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"Beep! Beep!"

After a series of hissing sounds, there was a sharp warning whistle, blowing from the outside compartment.

"Wow!" All of a sudden, a group of people in the office car followed the engineer Bob and quickly opened the door and ran out. They saw dozens of men in black uniforms escorting the cargo, running in multiple cars at this time, with very serious expressions.

"What's going on?" Bob asked the nearest man in a black uniform.

The other party didn't answer directly, but just pointed out the car window: "Look for yourself!"

A group of people immediately looked in the direction pointed by the other party. Although they had already made some preparations in their hearts, they still couldn't help being surprised.

On the side of the railway track, in front of the locomotive on the left, about a few hundred meters away, a group of wild beasts were approaching with low screams.

These wild beasts are gray in body, similar in appearance to mice, but many times larger in size, like hounds, with sharp teeth protruding from their mouths, with faint saliva hanging from them, making people shudder.

And the most frightening thing was the number of these weird squirrels, hundreds of them, like a pack of wolves charging towards the locomotive. In the wind blowing in front of him, there was a strong smell of rancidity and blood, like the breath of death.

Seeing this scene, half of the crew went limp on the spot. After all, they were not soldiers, but service personnel. They only wanted to earn some salary honestly, but they didn't think about the life of licking blood on the tip of a knife.

In addition, there are no crew members with weak legs, nor are they courageous, they just held the last hope, looked at Bob and asked: "Commander, do you think these weird mice belong to small stocks or big stocks? "

"Big stocks should be far from being counted. According to the records, the number of weird creatures in big stocks is tens of thousands." Bob's response made the crew members feel a little relieved, but then they raised their hearts again, I heard Bob say, "But... Having said that, the number of weird creatures I encountered last time was less than half of these. Therefore, the current ones should not belong to a small group of weird creatures."

As soon as these words came out, the crew members who had no weak legs also panicked, and they looked at each other with panic on their faces.

"Could it be that we are going to die this time?"

"I don't want to die."

"You think I want to die!"

"If we die, will there be compensation?"

"The engine captain..."

The escorts in black uniforms were not as flustered as the crew members of the train. At this time, they showed their due qualities and quickly occupied all the windows of the compartment while running. Then he opened the window, held a metal tubular weapon, and aimed at the strange group of rats running outside.

Seeing this situation, the crew members also slowly stopped their yelling, knowing that their yelling was of no help, so they quietly looked at the escort. Put your hope on the escort, and hope that the other party can successfully deal with the group of weird rats—although there are a little more weird squirrels, this is the only way.

"Hiss ~ roar ~"

The approach speed of the strange group of rats outside the locomotive is increasing, and the distance is constantly shrinking.

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters.

The escorts held their weapons motionless, staring at the rats without any intention of attacking, and the crew members were breathing a little short of breath.

Ninety meters, eighty meters, seventy meters.

The rats formed a triangular formation, and the squirrel at the front had clearly appeared in the field of vision, but the escorts still did not move, as if they had fallen asleep, and the crew began to sweat.

Sixty meters!

The locomotive captain Bob couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to remind the escort that if they didn't attack, the weird rat swarm was about to pounce.

Fifty meters!

"Attack!" Suddenly a voice sounded.


Almost as soon as the order was issued, all the escorts pulled the triggers in the middle of the metal tube.


I saw that all the metal tubes shook slightly first, and then circles of spiral magic patterns lit up on the outside, extending to the end.

At the moment when it reached the end, there was a sound of "咻", and a beam of fiery red light shot out from the round tube,

It hit the group of weird rats within 50 meters at an extremely fast speed, and hit the body of a weird squirrel.


On one side of the weird squirrel's head, a blood hole suddenly appeared, and then the fiery red light drove straight into the depths of the body.


Then there was a bang, like a bomb exploded inside the weird squirrel, the whole weird squirrel's body was torn apart, and it died instantly.

This was just an attack by one escort, and while he was attacking, all the escorts made the same moves.

I saw as many as thirty beams of light blasting into the strange group of rats, more than half of the beams hit the target, and the formation of the group of rats suddenly collapsed.

"Continue to attack! Choose your target freely!" The person who gave the order just now sounded again.

Immediately, all the escorts pressed the trigger for the second time, and another 30 beams were fired, blasting towards the group of strange rats.

The formation of the weird group of rats was missing another corner.

However, after suffering two losses in a row, the group of rats reacted quickly, screaming, and quickly dispersed. Instead of rushing in a straight line, they would move to the sides from time to time.

This made the squirrel approach longer, but it also made it difficult for the escort to shoot, and the accuracy dropped sharply.

"Attack, attack with all your strength!"


The captain of the escort, a man with thick eyebrows, kept waving his hands to direct. Amidst his shouts, beams of light continued to fly out, killing one after another of the weird squirrels. But in the end, nearly half of the weird squirrels managed to get within ten meters of the train, and they could pounce on them in the next moment.

The thick-browed man looked at his face, and his face was a bit dignified. He took a deep breath and said, "Everyone is there, ready to fight!"


I don't know where the escorts are pressing on the metal round tube, but they saw the air at the end of the round tube suddenly gather, compressing and growing into a dazzling white wind blade more than 20 centimeters in the shape of a dagger.

"call out!"

Another ray of light shot out, hitting the last unlucky weird mouse. At this time, the other weird mice who were only a few meters away jumped up one after another and rushed towards the locomotive.


The thick-browed man roared.

Immediately, the escorts grasped their respective weapons with both hands, and stabbed the dazzling white wind blade towards the strange squirrel.


The dazzing white wind blade touched the body of a weird mouse, and it cut through the fur and flesh in just a split second. After that, like a high-speed electric saw, it easily cut through the bones of the weird squirrel, and directly divided the weird squirrel into two halves along the chest.


A large stream of blood spurted out, staining the outer wall of the carriage red, and some of it splashed in, staining the floor red. The weird squirrel, who was the culprit, died on the spot, fell to the ground like garbage, and fell into the dust.

"Stab! Stab!"

More weird squirrels were cut open by the wind blade, and fell off the locomotive with miserable screams, and the smell of blood was overwhelming in the air.

Occasionally, however, a strange squirrel managed to pounce on the locomotive and sneak in through the window, causing a commotion in the carriage.

The combat situation is getting more and more complicated.


Remember Aishang in 1 second:

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