Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1363 I rarely take the best road

"Swipe, swipe..."

According to Li Cha's words, Bibi dragged Nagarjuna's leg, dragged her face down out of the room, found an open space in the courtyard, and dug a hole with a shovel.

"The sky was dark and the moon was gray. I was pretending to be a ghost in the cemetery, but I met grave robbers. There were three grave robbers, one white, one red and one black..."

While digging a hole, Bibi hummed a weird folk song she heard from somewhere. With her strength and physical strength far beyond ordinary people, she dug out a big hole more than two meters deep in no time.

"It should be deep enough." Bibi made a gesture and said to herself, then picked up Nagarjuna and threw it into the pit unceremoniously, and said with a bit of anger that had not completely dissipated, "Hmph, Tell you not to return my booger ball!"


Nagarjuna fell to the bottom of the pit, as if he had hit a pebble, his body shook, and even his eyelids opened a crack.

But Bibi didn't care about this at all, she pushed the soil into the pit with a shovel, and directly buried Nagarjuna's whole body.

After that, the entire hole was filled up, and according to what Li Cha said, the soil was compacted, and the two feet went up and stepped on it vigorously. Only then did he pick up the shovel with satisfaction, and prepared to deliver the task in front of Li Cha.

As a result, she turned around and was about to leave when Bibi heard a sound behind her.

He stopped, turned his head, and saw that the compacted soil was suddenly pushed open, and Nagarjuna's head popped out, and he looked over.

Bibi was stunned for a moment, but she came to her senses the next moment, and without any hesitation, she raised the shovel on her head and knocked it on Nagarjuna's head.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Once, twice, three times...the beating was very hard and serious, like an old farmer beating stubborn old corn that refused to fall, or like a farmer beating a stupid groundhog that destroyed vegetables in the garden.

"Hey, hey, it's over!" Nagarjuna endured a few times of being knocked, and finally couldn't help crying out, staring at Bibi and said, "Do you have eyes? I'm not dead!" Well, just bury me. It's fine if I bury it, I'll crawl out by myself, and you're going to knock me back?"

Bibi stopped her movements, looked at Nagarjuna seriously, and asked for confirmation, "Are you really alive?"

"I'm dead, who is talking to you?" Nagarjuna said angrily,

He dug himself out of the pit with two or three strokes, spat out a few mouthfuls of dirt, and lay down on the ground next to him in the shape of "big", staring at the starry sky.

Bibi looked at it strangely, and asked, "If you didn't die, then what happened just now?"

"Of course it's a feigned death, do you understand the feigned death?" Nagarjuna said angrily, "I'm going to use the feigned death to stimulate your Li Cha, make him feel guilty, and maybe he will really help. But who knew he was so ruthless Ah, not only did you not feel guilty, but you directly asked you to bury me, but also to bury me deeper and compact the soil. Listen, is this a human language? Why didn’t he add another sentence, after compacting the soil, then Put a big rock on top!"

Speaking of this, Nagarjuna looked at Bibi with awareness: "Hey, what kind of eyes do you have, you don't know, are you really going to find a stone? How much hatred do I have with you, to treat me like this? !"

"Hmph, you didn't return my booger ball." Bibi said with a good reason.

"I..." Longshu's expression couldn't help twisting, and the next moment he stuck his finger into his nostril in a frenzy, held it for a long time, and handed it to Bibi, "I'll give it back to you! Really, a nose It's just a shit ball, there's nothing worth worrying about!"

"You don't understand, alright!" Bibi cried, "Besides, your booger balls are totally different from mine. They don't look good in shape and are small in size—I only want mine, not yours."

"I..." Longshu's expression was a bit broken. Knowing that this topic continued, he would not benefit at all, so he threw away the booger ball that made him feel a little disgusted, rolled his eyes and glanced at the night sky, and then stood up .

After moving his blood-stained body, Nagarjuno walked out of the courtyard, and said to Bibi, "Little girl, I remember you, when I have a chance, I will definitely give you back a super big booger ball , let's go!"

"Then what are you going to do now?" Bibi asked strangely.

"What can you do? Go and do big things."

"What's the big deal?" Bibi continued to ask like a curious baby.

"Save Shaar, save the alliance, save the mainland, save the world, isn't it big enough!" Nagarjuna raised his tone, "I originally wanted that Richard to do it, but if he didn't do it, and refused so thoroughly, then I had to do it!"

"Then why didn't you just make up your mind in the first place?"

"Nonsense, because this is so difficult!" Nagarjuna yelled dissatisfiedly, "I have seen clearly how many roads are in front of me, but I usually don't take the best road, but persuade others Go. Why? Because I know, it’s too difficult! But now I have no choice, I can’t persuade others, so I have to go by myself! I hope, I can die on the road soon, otherwise it will be difficult until the end , it's scary to think about it..."

As he spoke, Nagarjuna walked out of the courtyard and disappeared into the night.

Nagarjuna left, Bibi who stayed where she was was stunned, looked at the hole that was dug open, then at the shovel in her hand, lost in thought.

In other words, she was sent by Richard to bury the corpse, and now that the "corpse" has escaped, does she count as completing the task? Or... Find another corpse and throw it in to make up the number?

Bibi pondered for a long time before walking towards the room.


After a while, Li Cha in the study listened to Bibi's narration of the whole "corpse escape" incident, nodded calmly, and said, "Actually, I knew it would happen."

"You know?" Bibi was surprised.

"Yes, I know that guy is not dead, I asked you to bury him just to send him away."

"Then you just let me throw him out, why do you want me to bury him deeper and compact the soil?"

"Because I want that guy to know that I'm determined, that if he doesn't leave, I'm really going to."

"I don't understand." Bibi shook her head incomprehensibly.

Li Cha chuckled: "You don't need to understand, well, go and rest."

"Oh." Bibi nodded and walked out of the study.

Li Cha was the only one left in the study. Li Cha walked to the window, squinted his eyes as he watched the night outside, and his thoughts changed.

To be honest, when Longshu came to ask him for help, he still felt a little fluctuating in his heart, not because of the false conditions given by the other party, but because he really thought about what would happen if he joined the current alliance situation.

The alliance is indeed extremely chaotic at the moment. The deaths of the emperor, the grand prince, and Oscar, and the arrests of the little ones such as Mars and Borg clearly show that there are hidden forces doing things.

This may be the remaining Truth Society, or it may be other organizations. In short, it is right to have no good intentions.

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