Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1458 Infiltration Attack

Leaving the map hanging on the wooden stand, Sauron walked towards the corner of the military tent, squinting his eyes: "In this case, if we move quickly, it is possible to complete everything before Sika makes a move."

While speaking, Sauron walked to a sand table and carefully looked at the sand table for more than ten seconds.

The staff officers and clerks in the military tent realized something, and surrounded themselves automatically, their eyes fell on Sauron, and after seeing Sauron's silence for a while, they picked up three small red flags from the edge of the sand table, and forced them into three places on the sand table.

The next moment, I heard Sauron announce the attack plan: "Next, we will divide into three groups. The left route, 50,000, detours from the limestone territory and attacks the southern part of the sand forest. The right route, 50,000, bypasses the Confused Mountain Range , straight into the eastern part of the sand forest. The middle road, 150,000, led by me personally, quickly passed through the road of the confused mountain range, and attacked the 'gate' in the southeast of the sand forest - Dry Stone City."

Over the past few years, Reef Fortress has been declaring to the outside world that the direct force is less than 200,000, but in fact it is close to 300,000. This time, Sauron dispatched 160,000 troops at the beginning, but now to carry out the new plan, he has to mobilize another 90,000 troops from the rear, which can be said to be almost all out.

Everyone in the military tent felt the weight, and their expressions were serious.

"Execute!" Sauron finally said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison and got busy.



The wheels of war rolled forward, and the place where it was rolled was a mess.


Sunny afternoon.

A bloody battlefield.

Mario led his brigade, patrolling the battlefield where a small encounter had just occurred. Not far away, a temporary camp is being built quickly. What Mario has to do is to prevent the enemy from suddenly appearing and attacking the temporary camp that has not been built.

"Da da da……"

The horse's hooves sounded, and in the middle of the patrol, Mario pulled the horse's rein, slowed down, and looked towards the ground beside him.

On the ground, in a pool of blood, lay a body that had not yet been buried. According to the black armor on the opponent, it could be easily determined that it was Shalin's black knight.

The black knight was lying on his back, half of his armor was broken, and his helmet had been lost, revealing his eyes that were not closed. The opponent's face was a little ferocious, and he stared at the chest. There were five long spears inserted there, three of which were broken, and two were intact—this was obviously the direct cause of the opponent's death.

Looking at the corpse, Mario couldn't help frowning. He could imagine how violently the black knight had struggled before he died, and how much damage he had caused to his allies—in fact, there were many wounded at this time. Lying in wounded tents at the makeshift camp under construction behind him.

Such an existence is really troublesome.

The body was stabbed with five long spears before he died... Are they still human... Don't the Sparks know what pain is?

Mario couldn't help sighing in his heart... Although he was an enemy, he had to admit that the black knight was very good and an extremely qualified fighter.

It was also like this that during the march, the opponent's endless small-scale infiltration attacks caused them a lot of trouble. In order to ensure safety, his entire cavalry brigade was sent out to patrol.

Just thinking of this, Mario felt that he heard something, and turned his head to look west.

In the field of vision, the dust rose, and the sound of horseshoes came, and more than 30 black horsemen crossed the horizon.

Come straight over.

This is another infiltration attack launched by the black knight.

Mario's eyes shrank, almost without thinking, he reached into his arms, ready to take out the military whistle and sound the warning.

However, someone is faster than him.

"call out--"

An ear-piercing voice came from the left side of Mario. Two hundred blue-armored knights galloped out to meet thirty black knights.


After seeing it, Mario breathed a sigh of relief, watching the alliance's blue-armored knight and black knight collide with each other and began to fight.

After fighting for a while, the two sides broke through the formation and separated temporarily. The black knight had already fallen by nearly half.

The remaining half of the black knights, without fear, charged towards the blue armored knight in silence. But in the middle of the charge, a black knight suddenly broke away from the charging team, rode his horse in a big circle, and rushed towards the camp under construction.

Is this the purpose of the other party? Is it coming towards the camp?

Mario's eyes widened, he drew out his long sword, and decisively led the team to intercept.

Seeing the interception, the black knight immediately changed direction and tried to bypass it, but Mario didn't give the opponent a chance at all, stuck between the opponent and the camp, and drove the opponent several hundred meters away from the camp.

At this time, he saw that not far away, the blue-armored magic knight successfully wiped out the fighting black cavalry, and rushed over here to kill the last fish that slipped through the net.

It seems that the overall situation is settled.

Mario thought about it, exhaled the breath in his lungs, and was about to relax when a subordinate exclaimed behind him: "Captain, there are new enemies!"

"Huh? New enemy, where?" Mario wondered.

"There!" He pointed.

Mario turned his head sharply and looked in the direction his subordinate was pointing at. On his right, a black knight from nowhere appeared, crashed into the camp like an arrow, and went straight to the biggest tent in the camp— —It was the camp of the wounded, and it was full of wounded without any combat effectiveness.

In an instant, Mario felt his whole body's blood run cold. He had already thought of how much damage this black knight would cause to the camp.

I'm afraid that this loss would be worth even ten lives... He's finished...

Stop it for me... Mario stared at the black knight who broke into the camp, and roared in his heart.

The next moment, the black cavalry who rushed into the camp seemed to have heard what he was saying, and really stopped, because a full hundred heavily armed heavy armored infantry rushed out from both sides of the tent and stopped in front.

Mario recognized it. It was the person guarding the temporary military grain depot in the camp. It seemed that the other party had discovered the black knight's operation and intercepted it.

Fortunately, fortunately, there are these people from the temporary military grain depot.

Originally, he thought it would be a waste to send so many people to guard the temporary military grain depot, but now it seems that it is just right—he just thwarted the purpose of infiltrating and destroying the black cavalry.

Mario showed a slight smile, but the next moment, his eyes caught something, his expression froze, and his mouth slowly opened to the maximum. In his field of vision, in a corner of the camp, a pillar of fire more than one meter thick suddenly rose, followed by a dull explosion.



Almost everyone in the field was stunned.

After about three seconds, one of Mario's subordinates spoke up, hesitantly said: "Captain, it seems... the place where we store food is blown up..."

"Yes—" Mario replied hoarsely.

In the field of vision, in the camp, the pillar of fire was rising higher and higher.

A hundred guards of the grain depot rushed towards the black horse angrily, as if they had realized something.

The knight in blue armor also came to Mario's side, unceremoniously surrounded the black knight who led away from Mario's brigade, and raised his weapon...



After a short confrontation, two black knights outside the camp and inside the camp fell one after another.

The enemy was eliminated, but none of the people in the field could be happy, and they were all full of frustration, because they knew that they were going to be hungry.

:. :

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