Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 729 Wind Tunnel Construction Plan

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? The time is slightly pushed forward by one minute.

In the three-story main building of Blue Lake Manor, Li Cha appeared in an empty room on the third floor.

The room here has been used by him as a temporary laboratory, mainly for conducting shapeless, miniature spell-seeking missiles, and wind tunnel simulation experiments.

Flipping his hand, a miniature spell-seeking missile test model appeared in his hand.

It can be seen that it is a slender metal body, similar to an arrow, but slightly shorter and thicker than the arrow. The whole body is pitch black, with golden magic lines engraved on the surface, which looks very mysterious.

Holding this miniature spell-seeking missile, Li Cha had a thought and cast a wind spell. A gust of wind suddenly blew up in the empty room, and a large amount of air began to flow at high speed according to a certain law.

Li Cha lifted up the miniature spell-seeking missile he was dragging, controlled the flow of free energy elements in the magic source in his body, injected it into it, and triggered the first magic pattern engraved on it.


With a sound, the entire miniature spell-seeking missile was successfully activated and began to operate on its own. In the regular vibration, the free energy elements stored in the interior kept gushing out, and the numerous magic lines carved on the surface were successively launched.

The next moment, the surface of the miniature spell-seeking missile suddenly lit up, and it detached from Li Cha's palm, slowly accelerated, and flew forward.

Richard timely increased the speed of the air flow in the room, and controlled the direction of the air flow, which was completely opposite to the miniature spell-seeking missile.

Under careful control, the speed of the miniature spell-seeking missile is getting faster and faster, but it has remained relatively static with the flowing air, neither moving forward nor retreating.

Li Cha nodded in satisfaction, squinted at the miniature spell-seeking missiles, and seriously thought about what improvements needed to be made.

Maybe a little more can be added to the projectile body. After all, the magic patterns related to wind spells are only depicted on it now, and the magic patterns that track the target and the explosive magic patterns that release the power will be drawn later.

In addition, the shape also needs to be adjusted to a certain extent. There was nothing wrong with the previous design, but now in the simulated wind tunnel experiment, it can be seen that the flight stability of the warhead is relatively poor, and it is easy...

The word "out of control" just flashed in Li Cha's mind, when he saw the miniature spell-seeking missile flying in mid-air, swayed violently, tilted his head, and hit the side wall at high speed.

Li Cha quickly adjusted the direction of the air flow in the room. Who knew, this adjustment had a chain reaction on the miniature spell-seeking missiles.


The miniature spell-seeking missile made a strange noise, the shaking intensified, and its direction kept changing, like a leaky balloon scurrying around the room.

Now not only the direction is changing, but the speed is also changing. With the flickering magic pattern on the surface of the projectile, the speed is fast and sometimes slow. Obviously, the stability of the free energy elements stored in the projectile is not as expected.

Li Cha had no choice but to control the air flow in the room with all his strength to adapt to the constantly changing direction and speed of the miniature spell-seeking missiles, so that the opponent would stop.

But this is not an easy task. The rapid change of air flow in the room has gradually formed a very unstable air pressure center, which puts the walls of the room under severe test.

After all, this room was originally built without any consideration for this kind of test, it was just for people to live in.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

A piercing sound sounded, and large cracks appeared on the surrounding walls.

The next moment, there was a "bang" sound, and the entire roof flew up, and then with a "crash", the left and right walls collapsed at the same time.

A large amount of air from the outside poured in, trying to neutralize the unstable air pressure center in the room, which also made the miniature spell-seeking missile completely out of control.

With a sound of "咻", the miniature spell-seeking missile broke free and flew straight towards a corner of the manor. That direction was the stables. A few servants were brushing the horses. When they heard the sound was wrong, they subconsciously turned their heads to look.

Li Cha frowned, not wanting to cause the servants to suffer innocent disasters, he clenched his fist suddenly, causing the surrounding air to shrink sharply, then he shook his hand, and threw a heavy air missile.


After the air missile was launched, it caught up with the miniature spell-seeking missile whose energy was almost exhausted at a faster speed. The two collided, changed their direction of movement together, and fell towards a nearby stone building.


With a muffled sound, the stone building shook violently, the air missile dissipated, and the miniature spell-seeking missile that exhausted its internal energy also fell to the ground.

Li Cha breathed a sigh of relief.


At this time, footsteps sounded, and a person ran out in a panic from the stone building that was hit. It was Jialie. Looking around, Jia Lie was a little stunned. Obviously, he didn't quite understand what happened. It took him a long time to look over and asked weakly, "Master, what do you want me to do?"

"That..." Li Cha was very calm. After all, accidents happened in the experiment more than once or twice. He said quickly, "Don't be nervous, just find a few people and fix the house."


"That's right." Li Cha thought of something again, "Wait a while, you go to my study, I will give you a list, you go to buy some building materials."

"do what?"

"I want to build a special place for experiments in the manor," Richard said.

What he is going to build is a real wind tunnel laboratory. Today's events have told him that it is difficult to control the effect of completely relying on wind magic to simulate a wind tunnel. If something happens, the consequences are unpredictable.

After that, in order to perfect the miniature spell-seeking missile, more wind tunnel experiments will be conducted, so it is better to build a real wind tunnel laboratory.

Jia Lie didn't know what Li Cha was thinking, after hearing what he said, he just nodded and said to write it down.


After a while, Jia Lie went to Li Cha's study and got the so-called list. After reading the list and listening to Richard's ideas for building a wind tunnel laboratory, Jialie only had one thought.

That is, there are not too many people in the manor, but too few.

According to Li Cha's vision, it is not enough to build a wind tunnel laboratory without dozens of people, and a large number of masons are needed among them, and many people are needed for later maintenance and cleaning.

It seems that after purchasing all kinds of things, it is necessary to hire a group of people.

And after these people are hired, food and housing must be arranged. There are many things.

Jialie couldn't help but feel a headache, and felt that it was not so easy to be a servant.


In fact, it didn't take long for Jialie to find that things were more difficult than he expected. On the first task of purchasing supplies, he encountered an obstacle, and it was an obstacle that he could not solve.



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