After a while, Li Cha followed the servant and saw Oscar in the yard.

As expected, Oscar was indeed here to deliver things, and brought several carriages with him. At this moment, he was having boxes unloaded from the carriages and moved into the room for storage.

Li Cha checked the contents of some boxes and found that they were all the materials in the Royal Library that he wanted.

Seeing that Li Cha finished checking, Oscar said from the side: "Almost all the things are here, they have just been taken out from the Royal Library - the city has been overturned, but few people pay attention to it.

Here, there are a total of twenty-five boxes of materials, most of which you need - only a very small part - about one-tenth, are placed in the deepest secret vault of the Royal Library, and it is difficult to get them out, so I gave you all high research value material I could find as compensation.

If you insist on the rest, that's fine, but you'll have to give it a few more days, and I'll make it up for you when the time comes. "

When Li Cha heard this, he raised his eyebrows. He had to say that from Oscar's words, he could tell that Oscar was quite sincere.

After all, it is not so easy to find out because there is less information, but the other party still took the initiative to explain, and offered compensation and solutions.

Afterwards, Li Cha nodded, expressing his general satisfaction, and he didn't care about anything—if he cracked Baltawen, the difference between nine out of ten information and all the information would not be too big, and there was no need to make a fuss over the last tenth.

Looking at Li Cha's appearance, Oscar breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "In that case, the original promise is fulfilled, right? Can you return His Majesty's contract?"

"I should hand it over to His Majesty, right?" Richard said.

Oscar was taken aback when he heard the words, opened and closed his mouth, and said in a sad voice: "This opportunity is gone, His Majesty has really passed away."

"Huh?" Li Cha couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Really? What's going on here?"

Oscar shook his head with a bit of confusion: "Originally, I thought it was the eldest prince who assassinated His Majesty in order to inherit the throne. But what happened at the succession ceremony today changed my mind, and now I can't see the situation clearly anymore. , the entire Char and the entire alliance are in chaos."

After being silent for a while, Oscar looked at Li Cha with a pleading expression, and said, "Although I know this is a bit excessive, but if possible, I would like to ask you to deal with the current situation, resolve the confusion, and return the alliance calm.


"How?" At the end, Oscar asked earnestly.

Li Cha listened, thought for a while, and shook his head: "Sorry, Mr. Oscar, I'm afraid I can't."

"Well, I didn't think it would come true." Oscar sighed, his whole body seemed to be a little older, and he didn't mention the matter of getting back the emperor's contract, turned around and walked out the door.

"Mr. Oscar." At this moment Li Cha stopped Oscar.

"What?" Oscar stopped, turned his head to look, and asked with some expectation, "Have you changed your mind?"

"I don't." Richard said, "I just want to tell you that the reason for rejecting you is not because of you, but because of me. Don't blame yourself. I am a very selfish person, so I don't have enough interests, no I will do things that have nothing to do with me, that’s all.”

"What if there are enough benefits?" Oscar tried to persuade.

"Will there be?" Li Cha asked back, "Not to mention the books in the Royal Library, the promise is not fully fulfilled, just me remembering, you still owe me three unfulfilled requests, right?"

Oscar was silent, and smiled wryly: "Well, I was thinking too much. Indeed, I can't give you anything now, and even if I do, you don't necessarily want it.

Having said that, you are not considered a member of the alliance, and you have no sense of belonging. It is true that you should not be able to save the alliance. Alliance matters need to be resolved by the alliance members themselves, so let me do it. "

"Then I wish you well, Mr. Oscar." Richard said, blinking his eyes and said, "Considering that the territory of the alliance is not very stable now, if there is no accident, I will leave here and go to my fief 'Sarin' Look, maybe I will stay there for a long time to conduct my research. We have not been short-lived, and we have some friendship, if you can't stay in Shaar, you can go to 'Sarin' to find me."

"'Sarin'? Looking for you? Well, if there is such a situation, I will." Oscar said unceremoniously, then paused, his tone lowered, and he smiled jokingly, "But I think it's more There is a high probability that I will die in Xiaya, maybe in the name of friendship, you can avenge me?"

Li Cha smiled cooperatively, and thought for a while to answer: "Mr. Oscar, if you are dead, then the three requests you promised me at the beginning will be gone. For me, it will be a great loss... If you don't If you get involved in big trouble, I will definitely avenge you."

"Hahaha, alright alright, then thank you, Li Cha." Oscar laughed loudly after hearing this, and no longer concealed anything, nor expected anything.

Because Oscar has already heard from Li Cha's words that Li Cha is indeed capable, but he will never give for nothing, and he will think more about himself, so he will try his best to avoid falling into the quagmire of the alliance... Just like Li Cha himself said before As before, he was a selfish man.

Selfishness and selflessness are opposites.

"That's bothering you, I have nothing else to do, so I'll leave first." Knowing that he couldn't get help from Richard, Oscar no longer hesitated, and said goodbye, "When you leave Shaar for Sharin, I should I don’t have time to see you off, so I wish you a smooth journey in advance.”

"Thank you, Mr. Oscar, goodbye."

"Goodbye, Li Cha." Oscar waved his hand, turned and walked outside, and walked out of the reception area under Li Cha's gaze.


Oscar, the black-faced old man, left the reception, boarded the carriage, and sat in the carriage.

With a bang, the carriage started, and the wheels ran over the bluestone ground, heading into the depths of the night.

In the carriage, Oscar closed his eyes and remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long while like this, one of the two figures sitting in the carriage with Oscar suddenly opened his mouth - he was wearing a brown robe, and it was Nagarjuna with the power of a fourth-level wizard.

"My lord, how is it? Has that man agreed to your proposal?" Nagarjuna asked.

Oscar opened his eyes, glanced at Nagarjuna and Zonghu beside Nagarjuna, shook his head, and let out a sigh of relief: "No."

"It seems that the other party doesn't think about the alliance at all, and is more selfish than me."

"Actually, selfishness is the reason given by the other party." Oscar said, seeing what Nagarjuna wanted to say, he raised his hand to stop him, "Okay, let's stop this matter. If the other party can really make a move Help is indeed a good thing, but you can’t pin all your hopes on one person. The alliance is not the alliance of the other party, but our alliance. It is really a blessing but also a shame for the other party to save us, so let us figure out a way for ourselves. "

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