Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1484: Real Danger

Gent's eyes flickered for a moment, and the next moment he ordered decisively: "All of them, focus on the new enemies at eleven o'clock, and destroy them at all costs!"

"Shut up!"

As soon as Jante finished speaking, dense beams of steel fists blasted past, but as expected, the steel fists that were invincible before became powerless at this moment, only causing some flesh and blood to the bear-shaped giant rat. hurt.

And this damage seems to have enraged the other party, the approaching speed of the bear-shaped giant mouse suddenly increased, and it reached the vicinity of the locomotive in the blink of an eye, and then it was about to jump up and pounce.

Everyone's expressions changed, including Jante's. It was conceivable that once they were attacked by the opponent, no one could resist and the defense line would completely collapse. Even worse, just the impact of the opponent's attack can derail the locomotive.

what to do?

In the face of the bear-shaped giant mouse, no one has an idea to solve it.

The escort desperately pulled the trigger, but it had no effect.

In the cab, the locomotive captain Bob frowned deeply, the crew members looked desperate, and Philip was short of breath. Frank pulled his hair in pain, and whispered: "Okay, I'm really going to die."

After experiencing so much bad luck and killing so many people before, it was finally his turn this time, and it was finally coming to an end.

It's over, it's over.

Farewell to this damned world, farewell to his cursed life...

At this time, the bear-shaped giant mouse jumped into the air, and it was only half a meter away from the locomotive window. Frank could even clearly see the fierce face of the bear-shaped giant mouse.

He smiled lightly at the bear-shaped giant mouse, showing a relieved expression, but the next moment, the expression suddenly froze on his face.


There was a huge roar.

A black light flew from the side of the locomotive, almost sticking to the carriage, and successfully hit the bear-shaped giant mouse after flying rapidly.

It can be clearly seen that the whole body is like a bear-shaped giant rat made of steel, and at this moment it suddenly becomes as fragile as ooze. The whole body was deformed suddenly, and the waist was extremely bent under the impact of the black light, and then it was cut off at the middle with a "poof".


The giant bear-shaped mouse made a dull sound, and instead of jumping onto the locomotive, it fell heavily on the ground like a rag doll, and was quickly thrown behind the locomotive.

"Bang bang bang!"

Before everyone could react, more black lights flew over and landed around the locomotive.

Different from the first black light, the black light coming from behind will automatically disperse when it is several meters close to the ground, turning into more fine black light covering an area of ​​tens of meters in radius.

Then a horrifying scene happened: as long as it was a weird mouse in the coverage area, under the action of the fine black light, its body was instantly shattered, and it was still alive one second before, and turned into a pile of minced meat in the next second—— With just one black awn, all the weird rats in hundreds of square meters were eliminated.

The black light continued to fall, and the ground around the locomotive was emptied piece by piece.

After the people in the carriage looked at each other, they thought of something, and looked towards the front of the locomotive through the window.

I saw two man-made mounds appear on both sides of the track in front of me. On each mound, at least a hundred-man brigade was stationed, holding various weapons including steel fists, and they were slaughtering the monsters who besieged them. biology.

In addition, at the highest points of the two mounds,

Each has three magic pattern cannons.

The magic pattern cannon was installed on a special turntable, and special soldiers filled it with shells. After that, the magic pattern on the barrel lit up, and the shells were quickly fired one after another.

There are two types of shells. One is armor-piercing shells, which are designed to deal with individuals with strong defenses. They can penetrate even steel blocks. They are called cold-blooded piercers.

The other is a cluster bomb, which can directly kill an entire area with the fragments contained in it, so it is called a square cleaner.

It was with the support of the magic-weave cannons on the two mounds that the people on the locomotive were out of danger.

"Boom boom boom!"

The magic pattern cannon fired continuously, and under the intentional control of the gunner, most of the shells fell around the locomotive, making the weird mice besieging the locomotive quickly thin out, and in the end there were not even one left, and the locomotive was able to move forward safely.

The people on the locomotive breathed a sigh of relief, feeling lucky to survive the disaster.

Frank, on the other hand, had a weird expression, and then became thoughtful again.

The locomotive captain Bob walked out of the cab, didn't pay attention to Frank, and just announced with a smile: "Everyone, I'm very happy to tell you one thing, our trip is finally coming to an end. The Gray Parrot Reinforced Regiment who supported us just now Soldiers, no accidents, we are going to the last location of this trip - the station of the Gray Parrot Reinforced Regiment."

Cheers sounded.


half an hour later.

The locomotive successfully drove to the platform inside the Gray Parrot Reinforced Regiment's station, unloaded the cargo, and the escort went to the relevant departments of the Gray Parrot Reinforced Regiment to hand over and explain the illegal use of steel fists. And Bob, Frank, Philip and other crew members were politely invited to take a rest in the commander's tent.

After resting for a few minutes, the door of the military tent was thrown open, and the head of the Gray Parrot Reinforced Regiment——Paul Goring walked in.

This is a burly man, with a height of 1.8 meters, with a bear-like aura. However, his face was very kind, his brown eyes glanced at the crew, and he smiled and said, "Everyone, welcome to my station."

"We want to thank you, Captain." The engineer Bob went up to meet him, and said gratefully, "If your men hadn't saved us, we might not have stayed here alive."

"No, I want to thank you. After all, you have sent the materials we are in urgent need of, especially the shells - we have less than 30% of our inventory." Goring said, "To be honest, I really didn't expect that, You actually passed through the entire encirclement at this time and sent supplies in—you are the most courageous team.”

"Ah?" Bob was stunned after hearing the words, blinked his eyes quickly and asked, "Wait a minute, commander, you... just said that we passed through the entire encirclement, and that we are the most courageous crew?"

"Why, you don't know?" Göring was a little surprised, and then explained, "Yes, you have passed through the entire encirclement—the Gray Parrot Reinforcement Regiment has been surrounded by an army of weird creatures, and you have passed through the weak point of the encirclement. rushed in.

In fact, not only our garrison, but also other places are similar. The above has just announced the news that the enemy has launched the third catastrophe-level offensive, and many cities and strongholds in the entire sarin system are in emergency. So, once you come here, you can't go back unless you wait until the enemy's offensive is over. "

Hearing this, all the crew members were a little dazed. They really didn't expect that the weird creatures they encountered before were nothing at all, but just a weak area of ​​the encirclement. Now they have come to the center of the encirclement, and the real danger will not come until the encirclement begins to shrink and a full-scale offensive is launched.


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