Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1362 Died of grief and anger?

"Are you new here?" Li Cha slightly looked at the servant and asked.

"Ah, yes, my lord, I'm new here." The servant replied quickly.

"What's going on? What about Boots, Byron, and Borg?" Richard asked. Boots, Byron, and Borg are the names of the three servants.

The new manservant replied: "My lord, Boots and Byron are still here, but Borg has left. I just came here to replace Borg. I just arrived."

"Borg left, why?"

The new male servant hesitated for a moment and said: "I heard that Borg was investigated for some crimes. In the afternoon, people from the security department came and directly arrested Borg."

"So, Borg took it, and Mars transferred you?"

"Actually, it was Lord Ferry who transferred me here." The new servant said cautiously, "Master Masi was also arrested in the morning. It is said that it was done by another person called the City Defense Department."

After hearing this, Li Cha narrowed his eyes with a thoughtful expression.

After a few seconds, he nodded, waved to the new male servant and said, "Okay, I see, you go down first."

"Okay, my lord, I'm leaving." The servant retreated, and finally thought of something, and quickly added, "By the way, my lord, my name is Lan Ke, although Borg has left, but you can tell me anything .”

"Oh, I see."

"Goodbye, my lord."

"Well, let's go."



The door in the study was closed again, and Li Cha returned to the room, thinking about the words of the new servant Lan Ke, digesting the information in the words.

The news of Oscar's assassination is heavy enough, which shows that the political situation of Shaar and even the entire alliance has begun to collapse from the top. And his former servant, Borg, and the person in charge of the reception, Mas, were captured by two organizations that came out of nowhere, and the weight was not too small. It can be said that the lower and middle levels of the political situation have also become chaotic and lost their original order.

The current Shaar is undoubtedly a maelstrom, no one knows,

After recovering, what is left.

It was really unexpected, unexpected, and extremely chaotic... If there is no force contributing to the flames, I'm afraid it can't be explained at all...

Thinking about it, Li Cha restrained his thoughts, looked at Nagarjuna and asked, "By the way, you came to me for more than simply informing Mr. Oscar of his death, right? After all, people cannot be brought back to life after death. If you don't hesitate to break in through the window to report the news, it will be illogical.

Originally, I suspected that you were being hunted down and escaped here, forcing me to help. But until now, except for one servant, no one else has come to the door, so this suspicion should be ruled out. So, why are you here? "

"It seems that Mr. Oscar is right. You are really smart, so let me tell you." Long Shu said, "Actually, this time I came to you, besides telling you about Mr. Oscar's death, Also, let me tell you about Mr. Oscar's last wish.

Lord Oscar told me that if the situation is really bad, and even he is dead, it means that the situation in Shaar and the alliance has deteriorated to a certain extent, and you must take action to turn the situation around.

If you can really make a move, he is willing to hand over all the intelligence agencies he leads to you, including those spies who have been in ambush for more than ten years and have not been activated for decades. In addition, he also prepared a big gift for you, which is something you want very much, and you are guaranteed to be satisfied. However, this gift will not be handed over to you until you really turn the situation around. "

"Is that so?" Li Cha listened, nodded, and then replied almost without thinking, "I refuse."

"Ah? You refuse?" Nagarjuna shook his body, frowned deeply, covered his head and said, "Wait a minute, I'm a little dizzy, let me slow down."

He walked to the corner, sat down, and leaned against the wall. Nagarjuna raised his head to confirm: "You really want to refuse? Why? Why don't you think about it? Even if you think about it for a few seconds?

Is it too soon to say no? You know, Mr. Oscar regards you as a very good friend. If he is dead, it’s fine if you don’t avenge him, but if possible, you must fulfill his wish, right? After all, there are benefits to be gained. "

"But it's all based on the truth." Li Cha said, "First of all, the first point, I don't think that Mr. Oscar really regards me as a very good friend. I believe that he is the same as me , we all know the relationship between us, almost 70% of the partner, 30% of the friend. He died, I am indeed a little sad, I also said that it is possible to avenge him, but it is based on not causing trouble Big trouble under the premise, so currently can not.

Secondly, the second point is to hand over all the leading intelligence agencies to me. Whether this is true remains to be verified. But the so-called big gift, I don't believe it at all. There is really a big gift, Oscar will be handed over to me before, in exchange for my help, instead of waiting until now.

Besides, in this world, there are really not many things that can satisfy me at present, and it can even be said that there are very few. I really doubt that, Mr. Oscar, you can get one of these. "

At the end, Li Cha paused, looked at Nagarjuna seriously, and said, "To sum up, so... I rejected you."

Longshu: "..."

The expression was a little awkward, but he quickly coughed up a mouthful of blood to cover up the embarrassment.

Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, Nagarjun wiped it on his face, and said with a sigh: "Well, I saw that you are smarter than smart, I really lied to you, Master Oscar didn't let you do it, he just told me Something with my brother Zonghu. The reason why I came to you was not because of Mr. Oscar's idea, but because of mine.

Because I think that your shot can really change Shaar's situation and it won't continue to get worse. But now it seems that I have found the wrong person, you are very selfish. Well, let Shaar continue to mess up, the whole alliance should be messed up, no one can get benefits, including you! "

"Maybe it's not so absolute. I'm already ready to leave. Because of the victory in the previous war, I have a fief in the occupied area of ​​the Kingdom of Sika. I think it won't be too affected if I stay there for a while." Li Cha said lightly.

Nagarjuna froze, showing a ruthless expression, then let out a long breath, lost all hope in his eyes, and said nothing more. The blood in the mouth flowed out uncontrollably, and it seemed that the injuries were all over the place.

Three seconds later, Longshu's eyelids drooped, as if he had become mentally exhausted due to excessive blood loss.

Six seconds later, Nagarjuna closed his eyes, leaned against the wall, and remained motionless.

Nine seconds later, Nagarjuna "boomed", his body fell to the ground, and his life breath quickly dissipated.

After a while, Bibi went forward digging her nostrils, touched Longjun's body with her hands that didn't pick her nostrils, turned her head and said to Li Cha, "It's cold."

"It's cold! Why did this person die suddenly like this?" Bibi frowned, very dissatisfied, "I promised to help me find the booger ball, but I haven't done it yet, what should I do?"

"Bury it." Li Cha glanced at Nagarjuna and replied.

"Huh?" Bibi was surprised.

"Bury it deeper." Li Cha told Bibi earnestly, "Compact the soil so that the other party will not crawl out."

Bibi was a little puzzled, but still nodded: "Uh, okay."

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