Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1456 I don't want to see you


"Woo~ woo~"

The low-pitched horn sounded, spreading inside and outside the reef castle.

In a barracks somewhere outside Reef Fortress, in the stables.

"Stab, sting..."

The former high-ranking captain of the tenth and small captain of the Red Maple Cavalry, and now the low-ranking centurion and captain of the Red Maple Cavalry—Mario, who does not look like a captain at all, is stepping on a three-legged circle. On the stool, he brushed his red horse with a brush dipped in water.

"Stab, sting..."

Halfway through brushing, Mario seemed to hear something, stopped his movements, and turned his head to look outside the stable.

"Assemble, the whole group assemble!"

In the air, the head of the group shouted.

Without any hesitation, he threw the brush away, jumped off the stool, and Mario ran out of the stable, just as he saw a group of soldiers gathering in the open space of the barracks, the commander in armor was standing not far away .

The head of the regiment noticed him, glanced at him, and waved: "All the captains, come to my camp for a meeting." After speaking, he turned and walked to the side.

"Yes." Mario gave a standard military salute and quickly followed.

After a while, he and nine other captains entered the regimental commander's tent.

The head of the regiment didn't talk nonsense at all, and explained the departure time, marching route, and things to be prepared extremely concisely, then squinted his eyes and said: "Every brigade, prepare by yourself, and set off in two hours. Whoever falls behind will go and wait." Get whipped by me."

There are a lot of things to prepare this time. In addition to weapons and equipment, you also need to bring good ordnance, food, and clothing, because it is very likely that it will be a long-distance and long-term march, which is quite difficult.

Mario blinked his eyes, and asked tentatively: "Commander, we are so well prepared, and we are marching northwest again, should we go to Beihuang or Xika?"

The group leader glanced at Mario, and said without concealment: "Let's go to Sarin."


"Go get ready, don't be wordy."



In a blink of an eye, two days later.

The Red Maple Cavalry Regiment headed northwest along the road, getting farther and farther away from the reef fortress.

Mario's brigade, as a forward, opened the way five miles in front of the main force of the Red Maple Cavalry Regiment, and was alert to potential dangers.

The head of the regiment told Mario that their Red Maple Cavalry Regiment was the first group to set off, so they may encounter various problems during their journey to Shalin, including but not limited to routs, traps, and ambushes, so He must cheer up.

At this moment, Mario's eyes were wide open, and he kept scanning the front, feeling a little complicated in his heart.

When the head of the regiment arranged the marching and combat plan, he had already vaguely guessed that he was going to Shalin. After all, the big event that happened in Shaar could not be hidden at all, and it had already spread all over the place.

However, the closer he got to Sarin, the more worried he became—worried about the outcome of the battle with Sarin.

In the original national war, he participated in almost the whole process, so he knew the horror of Li Cha. It will definitely not be easy to attack such a person, and to attack Shalin who has such a person.

Very likely to suffer heavy losses.

He is not too afraid of death, otherwise he would not be able to become the captain, but he is afraid that the reef force will suffer heavy losses in the process of attacking the sand forest, and the Sika will take advantage of it.

But these things... General Sauron should have considered all of them, and he shouldn't be the captain who is worried...


Taking a deep breath, retracting his wandering thoughts, Mario's eyes fell to the end of the horizon. I don't know if it was an illusion, but he saw that there seemed to be a few black spots flickering there.

The next moment, he was sure that it was not an illusion, there were really countless black spots pouring from the horizon.

Get closer, and you can see clearly that there are many alliance soldiers fleeing in a hurry, obviously defeated from the front. I don't know exactly what happened, like a group of beggars, almost no one has a weapon, and some people even lost their shoes.

At this time, the rout soldiers also saw them, and approached them at an accelerated speed as if they had seen a savior.

Mario remained vigilant, and asked his subordinates to stop the rout tens of meters away, and picked a person to ask in front of him, "Where are you from?"

"My lord, we escaped from the Gray Rock Territory. We escaped for two days before arriving here."

"Grey Rock Territory? Which regiment are you in the Gray Rock Territory garrison?"

"Silver Cross mixed group." The other party answered honestly.

Mario frowned deeply and glanced at the other party. The next moment his eyebrows trembled in shock, and his voice blurted out: "It's you! I've seen you!"

"Ah?" The person who was questioned was stunned, and looked at Mario seriously, and after a while he was pleasantly surprised, "You are Mario-sama? Mario-sama, I actually saw you again, it is really fate I'm so honored that you still remember me."

The person who spoke was Frank Days.

"Of course I remember you." Mario said to Frank, subconsciously holding the sword in his hand, and glanced in the direction where Frank was fleeing.

Three years ago in the National War, he once fought side by side with Frank for a short time, and he has a very deep memory of Frank's unlucky physique—after all, how unlucky a person must be before he can bump into Sika's entire demon body casually. Pretending to be a knight brigade?

Although, later, the Magic Knight was led to the alliance encirclement and was wiped out, but that was also a narrow escape. Since then, he has made up his mind that he must be wary of people like Frank.

Looking at Frank, Mario didn't mean to reminisce about the past at all, but asked seriously: "You are running away in such a panic, is there any pursuers behind you?"

"There are indeed chasing soldiers. They are Shalin's black cavalry. We are not their opponents at all. We were defeated as soon as we met. Afterwards, we could only run away and ran here." Frank said with lingering fear, "Along the way, we also I met several groups of allies and tried to join forces to fight back, but in the end they all turned into a group of fleeing people-the black cavalry is really too powerful..."

The sense of crisis in Mario's heart rose, and his breathing became short of breath. He forcibly interrupted Frank's words and asked, "Tell me, how far is the black knight from you? Is it right behind you?"

"That's not true." Frank shook his head, "If we followed closely, we would have died a long time ago. Their speed is not too fast, they should still be more than ten miles away now, and they may have been thrown off by us, sir, don't worry too much .”

As soon as Frank finished speaking, he saw Mario's lips tremble, his eyes narrowed, and he pulled out the long sword with a "swipe", as if he was about to chop him alive.

"I... thank you!" Mario yelled.

"Thank you for what I did..." Frank was puzzled. He thought of something in the middle of his speech, and suddenly turned his head to look at the way he came. He saw a group of people galloping towards them.

In his impression, the black cavalry, who should have been more than ten miles away, suddenly accelerated to catch up, and the distance was already less than two miles away.

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