar took the words and said seriously.

"Soon?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows lightly, "What exactly?"

"Of course it's the celebration ceremony." Oscar glanced at Li Cha, and said angrily, "Don't tell me, you don't even want to participate in the celebration ceremony. It's fine if you don't participate in the city entrance ceremony, but the celebration ceremony is for His Majesty to reward the war meritorious Human rituals.

General Sauron, beware of the Kingdom of Sika, just in case, stayed in the reef fortress, which is understandable. Besides him, you, the command consultant, have the highest status in the army. If you don't participate, what kind of celebration is it?

So you must participate, and the remaining things promised to you will be given to you in the name of rewarding credit at the grand ceremony. In addition, you may have heard that, no accident, you will get a special garrison area in Sika as a fiefdom, which is in return for your extra contributions in the war-the alliance has always been rewarded for its merits and punished for its crimes. "

When Li Cha heard this, he raised his eyebrows. His first thought was to refuse. After all, he is too lazy to manage any fiefs—politics, personnel, and communication are the most troublesome things. It will waste too much time and affect the progress of research. If he If you really want to manage it, you won't leave the Blue Lion Kingdom back then.

However, he suddenly remembered the matter that Blood Princess Jasmine had discussed with him before - if he was too lazy to manage it, he could transfer it to the other party by name.

In addition, he also thought that many of his current researches have reached a bottleneck period, and it will take a lot of time to break through. I didn't think it was necessary before, and with the threat of the Truth Society, I was more flexible in my own research, so I didn't form any team.

Now that the Truth Society has been wiped out, it may be better to form a large research team from top to bottom to assist.

And a relatively independent territory is relatively easy for forming such a team.


After thinking for a long time, Li Cha nodded, agreed, and said to Oscar: "Okay, I will participate in the celebration ceremony then."

"That's good.

Oscar said, heaving a sigh of relief.

After that, he took a sip of tea and stood up, rubbed the center of his brows, and walked out, saying as he walked, "Since your matter is settled, I won't delay any longer, and continue to work on the entrance ceremony and the celebration ceremony .”

"Okay, I'll see you off." Li Cha said, got up and walked out the door with Oscar.

When he reached the gate of the courtyard, Oscar stopped suddenly, frowned slightly, and turned his head to look in one direction.

Li Cha also frowned, followed Oscar, and looked in the same direction.


From that direction, a long copper bell sounded.


Immediately afterwards, another bronze bell sounded.


One more time.


Fourth, fifth...

Again and again, the copper bell's sound became shorter and shorter and more urgent.

The sound was like solid wood pulp, which was inserted into the night and stirred vigorously, making the air suddenly turbulent.

This is? !

It stands to reason that in the city of Shaar, the sound from the bell tower is used to tell the time—but the time telling is always carried out during the day, and it will stop at night. After all, no one wants to be woken up suddenly by the sound of the bell while sleeping. If that's the case, I'm afraid none of the bell strikers survived the night.

Therefore, it is not normal for the bell to ring at night.

Extremely abnormal!

Every time it sounds, it means something big has happened, something big enough to wake up the whole city to announce it.

As for the specific matter, it should be distinguished according to the number of times the bell rings, for example:

Six times, it means that spies have invaded, causing uncontrollable bloodshed, and the whole city is to be sealed off and put under martial law. After Charr built the city, such bells only rang twice, and it was when the country was just established.

Nine times, it means that a large number of enemy troops suddenly appeared in the vicinity, and the whole city needs to be on guard, ready to face the battle - after Xia Ya built the city, such a bell rang only once, and it was also when the country was just founded. And that time it was a false alarm, and the person who ordered the bell was severely punished.

Twelve times, it means that an irresistible disaster has occurred, and the whole city needs to be evacuated-such a bell, not to mention Shaar, has never sounded in the entire Soma Alliance city...

What is this bell?

Hearing the ringing of the bell, Oscar was a little dazed and surprised at first, but after three rings, he had already reacted, and calmly began to count, so as to determine exactly what happened.

Then the six strokes were struck, and the bell did not stop...

After nine strokes, the bell did not stop...

After twelve strokes, the bell still didn't stop...

In the end, the bell struck the thirteenth time, followed by a long period of silence, allowing the lingering sound of the bell to linger in Shaar's night for a long time.


Li Cha, who was also paying attention to the number of bells, raised his eyebrows after hearing the last bell, and couldn't help recalling a previous experience.

I remember that when he was still on the east coast, he went back to the White Rock Tower once, and suddenly the bronze bell rang from the White Rock Tower, also thirteen times. Later, he followed the crowd to the open space outside, only to find that the bronze bell struck thirteen times, which represented the funeral ceremony—it was ringing for the burial of all the wizards who died in the White Stone Tower under the attack of the Supreme Order God Society (Truth Society).

The most profound thing is that at the funeral, he saw with his own eyes that Macbeth, who liked to wear all white, was buried. As a result, I later learned from the princess of the Kingdom of Montenegro that Macbeth was a fake death, but he was actually alive—the funeral was just a cover-up.

Then Shaar's bell rang thirteen times this time, so what happened? Is it also a funeral?

If it was a funeral, who died?

Turning his head, Li Cha noticed that the eyes of the black-faced old man Oscar widened, his dark face became paler than ever before, his body trembled, his lips opened and closed several times without making a sound, as if he had received a huge shock and could hardly stand up.

This is?

He was puzzled. In the night, the bell towers in the entire city of Shaar rang, as if responding to the sound of the first bronze bell, and they rang thirteen times in sequence.

In November, it was already a cold moon, and the cold wind howled at night, accompanied by the crisp and cold copper bells, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely solemn and depressing.

Li Cha looked at Oscar, and was about to ask a question, but before he could speak, Oscar suppressed his shock and turned his head to look, and opened his mouth to answer, "Your Majesty... passed away!"


Union Emperor, Bear Lord—Peter Romanov, dead? !

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