Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 728 Hard-working butler Jialie

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? Richard in the study does not know Jialie's caution. Seeing Jialie leave, he took a deep breath, collected himself, took out many scrolls and papers from the space iron ring, and started working.

His eyes scanned the content on the paper, and his fingers tapped on the table lightly, thinking about what kind of materials could be used to make energy storage materials with relatively good performance.

"Da da da……"

There were regular crisp sounds as his fingers tapped on the table, and Li Cha muttered to himself.

"Metal palladium has a certain effect on free energy storage, but according to the data, adding other metals will have a better effect..."

"Metallic silver can improve the conductivity, but it will also make it easier for the free energy elements stored in the energy to overflow. The ratio must be carefully controlled..."

"In addition, it is a bit surprising that carbon can have an impact on free energy elements. Whether it is an accidental deviation of experimental data or the real situation is temporarily uncertain. It seems that we need to continue testing. If the test results remain unchanged, then choose When using metal iron, you must pay attention to remove the carbon contained in it, so as not to make the data discrepancy..."


In this way, Li Cha settled down in Jialan City, working intensely and busy every day, constantly asking Jialie and the rest of the servants to purchase various materials and ores for different experiments.

At first, the place to buy these things was the blacksmith shop in the city, but as the materials Richard needed became more and more unpopular, the place to buy them gradually became a merchant specializing in mineral trading.

Then Jialie and the rest of the servants started to meet with the owners of the various mines. After the owners of the mines could not fully meet their needs, Jialie began to frequently go to auctions in the city.

Every time Jia Lie appeared, there would be a commotion, for no other reason, just because what Jia Lie wanted, no matter how high the auction price was, he would definitely get it.

Many people know that it's not that Jialie is rich, but the wizard standing behind Jialie——Richard is rich, very rich!

Li Cha's wealth, coupled with Li Cha's weird behavior of not communicating with anyone, the combination of the two has made more and more people curious about Li Cha - there are wizards in Jialan City, but they have never There is no wizard like Li Cha.

However, Li Cha didn't care about all the irrelevant things, and just stayed busy in the manor.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.


June, the fallow month, brings summer.

Heat waves rolling down from the high mountains, combined with the fierce sun, scorched the earth.

During the day, the most industrious miners dare not work when the sun is the most violent, that is a joke with their own lives. Once the fire evil is on the body (heat stroke), even if you can't lose your whole life, you can lose half of your life. In order to get more money for doing more work, the gain is not worth the loss.

In comparison, the servants in the Blue Lake Manor that Richard bought were much happier. Because there are rivers, lakes, and forests in the manor, the temperature is several degrees Celsius lower than other places out of thin air, and most of the work can be done indoors without being tortured by the sun.

Such a good thing was seen by the people in the nearby villages, and many people couldn't help asking to work in the manor, but Jialie refused.

Jia Lie knew very well that there were not many people in the manor, and the thirteen servants left were more than enough. If Richard didn't care about the salary of two or three silver coins per person, he would definitely dismiss half of them.

After all, when there are too many people, accidents are easy to happen.

No, two maids had just found him, crying about a manservant named Robert trying to touch them.

For this Robert, Gallet is very clear, this is not the first time he has made a mistake. Suppressing his anger, he comforted the two maids, and then found Robert to give him a severe reprimand.

After finishing all this, Jialie walked back to his small office, drank a breath of cold water, sat on a chair and thought,

To drive Robert away. He always felt that keeping the other party would have a bad influence.

But without thinking for too long, he was busy with other things, which was sorting out the accounts for the past month and recording every expense.

He is a commoner, and a very ordinary kind of commoner. He went to school for two years when he was a child, and learned some characters, but not much, and he couldn't write slightly complicated characters.

Therefore, besides the crooked handwriting, there are many patterns on the paper.

For example, Li Cha ordered to buy two good horses as spares. He could write "good", but he didn't know how to write horses, so he had to draw a horse, and then carefully write the cost of buying two horses on the back. Fifty-two gold coins.

After finishing writing, I couldn't help sighing, it's really expensive!

Having said that, in fact, Li Cha did not order him to do these things, they were completely voluntary. "Unpleasant" is not counted, but it is definitely "difficult".

Li Cha would give enough gold coins every time to let him handle various things, and he would not ask for the remaining money afterwards, just keep it here with him, and the degree of reassurance for him was exaggerated. As long as he has a little thought, he can easily earn dozens or hundreds of silver coins.

But he felt that it was better not to take advantage of a wizard. A series of tragic experiences before made him cherish the hard-won job opportunities.

He would rather give for nothing than earn a share that does not belong to him.


Thinking of this, Jialie began to record the cost of buying food today.

"Eggs, 50 pieces, 40 copper coins. Bread, 40 pounds, 38 copper coins. Fine flour, 15 pounds, 120 copper coins. Beast meat, 10 pounds, 150 copper coins... four pigeons, 120 copper coins... "

"Hey!" Jialie stopped writing suddenly, scratched his head and thought hard, "How do you write meat pigeons?"

After thinking for a long time but still unable to figure it out, Jialie reluctantly began to use his unique skills, replacing words with pictures.

One hook, one twist, one spin, one pull...

After a while, a pigeon appeared on the paper, but no matter how you looked at it, it looked like a... featherless chicken.

Forget it, it's about the same anyway.

Jia Lie said in his heart, and quickly recorded the rest of the purchase expenditure.

It took a long time, and finally finished the account, Jia Lie let out a sigh of relief, feeling that it was more difficult than being beaten, but anyway, it was finally completed.

Standing up, Jia Lie looked aside, subconsciously thinking in his heart: I don't know what my wizard master is doing.

He knew that Li Cha was busy in another stone building in that direction. As for what he was busy with, he didn't know anything - unless Li Cha rang the bell to let him in, Li Cha strictly forbade anyone to disturb him.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, after all, it is a wizard!

Wizards are meant to be mysterious!

Jia Lie was thinking like this, and suddenly heard a "bang", and the next moment he felt that the outer wall of the room he was in seemed to be hit with a heavy iron ball.

With a "crash", the room shook violently, and the soil debris from the roof kept falling, and it seemed that it was about to collapse.

"what happened?"

Jialie couldn't help being startled, grabbed the account that had just been recorded, and ran out quickly. He ran outside the door, subconsciously looked into the distance, and was immediately stunned.


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