Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1479 Don't force me

Machu narrowed his eyes, then realized something, and suddenly turned his head to look at the hill behind him. I saw two figures of wizards in black robes appearing on the top of the hill, obviously they were the ones who did it.

After killing more than a dozen strong men with spells, the two wizards flew down like two big birds and landed a few meters away. One of them looked at Machu and said expressionlessly, "Raven."

"Blue..." Machu took a breath and responded, "Blue Magpie."

This is the password, the way to verify your identity.

"The answer is correct." The wizard who asked the question, after hearing Machu's answer, his expression softened a lot, and he stepped closer and asked, "You are No. Should you go out of the city to meet us, why are you late? Also, what about the rest of the people who entered the city, why have you lost contact?"

"Don't talk about it now." Machu thought of something, waved his hand and said very seriously, "Quick... quickly contact the above, I just confirmed the news yesterday, Gray Forest City and other cities are going to launch new attacks, dangerous The level may be at the level of madness!"

"Crazy disaster level?!" The wizard was taken aback.

In Sharin's evaluation system, there are three levels of attacks against the enemies of the New Era, namely the Beast Level, Frenzy Level, and Madness Level.

Beast class is relatively common and relatively easy to deal with. The frenzy class is relatively rare, and it generally requires special troop adjustments to deal with it.

As for the catastrophe level, that is the highest level, which means that all cities in the sarin system are in danger and need to be dealt with extremely seriously, and the use of black sun weapons is even more inevitable. In the past three years of the New Era, this situation has happened twice. If what Machu said is true, then this will be the third time.

"Crazy disaster level? Are you sure?" The wizard couldn't help but confirm.

"Do you think I've been starving in the city for more than a month, and almost died several times, just to joke with you now?" Machu couldn't help but urged the wizard, "Hurry up... hurry up, the enemy It is very likely that the action has already been taken, and it will be too late!"

The two wizards looked at each other without any further hesitation. The older one quickly took out the crystal ball from his bosom and poured mana into it.


Inside the running locomotive office car.

"What's the danger?" The engineer Kent Bob didn't answer immediately after hearing what the porter said. Instead, he smiled and reached for the metal cylinder placed at the corner of the desk.

Unscrew the upper half of the cylinder, revealing more than half of the roasted wheat grains inside—these grains were very common in the old era, but now they are rarely seen, and they are considered mild luxury goods.

Bob carefully squeezed more than ten grains and put them into his half-used teacup. A sensible driver offered to bring hot water to help Bob make the barley tea.

Bob blew his breath, took a sip of hot tea, and then spoke.

"Is it dangerous, of course. You have been running with me in Red Stone City, or near Red Stone City, so you haven't experienced it. But like now, if you stay away from Red Stone City, you must be mentally prepared.

These days, the wilderness is not as dangerous as it used to be. Since the sun in the sky disappeared, a lot of weird creatures have popped up on the ground - I don't know where they came from.

You haven't seen them around the city, they have been cleaned up, but deep in the wilderness, they can't be cleaned up, and they appear from time to time.

They are often very cruel, and have many unimaginable special abilities, which are beyond our ordinary people's ability to deal with. In fact, it doesn't matter if we die. After all, we are such an existence, and if there are a lot of them in the city, one group will die and another group will work. But the goods on the car are different, some of them are very precious, much more precious than our lives. In any case, it cannot be destroyed by strange creatures, so in this case, there will be escorts following the car.

With the escort, we can easily deal with small groups of weird creatures, the goods can be preserved, and our lives can't be lost. Therefore, those guards should be prestige,

After all, they are people who can save our lives, so be polite to them. "

All the train crew listened and nodded, but someone still asked cautiously: "Commander, you said that when encountering a small group of strange creatures, those escorts can deal with it. Does it mean that when encountering a large group of strange creatures, they In fact, it can't be solved? Then we... can't guarantee absolute safety?"

"Absolutely safe?" Bob glanced at the questioner, and said, "You just figured it out? Let me tell you, as long as you get on this locomotive, you can't be 100% safe. If an accident occurs on a locomotive, people may die. If there is a problem with the rails, people may die. If you are unlucky, if you encounter a large number of weird creatures like you said, you will die cleanly. The work on the locomotive is like this. If there is no accident, it is nothing, and if there is an accident, it is a big event. It is precisely because of this , all of you and me, the salary is so high - there is a reward, there is a price."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Bob glanced at it, and said again: "Of course, in most cases, we are still safe, and the probability of accidents is very small. Let's take weird creatures as an example. It is true that a large group of weird creatures can't stop them, but there are only a very small number of them." It only appears on special occasions. Usually, small groups of strange creatures are not easy to come across.

I can tell everyone that there are so many people in the car, but the only ones who have personally encountered a small group of weird creatures are me and Frank. Therefore, this time, there is a high probability that we will not encounter anything, and the escort is just prepared. "

"Really, Frank?" At the end, Bob looked at a man huddled in a corner, and asked in a very sure tone, "You don't think you will meet a strange creature this time, do you?"

After hearing this, everyone looked over to the man named Frank.

Speaking of which, Frank can be regarded as an alternative on the locomotive. He has been working on the locomotive and has very old qualifications. However, he seems to have been a soldier in the old era, and he was stimulated in the war, so he is taciturn and hardly speaks on weekdays.

Frank's explanation is that he is rather unlucky, and every time he says good things, it will always lead to bad results, and it is easy to bring everyone unlucky, so it is better to talk as little as possible.

Naturally, no one believed him, they just thought he was a little weird.

When Philip started working, he tried to get in touch with the other party, but the other party just looked at him without saying a word, and then Philip stopped making similar attempts.

What I didn't expect was that such a person had encountered strange creatures... Philip also looked at him curiously.

Under the gazes of many people, it is naturally impossible for Frank to remain silent, and it is impossible not to speak, but he does not want to cause any bad luck because of speaking, so he said vaguely: "Weird creatures... Maybe we won't meet this time, maybe... "

As a result, he hadn't finished speaking when he heard a series of neighing from outside the moving locomotive.

"Hiss ~ roar ~"

Everyone was taken aback.

The face of the locomotive chief Bob changed slightly.

Frank let out a long sigh. .



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