Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1483: Minor Injury

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"Bang bang bang!"


The locomotive ran over several weird mice on the track again, and the locomotive seemed to have been affected by something during the continuous rolling, and the speed began to slow down. Several indicator lights in the cab turned red and flickered, and it seemed that the car would break down after driving a few miles at most.

The locomotive driver Buddy's lips trembled a few times, and he turned his head to Bob and suggested, "Machine...the locomotive captain, let's stop, then start the rear locomotive, and drive back?"

"You're looking for death!" Bob reprimanded unceremoniously, glanced at the strange rats that kept gathering, and said loudly, "Believe it or not, these rats can jump on the ground before we stop completely." The car gnawed us all to the bone? Now there is no time to drive back, the only chance is to drive forward and rush through!"

"But our speed is decreasing..."

"I saw it, there should be a problem with the motivation! Immediately increase my motivation to 100%!"

"But then the engine will overheat, and the risk of explosion will increase dramatically!"

"I know better than you, so add excess coolant to the water tank, increase the cooling cycle speed by 30%, open the No. 3 pressure relief valve, close the No. 5 and No. 6 valves, and..." Bob said quickly , halfway through speaking, he looked at Buddy and the rest of the crew, and yelled, "What are you all doing blankly, didn't you hear what I said, if you don't want to die here, do it to me immediately!"

"Yes, yes." The crowd dispersed quickly, and quickly followed Bob's instructions.

Bob took a deep breath, sat in the driver's seat himself, and continued to issue new commands while looking at the many instruments.

"The pressure of the No. 3 water tank is too low, there should be a leak, check it for me immediately, and block it!"

"The power of the third engine can't come up, either the seventh pipe or the eighth pipe has a problem, switch the joystick to the internal circulation mode for me, pressurize to death..."

"The speed increased to 3,600 rpm..."

"Putting down the main puller..."


In Bob's yelling, under the busyness of the crew, the deceleration trend of the locomotive was suspended, and then the reverse acceleration exceeded the original level.

Black smoke billowed from the chimney on the top of the locomotive, and the whole locomotive roared dully, roaring and galloping, knocking away or running over more weird mice lying on the track.

At this time, the group of strange rats had fully reacted, something broke into their territory, and they began to approach and rush towards the locomotive one after another.

The members of the escort quickly counterattacked, shooting beams of light from their weapons, killing the approaching weird mice.

Occasionally, a leader-level giant bald rat, relying on its strong defense power, resisted the light attack and led a group of weird rats to launch an organized attack on the locomotive.

Every time these giant bald-haired rats approached tens of meters from the locomotive, a beam of light as thick as an arm flew out from the car window, directly blasting the giant bald-haired rats and the surrounding weird mice to pieces.


In the locomotive compartment, Jant threw down another hot and burnt iron fist with a blank face, and stretched out his hand without looking back, and some of his men automatically handed over a new iron fist filled with energy square pillars.

Gent immediately put the new steel fist on his shoulders, squinted his eyes and aimed at the outside of the car again, picking a threatening target.

Beside him, several of Jante's subordinates were doing the same thing—searching for the target with steel fists on their shoulders.

In the middle of the carriage, there are long boxes that have been opened one after another, and new steel fists are constantly being taken out, filled and ready to be used. There were also people running back and forth between the carriage and the cargo compartment, carrying more long boxes with steel fists in them and opening them.

The strange group of rats, which suffered heavy casualties, rushed towards the locomotive like crazy, and the escorts in the carriage fought back like crazy.

Originally, the escorts were apprehensive about using steel fists in violation of regulations, but in the face of the relentless attack of the weird rat swarm, they simply let go of their restraints.

Fuck the regulations... If you can't stop the attack, people will die and the goods will be destroyed, so it's better to realize a little value before then.

"Twelve o'clock direction, high-threat target, steel fist one shot rapid fire!"

"Three o'clock direction, densely packed enemies, steel fist two volleys!"

"At ten o'clock, the enemy is in a charge formation. The first fire team has all of them, and they will wipe out half of the base and cover them all. I want none of them to stay!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Exploding sounds exploded on both sides of the locomotive.

The locomotive ran wildly along the railroad tracks and kept moving forward.


I don't know how far it has traveled, let alone how many weird mice have been killed. The outer wall of the locomotive has been completely stained red with blood, and everyone on the car has become exhausted.

More than 40% of the escorts suffered casualties, and the remaining half were also struggling. Kent's upper body was covered in blood, and his hands were bandaged, but they were still scorched. After firing a steel fist, his body couldn't help shaking, but he gritted his teeth and picked up another new steel fist and carried it on his shoulders. .

The whole body of the locomotive crew was drenched with sweat, but under the command of the locomotive chief Bob, they still gritted their teeth and ran, adjusting the devices on the locomotive to ensure the smooth operation of the locomotive.

"Whirring whirring……"

Everyone is breathing heavily, and everyone is persevering with perseverance.

Gent stood in front of the carriage window, like a mountain that would never fall. Silently, he fired his steel fist again and successfully killed a giant bald rat. In terms of the number of weird creatures killed, he is already eligible to receive a third-class Richard Silver Leaf Medal. Of course, in terms of the number of steel fists used in violation of regulations, he is also eligible to sit on the court-martial and be judged, but Maybe he can't enjoy both, and the most likely result is to die on this locomotive.

After all, there are too many weird rat groups!

With Piaofei's thoughts withdrawn, Jant looked out of the locomotive, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he noticed a special figure approaching the locomotive a hundred meters away.

That figure is a bit like a giant bald rat, but it is bigger, and the whole is similar to a black bear. The whole body is dark gray, and all the hair on the outside has fallen off, revealing the armor-like shell. There are sharp claws on the limbs, and a light stroke on the ground will make several dents.

A large puff of white steam spewed from the opponent's nostrils, like an angry bull, directly bumping into it.

Could this be a higher-level weird mouse, the leader of the leaders... After seeing it, Jant became vigilant.

"Eleven o'clock direction! Attention, a new enemy!" Then Gent gave a warning, looked for a while with his steel fist in his hand, and tentatively fired a beam of light.


The new bear-shaped giant rat was successfully hit by the beam, but the result made Gent's face ugly.

I saw that, just like attacking the giant bald rat with ordinary weapons before, hitting the giant bear-shaped rat with a steel fist has the same result-the light beam as thick as an arm just blasts the shell of the giant bear-shaped rat, creating a blood Hole, then unable to go deep and cause more damage.

Calculated, at most the bear-shaped giant rat was slightly injured.

Minor injury? Damn it!

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