
The pirate leader with a long brown hair shouted, took the lead, grabbed the rope of the grapple, and led many pirates, swung towards the Queen Victoria, and quickly climbed onto the deck of the Queen Victoria.

"Hey hey hey!"

After successfully climbing onto the deck, the brown pirate leader let out a sinister smile, completely oblivious to the team of magic knights gathering in the distance.

The pirate leader looked at the group of people standing on the deck, and said: "Let me introduce myself, I am the most ferocious pirate in the whole sea—'Brown' Mork, I heard that you have good things on board, so I came here specially. Look. Now I want you to take all the good stuff out and let me take it, no problem? I don't think it's a problem, or, huh, I'll... ah!"

The brown-headed pirate leader Mok only spoke halfway before he was interrupted by a scream from his own mouth.

A fine steel javelin flew over like lightning, pierced his body precisely, nailed him to the deck, and the end was still vibrating.

"This!" Mo Ke widened his eyes, and finally saw the fully armed magic knight, exhausted his last strength, roared unwillingly, and pointed at the magic knight, "Kill me!"


The pirates clenched their weapons and shouted, as if they wanted to avenge their boss, but at this moment, the magic knight attacked silently, efficiently and ruthlessly.

The first round of attack was thrown in batches of refined steel javelins.

The javelin made of fine steel is extremely heavy, so when it is thrown out, the penetration power of the crossbow is far beyond that of the average crossbow. Except for the perverted metal tower shield, the strong cowhide shield or wooden shield will be easily pierced, let alone Pirates with no shields at all.

"Puff puff!"

A series of javelins piercing the gun sounded,

Several pirates were pinned to the deck.

The pirates were taken aback for a moment, then aroused fierceness, and continued to charge forward without fear of death. At this time, the second batch of more refined steel javelins were thrown out.

"Puff puff!"

In an instant, more than a dozen pirates were nailed to death on the deck, and even two unlucky ghosts were pierced together, and the pirates' vanguard was wiped out.


The morale of the remaining pirates couldn't help but drop, and the pace of attack had slowed down.

At this time, the third batch of fine steel javelins were thrown out.

"Puff puff!"

Several more pirates were nailed to the deck, but this time it was not the front pirates, but the last pirates trying to escape.

This time, the pirates had lost their morale. They were in a mess like headless flies, and they were about to jump into the sea and escape. At this time, under the cover of throwing three batches of steel javelins, several knights in three-striped magic suits had successfully approached the pirates.

They each hold a two-handed sword with a blade as wide as five fingers, which is thicker than sharp.


Several knights in magical costumes ran into the pirate team, shouted loudly, and swung their swords with all their strength. I saw that the attacked pirates were either chopped into two sides, or their bodies were smashed and twisted, and they fell to the ground and let out heart-piercing screams. The number of pirates attacking the deck decreased rapidly.

At this time, several knights in three-striped magic costumes rushed up, holding fine steel rapiers. Although they didn't have the momentum to open and close, each blow was precise and deadly.

"Puff puff!"

Several times in a row, the blade pierced into the heart of the pirate, taking away the opponent's life. Cooperating with the behind of the magic knight holding the big sword, he started an efficient massacre of the remaining pirates.

"Puff puff!"


The pirates on the deck screamed and died in just a moment. As for the magic knight, there were zero casualties.

This is the strength of the Magic Knight!

On the pirate ship parallel to the Queen Victoria, there were still some pirates who were planning to follow the previous group of pirates to climb up to the Queen Victoria to loot. Seeing the miserable scene of his companion now, he couldn't help swallowing, silently retracted his claws, and was about to stay away from the Queen Victoria.

But the reaction is too slow!

"Bang bang bang!"

The magic knight who had just created a massacre with his own hands ran to the edge of the ship's side of the Queen Victoria, stomped hard, and jumped up suddenly. Then with the advantage of height, he jumped directly onto the pirate ship that wanted to escape, and then swung his weapon to start the second massacre.


The screams rang out again.

At this time, the second pirate ship that was behind also approached the Queen Victoria. Originally wanted to support the first pirate ship, but after seeing the miserable scene of the former, they turned around very cleverly, and they were 40 to 50 meters away from the Queen Victoria in a short time.

They thought very clearly that no matter how powerful the magic knight was, it was impossible for them to cross such a long distance. So as long as they don't act stupidly and take the initiative to lean in, relying on the speed advantage of their ship, they will be able to escape successfully.

As for the looting that I thought about at the beginning, go to hell. At this time, life is the most important thing.

But the Pirates apparently still missed a little bit.

For ordinary magic knights with three stripes, it is indeed impossible to span a distance of forty or fifty meters, but that is not necessarily the case for elite knights with five stripes.

When a large number of three-striped magic knights jumped onto the first pirate ship to slaughter ruthlessly, several five-striped elite magic knights stood up on the deck of the Queen Victoria.

Several people glanced at the female captain Victoria, and after receiving the agreed order, they immediately started running.

"Bang bang bang!"

The five-pattern elite knights in magic costumes were wearing blue-black armor. When they were running, the whole big ship shook slightly.

During the shaking, several five-pattern elite knights in magic suits ran to the stern of the ship, stomped with all their strength, and then at the speed of the run-up, they smashed like a meteor towards the second pirate ship that was constantly moving away.

The pirates on the second pirate ship couldn't help but change their colors when they saw it, but after a while, they blinked and their expressions relaxed again.

It can be seen that several five-pattern elite knights in magic costumes leaped far away, but it was only more than ten meters. Basically, just after ten meters, the body fell uncontrollably and fell towards the sea.

"Haha, idiot!"

The pirates on the second pirate ship roared with laughter, doing all they could to taunt. They had already thought that once an "iron can" like the elite magic knight fell into the water, it would not float up at all. So they don't need to do anything, the magic knight will drown himself.

Thinking of this, the pirates laughed louder: "It's really an idiot! An idiot! I'm so stupid...Gah!"

The next moment, the laughter of the pirates stopped abruptly, and they saw several five-patterned elite knights in magic costumes fall, and the moment they touched the sea, they did not sink as expected.


With a muffled sound, the surface of the water under the Elite Magic Knight's feet hardened strangely, as if frozen, successfully supporting the weight of the Elite Magic Knight.

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