Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 706 Goodbye Sea Monster

The five-pattern elite magic suit knights took advantage of the hardened water surface to remove the force of their fall. Without hesitation, they stepped on the sea surface and ran quickly. Every time they fell, the sea water where they landed would harden, making them farther and farther away from the second pirate ship. close.

This is exactly the effect of a special magic pattern prop on their body - the power of sea demons, walking on water!

Of course, this ability to walk under the surface of the sea obviously does not last forever. It can be clearly seen that as several five-pattern elite knights in magic costumes run, the hardening of the sea surface they step on becomes weaker and weaker, and finally sinks directly below the sea surface—the unhardened sea water pours in, pouring Their boots were soaked.

However, they managed to get within a few meters of the second pirate ship.

When the sea water could hardly harden anymore, several five-pattern elite knights in magic suits jumped up with all their strength, grabbed the side of the second pirate ship, and quickly turned over to the deck of the pirate ship.

The pirate leader on the deck changed color, waved and shouted: "Block them!"

Many pirates came forward tremblingly.

Several five-pattern elite knights in magic costumes saw that there was no nonsense, and slammed into the pirate team without using any weapons. With one punch, the head of the first pirate was blown away.

The eyes of the rest of the pirates were wide open, and whoever shouted "Run!" immediately scattered and ran for their lives.

The five-pattern elite magic knights looked at it, snorted coldly, and then took out their weapons, each with two short jagged blades, and started massacring the fleeing pirates—the third massacre today.

"Puff puff!"


for a long time.

"Boom" two explosions,

The sound came from the two pirate ships one after another. Under the gaze of a group of people on the deck, the two pirate ships sank toward the bottom of the sea and disappeared from sight. The Queen Victoria maintained its course and continued on its way.

On the deck of the Queen Victoria, after witnessing the whole process of the magic warrior fighting, Li Cha pondered and had a clearer understanding of the strength of the magic knight: it is indeed a completely different existence from ordinary warriors.

To be honest, if the number of five-pattern elite knights in magic costumes was more, even he would be a little afraid.

And this is just a magic knight, just a small part of the main continent shown to him, what does the real main continent look like?

Li Cha's eyes brightened as he thought about it.

"Shua hua hua", at this time there was a sound on the deck, it was the people on the ship starting to clean, such as cleaning the blood-stained deck, throwing the corpses of pirates into the sea and so on.

There is no need for magic knights to do this. Naturally, sailors with lower status and completely ordinary people will do it for them.

Li Cha saw two short and sturdy sailors approaching not far from his body, one with brown hair and the other with black hair. The exposed skin on the outside of their clothes showed the color of rust that had been in contact with the water all year round. At this time, they were carrying a puffy pirate corpse, walked to the side of the ship with some difficulty, shouted slogans, and threw it into the sea.

"One, two, three, throw it away!"


The corpse fell into the water, causing a huge splash. It sank first, and then under the action of buoyancy, it surfaced again, floating with the Queen Victoria, hitting the hull from time to time.

It wasn't surprising for the two of them to see it. The black-haired sailor curled his lips and said, "This is fat enough! I don't know what I ate, just like a pig."

After speaking, he and the brown-haired sailor began to carry another emaciated pirate corpse to the side of the ship, ready to be thrown into the sea.

"One-two...wait a minute!" The two were about to drop the corpse when the black-haired sailor suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" the brunette sailor looked at the brunette suspiciously and asked.

"Look at the sea!" The black-haired sailor narrowed his eyes, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

The brown-haired sailor frowned and looked towards the sea. After looking at it for a while, he didn't find anything strange. He turned to look at the black-haired sailor, and asked puzzledly, "What's the matter? I see everything on the sea is normal!"

"No." The black-haired sailor said, "The fat man's body is gone!"

"Huh?" The brown-haired sailor was taken aback for a moment, then looked towards the sea, and found that the sea was empty, and the fat man's body that had been dropped before was really gone.

The brown-haired sailor didn't care much about this, and said, "What's the matter, maybe it sank into the water."

"Impossible!" The black-haired sailor sneered, "Do you have any brains? As long as the fat man doesn't sink into the sea at the beginning, it will be very difficult for him to sink later!"

"That might have drifted away." The brown-haired sailor said, still not feeling anything wrong.

The black-haired sailor frowned and shook his head again and again: "It shouldn't be, it's only a little longer, no matter how fast you float, you can't completely see it."

"Then what are you talking about?" asked the brown-haired sailor.

"I don't know." The dark-haired sailor shook his head.

"Since you don't know, don't be suspicious." The brown-haired sailor was a little impatient, "Hurry up and throw this corpse inside, it's sunk to death."

"Okay." Seeing that the brown-haired sailor was upset, the black-haired sailor stopped insisting, shouted slogans, and threw the body into the sea again.

"One, two, three... throw it away!"

"Crack! Crack!"

The next moment, the body thrown from the boat did not fall into the sea at all. A huge fish head broke out of the water, swallowed the body in one gulp, and then dived into the water.

"This is it!" The brown-haired sailor's eyes widened instantly.

The black-haired sailor reacted faster. As soon as he turned around, he ran towards the center of the deck and started shouting: "There are sea monsters! There are sea monsters!"

Li Cha, who was staying on the deck, was about to go back to the cabin to continue working, but he suddenly stopped when he heard the voice.

"Sea monster?" Li Cha said to himself, suddenly thinking about many things. Combined with the breaking of the mast, touching the reef, and the pirates just now, it is a bit too coincidental, like a series of things.

Does anyone want to target the Queen Victoria?

It's not so unlucky, it's been a safe journey to the end of the voyage, and something happened again?

Thinking about it, Li Cha turned his head to look aside.

At this time, the female captain Victoria Eliza appeared again, and asked after hearing what the black-haired sailor said, "What sea monster!"

"'s a big fish, Captain." The black-haired sailor said quickly, trying to calm down, "It's a very big fish, it swallowed the body in one bite. It..."

The black-haired sailor was about to continue talking, when the underwater position on the port side of the Queen Victoria suddenly seemed to touch something, and the entire hull shook slightly.

Victoria Elisa's expression froze, she reached out to interrupt the black-haired sailor, waved her hand, and said to the magic knight: "Port side!"


More than a dozen knights in magic costumes understood, and quickly ran to the port side, and saw an extremely obvious huge black shadow, paddling across the bottom of the boat, and then with a "crash", half of his body was exposed in front of the boat.

Li Cha looked over and saw that the opponent's body was almost cylindrical, with a huge head, short chin, and a somewhat flat tail, almost like a piece of wood.

This is……

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