Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1455 Never Betray

Reef Fortress, City Lord's Mansion, Command Room.

Just as Sauron, the God of War, finished his chuckle, another staff officer walked in quickly from the outside and reported, "General, the latest information."

The staff officer who read the information to Sauron at the beginning took a strange look at the new staff officer, frowned, stepped back and stepped aside, and listened to the other party.

The new staff officer cleared his throat, and said: "General, about an hour ago, the garrisons in multiple territories and special garrison areas successfully formed the first layer of encirclement of Sarin, and approached the border of Sarin within 30 miles. They continued to shrink and advance. After advancing for about ten minutes, they encountered Shalin's active attacking army. They suffered heavy losses and a large number fled backwards.

The Sarin army took the opportunity to pursue and caused the entire first-level encirclement to collapse, and the follow-up teams trying to build the second-level encirclement were also attacked. Among them, 50% of the casualties of the garrison in the Nast Territory, nearly 60% of the garrison in the Bam Special Garrison Area, and no news from the garrison in the Limestone Territory, but it is expected... the result will not be much better..."

The staff officer who retreated to the side changed his expression after hearing this.

The new staff officer looked at Sauron and asked earnestly: "General, it is estimated that many defeated troops will be chased by Shalin's army and flee towards our reef fortress. If we pay attention, we will definitely fight with Shalin." There is a frontal conflict in Lin. If we ignore it, the multiple lines of defense we have built will be in danger of being disrupted. Moreover, although the defeated troops are not directly related to us, they are also our friendly troops in name. It is a bit unreasonable to ignore them at all. You see, we How can I do?"

Sauron didn't speak, and after a chuckle, he resumed his silence, and continued to look at the air in front of him, motionless.

He is meditating, he is indeed meditating, but no one knows what he is meditating and what decision he is about to make.

In the room, the two staff officers and the working clerk exchanged eyes with each other, a little dazed, not knowing what to do, so they could only stand there and wait quietly.

In the silence, footsteps sounded from outside the door.


With a "squeak", the door was pushed open, and the wizard Abu Yule walked in, wearing a blue robe as always, holding a letter in his hand, and frowning.

As Sauron's confidant, he walked straight up to Sauron, shook the letter in his hand, and exhaled: "General, it's a letter for you, it's from Sharin, and it's said that he wrote it himself. The content is an explanation about that matter, saying that I hope you can follow reason and make wise choices after reading it."

Sauron rested his chin on his right hand, as if he didn't hear it at all.

Yu Le frowned deeply: "General?"

Sauron still didn't move.

Yule raised his tone: "General?!"


Sauron finally moved, looked up at Yule, got up, stood up, and walked forward.

As he paced and walked, he made a sound, and he didn't know who to tell: "You know, I have thought a lot these days, about that person, and about what happened to Shaar. I believe that that person Not crazy, I've been in contact with him, and it's clear that he's not a lunatic, on the contrary, he's a very smart guy. I'm sure, since he did that in Char, there must be some reason, even good reason , so he tried to convince me.

I'm also trying to convince myself,

Don't be too impulsive. After all, Sarin is different from other territories. The power displayed on the surface is enough to make us vigilant. The actual power behind the scenes is likely to be enough to change the situation of the entire continent. Otherwise, that person probably wouldn't have done things so simply in Shaar - he had spent several years building Sharin, and he would never give up easily, and he definitely didn't want to be destroyed in the war. "

Sauron walked to the wall, turned around, continued to pace, and continued to talk.

"In addition, Sika must also consider. The war more than three years ago did deal them a heavy blow, but it was not fatal and did not hurt their roots. More than three years of recuperation have allowed them to recover a lot. Most importantly, the defeat of the war made them pay more attention to the army, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly enhanced. If our reef fortress forces attack towards the sand forest, the border will definitely be empty, whether Sika takes advantage of the gap or waits until It is very dangerous to give us the fatal blow after the dust has settled.

Also, Char's court has been rather disappointing to me for so long. From Emperor Byron, I don't see the hope of a prosperous alliance. To put it boldly, maybe the death of Emperor Byron is not all bad for the alliance. You know, it is very strange that Emperor Byron can succeed to the throne. It is hard not to worry about whether the power he suddenly possesses and the forces behind him will be good or bad for the alliance. "

The people in the room had weird expressions and dared not speak. After all, Sauron's speech was too bold, even a little rebellious. However, having said that, what Sauron said seems to be true. They kept exchanging eyes, and their expressions were a little wonderful.

At this time, Sauron walked back to the wizard Yu Le, who handed out the letter in his hand and asked, "General, why don't you take a look?"

Sauron did not accept the letter, but carefully observed the envelope for a few seconds, and suddenly sighed softly, "It's a pity."

"Huh?" The wizard Yule was puzzled.

"It's a pity, it's a pity!" Sauron shook his head and said repeatedly, his expression turned serious, "It's a pity. After all, he killed the Emperor of the Alliance, and he killed it in the palace under the watchful eyes of many people. If he killed The most important thing is the court minister. If he just imprisoned the emperor, there is still something to talk about, but this time he really went too far.

Emperor Byron may have many unbearable actions, and may have many actions that are not conducive to the alliance, but as the emperor, he is the representative of the alliance, and killing him is to start a war with the alliance. I may not be completely loyal to Emperor Byron, but I am absolutely 100% loyal to the Alliance. To be an enemy of the alliance is to be an enemy to me, and I will use all my strength to destroy him.

If you don't do this, it means that the alliance is powerless to punish its enemies, so is it still a normal country? Still have a national qualification? If the murderer who killed the previous emperor is ignored, how can the next emperor have any reason to succeed, unless the name of the country is changed or split. And I can't bear this kind of thing to happen. "

The wizard Yule in front of Sauron showed a bit of surprise, and opened his mouth: "The general, this letter..."

Sauron stretched out his hand to take the letter, looked at the cover of the letter and chuckled, then pinched both sides of the envelope with both hands, and with force, it was torn in two with a "stab". Afterwards, this action was repeated repeatedly, tearing a letter to shreds.

"You don't need to read it, and there's no need to read it." Sauron threw away the shredded paper in his hand and said seriously, "I can guess that there are sufficient reasons to convince me in the letter. But no reason can make me betray the alliance."

"Then what are we going to do next..." the wizard Yule asked with flickering eyes.

"Blow the horn." Sauron replied with deep eyes.

The wizard Yule's eyelids twitched, he was stunned for a full second, then he lowered his head and said, "Yes, I understand, General."


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