The hastily prepared succession ceremony ended in a more hasty way, with unspeakable panic and confusion.

The new emperor died during the succession ceremony. This is something that has never happened since the founding of the Soma Alliance. The whole incident has a magical color.

But no matter how magical it is, it must come down to reality in the end, and the biggest practical question is: what to do next?

A country cannot be without a king for a day, the eldest prince is dead, who should inherit the throne next?

According to the law, it should be inherited by the eldest prince's heirs, but the eldest prince is good at everything, the only bad thing is that he is not lustful.

The eldest prince is too keen on political scheming, and has been working diligently to earn political capital by doing practical things and accumulating meritorious deeds. He is not at all as flamboyant as the princes of some small kingdoms. This caused him to be thirty years old and only have one child, and it was a five-and-a-half-year-old girl.

Five and a half years old? And it's a girl? !

It's pretty much a double negative.

The age of five and a half years old is too young to support the great task of ruling the alliance, and it is too contrary to the consensus for a girl to inherit the throne and become the empress.

In this way, the successor can only be chosen among the elder prince's brothers, among whom the second prince should be the most elected.

Apart from his age, the second prince is actually not weaker than the eldest prince in all aspects. If he is really elected, it will not have any negative impact.

It's just... Considering that the eldest prince died in a strange way during the inheritance ceremony, and 99% of them were murdered. From the perspective of the biggest beneficiary, the second prince seems to be a suspect—in this way, the second prince inherits and does not Can't fully convince the crowd.

That is the third prince.

But the third prince has always been sick and couldn't even stand up. How could he inherit the throne?

Leaving aside the third prince, the fourth prince appeared in sight.

But if you think about it carefully, the suspicion of the fourth prince murdering the eldest prince is not small. After all, the eldest prince was murdered, and the second prince's benefits are too obvious.

And going a step further, the fifth prince, the sixth prince, the princes, and even many members of the royal family have become suspects, and no one who is elected can really fully convince the public.

In fact,

The law of the Soma Alliance has described this situation. It belongs to the process of succession. If there is a malicious assassination incident, then the method of succession in order should be suspended, and the potential suspects should be elected in the province.

After suspending the method of succession in order, according to the law, a new successor should be selected through the discussion of the palace council.

Only in the past two years, the Palace Council was dissolved by the Union Emperor Peter Romanov on the grounds that "the state treasury funds were tight". At present, there is no so-called Palace Council in charge.

Due to the high prestige of Peter Romanov, the Palace Council has always been a useless institution. Its dissolution did not cause any protests, but now it has created a deadlock - no one knows how to choose a successor.

And these words can also be interpreted as: Everyone has their own method of electing a successor, and they all want to use their own method to elect themselves.

In the end, all the successors were not convinced by each other, and the private armies under their command fought each other, and each other's forces competed with each other, and Shaar seemed to have become a battlefield.

The upper level overturned the sky, and the lower level was implicated, and the atmosphere in Shaar was extremely flustered. The price soared, and the baker was the quickest to respond. In just half a morning, the price of bread rose three times. After that, the atmosphere of panic spread from the baker to the craftsmen, merchants, coachmen and everyone else. Within a long time, Shaar was already in chaos.

And this is far from over, the atmosphere of panic spread from Shaar to the surroundings, and the entire Soma Alliance gradually became unstable.

During this process, it is worth mentioning that the Kingdom of Sika did not take the opportunity to make any small moves.

On the one hand, the Kingdom of Sika has just lost a battle and urgently needs to recuperate. On the other hand, the border of the alliance and the troops in dozens of special garrison areas are not in chaos, and the Sika Kingdom may not be able to make small moves if they want to.

In the end, Sika is actually happy to see this scene in the Soma Alliance. After all, the Soma Alliance is in chaos, which helps to ignore them and let them develop. If they act rashly, it may make the Soma Alliance feel a sense of crisis, temporarily abandon the contradictions and unite, then it would be unsightly.

In this environment, the chaotic day of Soma Alliance Nandu Xia soon came to an end, and the sky darkened.



At the reception in Char City, Li Cha lives in the courtyard.

Li Cha was in the study room, putting the finishing touches on the "Medium and Long-term Research Plan". He occasionally stopped and looked out the window, and could hear the faint sounds of fighting and explosions coming from the street.

Apparently, the darkness did not weaken the chaos, but greatly strengthened it—once the eldest prince died, the minister of ceremonies who presided over the succession ceremony was immediately found guilty of murder, and was thrown into prison to torture him to death, followed by many people related to the succession ceremony , have been cleaned and the reception has suffered some damage.

Speaking of which, no matter whether it is the Minister of Etiquette or the group of people who contributed the most in the succession ceremony, they are all considered as the faction of the eldest prince, and it is impossible to murder the eldest prince. But for the rest of the prince's forces, they don't consider this point, they just found a reason to clear the obstacles.

After cleaning up the remaining forces of the eldest prince, the rest of the prince's forces entered the stage of mutual confrontation. They either aggressively attacked, or defended with all their strength, or joined forces vertically and horizontally, or made close and distant attacks. In short, they tried their best to defeat all opponents and win the final victory.

Li Cha didn't care too much about these things. In comparison, he cared more about the materials in the Royal Library.

In other words, there are only a few hours left before the deadline promised by the Alliance Emperor Peter Romanov, so it is unlikely that he will really breach the contract. In that case, maybe he should consider going to the Royal Library to get it himself.

Thinking of this, Li Cha finished polishing the final content of the "Medium and Long-Term Research Plan", put down the quill pen, and tapped on the table.

"Click, click..."

In other words, if you really go to "pick up the package" in person, is it better to be more secretive, or better to be aboveboard? Or, notify Oscar and ask the other party to accompany him, to show that he only wants to fulfill the contract, and there is no unnecessary malice?

"Tuk tuk."

There was a light knock on the door at this moment, and one could tell from the sound that it was not Bibi, but a servant.

"Come in!" Li Cha said.

Sure enough, the next moment a servant opened the door and entered, reporting: "My lord, Mr. Oscar is here and wants to visit you."

Oscar is visit... Could it be that he is delivering something, so he can save himself a trip.

Looking at the servant, Li Cha said briefly, "Take me to see Mr. Oscar."

"Yes, my lord." The servant led and walked out quickly.



Remember Aishang in 1 second:

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