Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1454: Take the initiative

After several hours.

Frank, who had prayed, rode on a horse and headed north along the road with his twelve team members.

Around him were the rest of the Silver Cross mixed regiment, both infantry and cavalry. The leader of the whole body in silver armor is leading the guards to open the way at the front, while the captain Heyman he hates is not far from the front.

Frank looked at Heyman's back and blinked his eyes, thinking how to stay away from him so that he would not notice him and trouble him.

Who knows that the other party turned his head and looked at him with a sense, stared at him on horseback, and reprimanded him very skillfully: "Frank Daiss, what's the matter with you! A cavalry captain, why is he so slow? He is almost falling to the ground. The whole team went behind, worse than the rest of the infantry squad, what to eat? Is it because they ate up the horse feed and made the horses hungry?"

As the other party spoke, the fat on his neck trembled, looking funny and hateful.

Why the hell do you only eat horse feed? No, you eat pig feed, that’s why you look like a pig... Frank slandered, but he didn’t dare to do this on the surface. He smiled and said: “Captain, how can I eat?” Horse feed, isn’t it because I started a little late that I’m slow.”

"Aren't you timid to fight?" Captain Heyman rolled his eyes.

You are timid to fight, I am just worried that something bad will happen with a small probability, so I lead the small team to walk in the second half of the big team, and it is easy to deal with danger... Frank thought in his heart, but he explained: "Captain , How can I be afraid to fight? Even if I am afraid to fight, it is impossible to show it now. After all, we have not yet reached the border of the gray rock territory, and there is still a long distance from the sand forest—the enemy can’t see it. Come on, how can you be timid?."

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to argue with you, so let's just pretend that what you said makes sense." Captain Heyman said, "But even so, your team's performance can't be said to be good. It seems that there is a reason for lack of training. It's also because I'm too busy. When you have time, you must practice your team well, so as not to be so behind every time you start, it will embarrass me."

"Yes." Frank responded again and again, his face full of "sincerity", "After this war is won, our team will train hard under the guidance of you, captain."

"Well, just remember it." Captain Heyman said, in the middle of speaking, he suddenly seemed to hear something, and turned his head to look forward.

I saw that the leader who opened the way at the front had stopped moving forward, with one hand on the long sword at his waist.

This is?

Heyman looked around suspiciously, and asked to himself, "What's wrong? Hey, is there any sound?"


As soon as Heyman finished speaking, there were dense sounds of horseshoes all around, quickly approaching.


The leader of Yinjia pulled out his long sword suddenly and shouted: "Enemy attack, prepare to fight!"

Frank: "..."

His face turned pale in an instant, and he really wanted to give him two big mouths - he shouldn't have said that just now - he had learned the lesson of talking nonsense several times before, why can't he remember it!


at the same time.

Reef Fortress, City Lord's Mansion, Command Room.

in the room,

A staff officer in military uniform stood upright, holding a few pieces of paper in his hand, and read the contents seriously.

Sauron Bonaparte, the god of war—the one who controls the most military force in the alliance, sat on a chair next to him, propped his chin with one hand, and stared at the air in front of him. A look of deep thought, motionless, like a sculpture.

The sound echoed in the room.

"General, according to the information we have collected, after the incident, the man left the city quickly and headed west, out of sight. If there is no accident, he should have returned to Sarin by now. However, there are no investigation posts on our border. found out, so...the possibility of the other party still staying in the territory cannot be ruled out..."

"As of today, a new palace organization has been established, managed by an 'emergency parliament' organization, including many members of the royal family, and some ministers who control the real power. In addition to discussing the candidate for the new emperor, they are discussing How to punish that person, after all, that person did that thing in full view, the too bad.

However, the 'emergency meeting' does not have many troops in its hands, and also has to consider the issue of domestic security, so it is not possible to send many people. It is more about ordering us, as well as other overseas territories and special garrison troops to attack Sarin. ..."

"Under the order of the 'Emergency Council', except for our direct troops in the Reef Fortress who did not move without your order, the garrisons of the other foreign territories and special garrison areas have been dispatched one after another, approaching Sarin. According to the estimates of the staff department, now these The garrison has already formed a semi-encirclement situation for Sarin, putting some pressure on Sarin. Not surprisingly, Sarin will take defensive measures and contact the garrison near the border. The not easy to determine..."

Hearing this, the motionless Sauron seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth and chuckled.

"Huh?" The staff officer who read the information couldn't help being taken aback, "General, you..."


Limestone territory.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack—"

On the road ahead, the leader of the Silver Cross Mixed Group shouted loudly.

At this time, the sound of approaching horseshoes was already heard, and a large number of figures clearly appeared in the field of vision, and they saw that they were five hundred-man cavalry. Everyone is wearing black armor, the face is covered under the visor, the eyes are inlaid with tea-brown glass, and no part of the body is exposed.

This was Shalin's long-known black knight, approaching silently and swiftly.

The head of the Silver Cross Mixed Team looked at it, and his hands trembled a little, partly from shock and partly from surprise. He really didn't expect to meet a black knight here, after all, he hadn't reached the border of Sarin, and he was still in the gray-eyed territory. He really didn't expect that Sharin didn't defend as he guessed, but took the initiative to attack.


Taking a deep breath, the head of the Silver Cross Mixed Regiment forcibly calmed down and issued an order loudly: "The whole regiment is ready to fight, the infantry spreads their defenses to the two wings, and the cavalry gathers in the center. Follow my orders and prepare to charge!"

The order was issued, and the entire Silver Cross mixed group moved quickly. Under the crisis of life and death, the efficiency was extremely high, trying to gather the strength of the whole group to resist the black knight's attack.

Speaking of which, their regiment has more than a thousand people after all, while the black cavalry has only five hundred-man brigades, that is, five hundred people.

The ratio of the number of people is two to one, and they have an absolute advantage in this respect.

Many young recruits think so.

Then comes the moment when reality teaches them to be human.

The infantry on the two wings had just assembled into a defensive formation, and the cavalry was preparing to charge under the leadership of the regiment leader, when the sharp sound of "咻" sounded.

I saw one of the approaching cavalry brigade suddenly stretched his hand backwards, pulled out the javelins on his back, followed the horse's speed on the horse's back, and threw it after accumulating power.

"call out--"

The sharp sound pierced the eardrums, and the javelin whizzed through the air. The surface of the javelin glowed with a dangerous and beautiful luster, and it fell like lightning, hitting with precision.


"Puff puff!"

The leader of the Silver Cross Mixed Group standing in the front was pierced through his body in an instant and died on the spot. The guards guarding the regiment leader also followed suit. They were killed by javelins before they could even resist. Some people were nailed to the ground together with their horses.

Before they made contact, the entire Silver Cross mixed formation suffered a heavy blow, losing almost one-tenth of its strength, and it was the most elite strength.

The rest of the Silver Cross Mixed Group froze for a moment. They saw the black knight getting closer and closer in their vision, and the armor on their body lit up like a flame, like a demon crawling out of an abyss, waving its long sword with a strong murderous aura. The sword rushed forward.

Fifty meters, thirty meters, ten meters.


Black Cavalry, the forward of a centurion, successfully ran into the mixed group of Silver Cross.

And then... the Silver Cross Mixed Group collapsed at the touch of a button.

Yes, they collapsed at the touch of a button, and couldn't even do a brief stalemate. When the black knight simply chopped off a large piece of head and broke through the formation, the rest of the Silver Cross mixed group fled around without hesitation. .

At this time, some people finally came to their senses and understood that the superiority in numbers cannot bring 100% victory.

It is true that there are more than a thousand of them, but the black cavalry does not need five hundred people at all, and only one hundred people can kill them all.

Because this is the legendary Spartan who came out of the northern wilderness, this is a magic knight armed to the teeth.

Of course, there are still some people who woke up earlier, such as Frank, who guessed the ending when he heard the sound of the horse's hooves.

Therefore, as soon as the black knight showed up, he was mentally prepared to retreat.

When the Silver Cross Mixed Regiment collapsed during the contact and determined that the situation could not be reversed, he was the first to flee decisively on horseback. The direction was east. He knew that there was a reef fort and the most powerful alliance army there.

As for where to escape, it depends on the destiny.

Wouldn't he die on the road... Frank muttered something in his heart. Hearing the screams from behind him, he tried his best to put his body on the horse's back, and flogged the horse desperately to gallop forward.


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