Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1457: The Silent Black Rider

Frank turned pale.

Mario looked at Frank angrily, but he also knew in his heart that it was not Frank's fault. He gave Frank a hard look, looked at all his subordinates, and shouted: "Let the rout soldiers retreat, and the rest gather and prepare for the battle."


Mario's entire group of cavalry quickly got rid of the rout and gathered together on the road, holding their weapons and looking at the black cavalry who were rushing towards them.

Speaking of which, the number of black knights rushing to attack was not many, not even a whole brigade, only more than fifty people.

But no matter how few black knights there are, they are still magic knights, and no matter how many they are, they are still only elite cavalry.

They can't stop these black knights, they can only hope that the main force of the Red Maple Regiment behind them can respond in time.

hope so……

Biting his lip, Mario spurred on the horse and took the lead to meet the black cavalry hundreds of meters away, already determined to die. At this moment, he forgot about the entanglement about attacking Sarin, and only had the simplest thought in his mind as a soldier—to fight, to live or to die.

"Rush with me!" Mario roared, leading his men, getting closer and closer to the black knight.

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters.

Within a hundred meters, Mario could clearly see the magic pattern on the armor of the black knight, and saw the light shining on the pattern.

Sweat was dripping from his palms, he gritted his teeth and grasped the weapon tightly, raised it up with all his strength, and was about to swing it down.

But at the next moment, his eyes widened, and he saw an unexpected scene - the extremely powerful black cavalry suddenly took the initiative to avoid, turned the horse's head sharply, turned to the left side of the road, and avoided fighting with them.

This is... the black knight is afraid?

Mario was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that this was not the case. The black knight was not afraid, but did not regard him as a real opponent. The real opponent was...

Mario looked in the direction that the black knight was facing, and saw about 500 cavalry in blue armor rushing from the direction of the reef fortress. A few hundred meters away from the black knight, a deep purple light lit up on the armor, Dazzling and dangerous.

This is the magic knight of the reef castle.

It is true that his team is the opening striker, but obviously, the opening striker is not the only one in his team, there are others.

Then, what follows is obviously a battle between magic knights. As an ordinary cavalryman, he is not qualified to participate.

That's good, after all, he doesn't want to die like this.

Mario calmed down, waved his men to turn their horses, and walked towards the way they came. On the one hand, they escorted the remnant soldiers to meet the main force of the cavalry regiment, and on the other hand, they wanted to tell the regiment commander what happened here.

Since half a group of black cavalry can be encountered here, it means that the road ahead has been substantially occupied by sarin, and the march must be vigilant.

Thinking this way, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Shalin's black knight charging, and then collided with the blue-armored magic knight of the reef fortress.



The two sides fought with all their strength, blood spattered, penetrated each other's formation, rushed a certain distance, exchanged positions and stopped.

As a result of the fight, the blue-armored knights in the Reef Fortress were slightly inferior, with more casualties—almost half of the black knights fell,

The blue-armored magic knights in Reef Fortress increased by about 30%.

It's just that, after all, there are a lot of blue-armored magic knights in Reef Fortress, and the loss of more than 30 people seems to be that much, while there are only a few dozen black knights left, and they are a little lonely.

The lonely black knight, without any retreat, turned his horse's head mechanically, and launched a second charge towards the magic knight in the reef fortress.

The blue-armored magic knight of Reef Fortress confronted him unceremoniously.



It was another fight, and after the end, the blue-armored knights in the rock fortress lost nearly 20 people, while the black knight was the only survivor left.

The leader of the blue-armored knight glanced at the last black knight, pulled up his mask, and said, "Surrender, you can avoid death."

Heiqi remained silent, not knowing whether he hadn't heard or didn't want to respond.

Two seconds later, the black knight mobilized his horse, accelerated, and charged, approaching more than 400 blue-armored magic knights in the reef fortress, and slashed down with all his strength.


The black knight successfully cut the weapon into the body of a knight in the blue armor of the reef fortress, but more long swords also pierced his body.


The blue-armored magic knights of Reef Fortress drew back their long swords. The black knight swayed on his horse and fell straight to the ground without struggling.

Mario looked at these from the corner of his eyes, and felt a little vigilant in his heart—it seemed that a dead black knight was more dangerous than a living black knight.


Mario thought about it carefully and found the reason. It was the black knight's indifference to death in the battle that shocked him.

Perhaps in the same environment, he could face enemies several times his own and die as fearlessly as the black knight, but he would definitely not be so calm, and he would definitely not even roar and scream.

This is terrible, is this still human?

Could this be the Spark tribe who came out of the Northern Wilderness?

If Sharin's army exists like this, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to attack Sarin in the future.

Mario felt a little heavy inside.


some time later.

On the side of the marching road of the reef fortress army, there is a temporary camp, inside a seemingly ordinary white military tent.

Many staff officers and clerks are busy, and this place has become a temporary army staff department. Sauron, the God of War, stood in front of a hanging map, squinting, and a young staff officer reported the latest situation behind him.

"General, according to the statistics of the forward troops, we have gathered about 10,000 routs at present, and it is expected to continue in the next two days, and the final number may exceed 30,000." The young staff officer said.

Sauron looked at the map and asked without looking back, "How is the broken army?"

"Morale is very low, and it is difficult to go into battle without reorganization and training." The staff responded.

"Then let's disperse them to the rear and let them do some auxiliary work." Sauron said.

"Yes, General." The staff officer nodded, "However, General, how do we deal with the military rations of these defeated troops in recent days? This time, we let each army carry their own military rations with them, and there is no excess share for them, and they even The weapons are all gone, and it is impossible to bring food."

"Let's make it together temporarily, let the troops reduce some consumption appropriately, and give them some. After a few days, the food road will be established, and the food can be continuously transported from the rear to the front line."

"Yes." The staff officer replied, turned and walked out.

At this moment, Sauron turned his head, looked at another senior staff officer, and asked, "What's the news from Sika?"

"The informant reported that Xika was surprised by Shaar's incident and our actions, but it was only a surprise. In the market, the price of food did not increase, and the prices of other goods were generally stable. Only a small part of the army was mobilized. It's for precaution." The senior staff officer said quickly.

"So, because it happened so suddenly, Xika hasn't reacted yet." Sauron raised his eyebrows, "Or, they have already reacted, but they chose to wait on the sidelines for a while-this is also the most reasonable, after all they It is already difficult to bear another defeat in the national war, and if you really want to tear up the treaty, you must choose a time when we and Shalin have suffered heavy losses. "

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