Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1377: Inferior Bald Head

January 6th.

Ice Moon, the coldest month of the year.

Late at night, the coldest time of the day.

Shalin, Moshi Town, in a courtyard room.

Lin En, who felt that he laughed a little too early, was lying on the bed at this time, sleeping under a thick quilt, sleeping very lightly - on the one hand, the temperature was too low, the clothes were not taken off, and he was not sleeping comfortably, on the other hand On the one hand, it is too tired and too sad.

Then I saw that in just a few minutes, Lin En turned over several times, the expression on his face was constantly changing, and he didn't know what kind of dream he was experiencing.

The small town of Moshi where he is now is located in the jurisdiction of Maier—the dead Maier.

The reason why he came here was not to attack the women in Maier's family, but to conquer the most stubborn area of ​​Sarin head-on, and make it under the management of the Efficiency Department.

Speaking of which, with regard to the establishment of the Ministry of Efficiency, the dead Maier and the area managed by Maier's party were the most resolute in their resistance. Maybe it didn't show on the surface, but secretly, it used various methods to oppose it.

When he set up the efficiency department in other places, he sent several teams here, but they all hit a wall.

There was no other way, after almost solving the rest, he had no choice but to solve it himself.

It won't be easy, though.

It's really not easy, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to sleep well.


Lin En on the bed turned over again in his sleep, this time the movement was a bit big, and the quilt covering his body fell to the ground.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

In the cold air of the ice moon night, Lin En persisted for three seconds to be frozen awake, and opened his eyes suddenly.

Then he moved his body and sat up from the bed.

Some fragments of sleep still surfaced in front of his eyes from time to time, chaotic and illogical, just like the various problems he encountered so far, it gave him a severe headache.

Rubbing between his eyebrows, Lin En felt that it would be impossible to fall asleep tonight, so he simply stood up and began to wash.

He didn't call the servants, because he felt that he had a little time for himself and didn't want to be disturbed, so he fetched water and washed his face.

In the process of washing his face, he subconsciously scratched his head, and a handful of half-white hair came off his scalp and fell softly. With the help of the dim light in the room, Lynn glanced at his own reflection in the tub, and found that his hair was much thinner than it was a month ago, and his hairline had become higher.

Is this the price... Lin En sighed in his heart... Now he has the rights he didn't have before, but he has to be busy all day long, and he is gradually getting bald...



Be bald!

Lynn's eyes suddenly became firm.

He doesn't care much about how much hair he has left, so it doesn't matter if there is no hair left. As long as he can solve the current difficulties, consolidate his position as the deputy head of the efficiency department, and truly gain the superior power, it is completely acceptable.

Yes, totally acceptable!

reach out,

Lin En groped to one side of the cabinet and found the short dagger he put there for self-defense. He pulled it out, smiled at his own reflection in the tub, and then moved the dagger towards the top of his head.



The blade of the dagger sliced ​​across the scalp, and the thinning hair fell off in pieces, exposing the flesh-colored scalp.

No need to drop it a little bit, just shave it once, and it's done.

Lin En thought, and the movements of his hands became faster and faster.

After a while, he has become a bald head.

With a bald head and a scar on his face, this moment made his villain image more three-dimensional, plump and in-depth, almost writing a big line on his face: I am the villain!

Glancing at the reflection again, Lynn nodded in satisfaction, then threw away the dagger, sat on the bed and meditated, contemplating some actions after dawn.


It will be dawn soon.

The bald-headed Lynn appeared outside Bibi's room and knocked on the door.

"Tut tuk, tuk tuk..."

But after knocking for a long time, there was no response from the door.


Lin En raised his eyebrows, tried to open the door, walked in, and saw Bibi sitting crookedly at the desk in the room, sleeping soundly with her head resting on the desk.

Among them, Bibi is still holding a quill in her right hand. The end of the quill is on a piece of papyrus paper, and a slash is drawn crookedly. It can be seen that before falling asleep, Bibi is very serious about writing a word. But in the end it didn't work out.

What is this for?

Lynn didn't quite understand, but he didn't think much about it. After all, he had enough things to solve, and he didn't want to ask for trouble. He just coughed hard to wake up Bibi.

"Ahem, Miss Bibi, it's dawn!"


Bi Biyouyou woke up, moved her body, sat up, rubbed her eyes, looked at Lin En and asked, "Dinner is ready?"

Lynn: "..."

After two seconds of silence, he replied, "There's no dinner, it's work. I want you to accompany me to a few places this morning to find out more about the situation..."

"Tell me, who do you want to kill? Tell me the name, address and appearance. You are here to let someone cook, and I will kill you right away. When I come back after killing, the meal should be ready and ready to eat. " Bibi said, and asked earnestly after finishing speaking, "Is there any problem?"

The corners of Lin En's mouth twitched a little, but for a month, he had already known Bibi's eccentricity—after seeing Bibi twist his own head off and then press it back on, he felt that no matter how eccentric it was.

Opening his mouth, Lin En explained: "Miss Bibi, the matter is not that simple. In the place we came this time, it is difficult to solve the problem just by killing people, and it may have negative effects. It must be solved in other ways. For example ..."


Bibi reached out her hand to stop her, and said seriously: "You don't need to explain anything to me, just tell me what to do. I'm trying to learn new knowledge these days, what about mechanics and physics, my head is getting bigger, now a little I don’t even want to think about it. So, if you want me to go out with you, then go out. But... when you come back, you can always eat, right?"


"Okay, let's go." Bibi said, without delaying her words, she walked out.

But when he was about to go out, he realized a phenomenon that he had almost overlooked. He stopped suddenly, turned his head, and his eyes fell on Lin En's bald scalp. He said in surprise, "Hey, where's your hair?"

"I shaved it off."

"That's it." Bibi came back, walked to Lin En, stepped on her feet and touched them seriously, and commented with her heart, "It's quite warm, but... why is it not smooth, but rather rough."

Lynn had a strange expression.

It would be strange if it was smooth, but he shaved his hair off with a dagger. He is not a professional barber, the tools he uses are not right, and the skills are not high. After shaving, there are many small wounds on the head, which is naturally rough to the touch.

But of course he wouldn't say it out. With a straight face, he took Bibi's hand away resolutely and without being rude, and said: "Miss Bibi, let's get down to business. If there is a problem, let's talk about it after finishing the business."

"Alright." Bibi accepted the suggestion and walked out.

Lin En followed and walked out in the cold wind of the ice moon with his bald head, feeling...a bit cold.


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