Most of the time.

Lin En and Bibi returned to the courtyard where they lived.

The servants had already prepared the meals and brought them to the table. Bibi ate happily, but Lynn didn't have much thought about eating. After eating a little bit, he went back to the bedroom, covered his head and frowned.

This is not because the scalp is freezing cold, it is simply that the difficulty encountered is greater.

The people in this area were determined to resist him, and they resisted him very smartly. There was absolutely no fault on the surface.

Whatever order he has, it will be strictly executed, but the problem is that it is too strict, so strict that it is almost blind.

Yes, blind.

Carrying out orders blindly and seemingly without any objection seems reasonable, but when they are executed, they go out of shape.

For example, a few days ago he wanted to set up a branch of the Efficiency Department here, and asked to find some young and energetic people as grassroots members. Soon, people came, and they turned out to be all miners who had just grown up.

Really young, how can you not be young just after becoming an adult? !

If you are really motivated, how can you persevere as a miner without motivation? !

All his requirements were perfectly met, but it was not at all what he wanted.

He suppressed his anger and demanded that the people be returned and replaced by a group of experienced, not too young, mature people.

As a result, I went around today and found that all the people I was looking for were old people who were dying. They were really experienced and mature, but they definitely couldn't work!

He was really annoyed, and deliberately listed dozens or hundreds of conditions to let the other party find qualified candidates. But after thinking about it again, this does not solve the fundamental problem.

No matter how detailed the conditions he listed are, the people here will find ways to find loopholes. To change everything, the people here must succumb.

But how to get people here to give in?

Lynn put down his hand covering his head, tapped on the table, thinking hard.

Li Cha set a deadline for each of his tasks. Regarding the big task of fully forming the Efficiency Department, the deadline is not long. He must change the current situation as soon as possible. However, it is not possible to break the situation violently. The consequences caused by that are unpredictable. It needs to be overcome from the side in a gentle and ingenious way, but...

Lin En thought about it for a long time, but he still had no idea until noon. At this moment, a servant ran into the door and reported, "Master Lin En, someone wants to see you."

"Anyone wants to see me?" Lynn raised an eyebrow and asked, "Who?"

The servant shook his head: "I don't know, they refuse to say. But it seems that their status is not ordinary."

Lin En couldn't guess the identity of the person who came, so he pondered for a while, and said to the servant: "Go and tell them, I'm busy, let them wait a while. If they don't leave after waiting for half an hour, they will leave." Bring them to me."

In Lynn's view, if the other party can really wait for half an hour, then there must be something more important. In addition, it can be confirmed that the other party's status is lower than his, and he came to see him with a relatively low profile. He can take the initiative in the conversation-since the other party does not disclose any information, he will find a way to obtain information by himself.

The servant nodded, turned around and was about to leave.

Just then,

Footsteps sounded outside, and a woman raised her voice: "Mr. Lynn, do you really want us to wait for half an hour? Then what are you going to do for this half hour? Are you going to solve the problems you encountered?" ? But with your ability, I’m afraid it won’t be solved in half an hour. But if it’s us, it’s not necessarily possible.”

After hearing this, Lin En's expression changed suddenly, the scar on his face twisted, and he frowned and looked outside.

Although he didn't see anyone, he could hear six or seven people in the footsteps, and their posture was definitely very tall, which was not a good thing.

However, he was also calm, and did not tear up his face, asking why the other party broke in directly. Instead, he took a deep breath, opened the door and walked out, looking at the people outside.

He saw a total of seven people, two women and four men, and one of them, a woman in scarlet clothes, stood at the front. For some reason, he felt that they looked familiar. Beside the woman in the red dress is another woman, her legs are a little lame, but her momentum is very strong, that's what she said just now.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Lin En asked with narrowed eyes.

"We are from Heishui City to help you." The crippled woman explained the matter very concisely, "Someone knows that although your ability is good and you are willing to work hard, it is impossible to exceed the limits of ordinary people after all. In other places , may be able to solve a series of problems, but in this, it is hard to say. So, we are here to help you solve the problem, saving you from dragging too long."

Lin En felt a little relieved when he heard this, and asked in confirmation, "So, you have the same identity as Miss Bibi?"

"In a sense, it's considered." The crippled woman said.

"Then how are you going to solve the problem in this place?"

"Actually, we've already settled it." At this time, the woman in the scarlet dress said suddenly with her lips slightly parted.

"Huh?" Lynn was taken aback, a little unresponsive.

The woman in the scarlet dress tilted her head slightly and shouted outside: "Hulk!"

"Princess!" Someone responded immediately. A burly man came in from outside carrying a panic-stricken person on his shoulders, and threw him to the ground.

The person thrown on the ground struggled to get up, and wanted to escape. The woman in the scarlet clothes snorted softly, as if an invisible sharp knife flew through the air suddenly.

With a "poof", blood splashed from both ankles of the escapee, and he fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

Lynn's eyes shrank, but his vision was still there. This was obviously a magical effect, and it should be the wind blade that some wizards like to use most—it can kill people invisible.

The woman in the scarlet clothes glanced at the low-pitched escapee, looked at and said, "In this area, all your instructions are being secretly resisted. From your mind, you should be able to guess that there are people connecting with each other." , and join forces to show you. You have always wanted to dig them out, but the other party hides them too well, and suffers from no evidence.

Now, I dug it out for you. This is a member of the series. If you interrogate it carefully, you can figure out a lot of things, and then you can find a lot of evidence along the way. In the end, it's fine to arrest and deal with people in an open and aboveboard manner with the evidence. No one will have any objections, really have objections... Heh, I will also let them have no objections. "

What a breath... Lin En frowned after hearing this, somewhat dissatisfied with the attitude of the woman in the scarlet dress and the group, after all, compared with Bibi, the difference was too great.

Although Bibi is weird, but helping is helping, and she never makes irresponsible remarks, but now the other party is also helping, but it seems to be more dominant, making him a supporter, which makes him very uncomfortable.

Most importantly, who is it?

Just as he was wondering, Lin En suddenly thought of the strong man calling the woman in the scarlet dress just now, and then thought of a fuzzy wanted portrait he had seen before—it was still in the era of the Sika Kingdom.

Lin En raised his head sharply, his eyes widened, and he looked at the woman in the scarlet dress, and said in surprise, "I remember, you are..."

"Yes." Unexpectedly, the woman in the scarlet dress admitted calmly, and said, "I am the blood princess of the Kingdom of Sika—Jasmine, what's the matter, is there a problem?"

Lynn: "..."


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