Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 731: Magic Knight Sauron

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? Here, I have to talk about the composition of the wizard power in the main continent.

As a resource-rich main continent, compared with the east coast, the number of wizards has an advantage, which is several times more. This reason, coupled with the popularity of magic knights, has resulted in low-level wizards, whose status is not very high.

For example, in the main continent, a wizard apprentice with no background has a much lower status than nobles, because it is difficult for them to fight against well-trained magic knights.

Only when you are promoted to a first-level wizard can you be qualified to sit on an equal footing with the nobles, and these nobles generally refer to small or middle nobles-the powerful nobles still disdain the first-level wizards.

Therefore, in the main continent, wizard apprentices and first-level wizards are considered the bottom of wizards.

Only when you become a second-level wizard can you be regarded as the middle class of wizards, and you will receive a certain amount of respect anywhere in the mainland, but it's just respect.

A single second-level wizard is still a little bit close to trying to make some big nobles bow their heads and obey their orders. Because the big nobles can afford enough magic knights, even if they are just ordinary magic knights with three stripes, if the number reaches a certain level, it is enough to heap and kill second-level wizards.

But at the third level wizard, everything changed.

The power of the third-level wizards has reached a certain level. If they want to confront them head-on, they must have enough knights in seven-striped magic suits. However, it is not so easy to recruit knights in seven-striped magic costumes. Therefore, apart from a few top-level nobles, the great nobles should also be in awe of third-level wizards, so as to avoid being beheaded by the opponent.

A third-level wizard is considered a high-level wizard among the wizards in the mainland, even if they are in a wizard organization, they are still a small group of people belonging to the ruling class.

Above that, there are level four wizards, which belong to the top level.

Yes, the top floor.

Every time a wizard level increases, the difficulty is beyond imagination, especially for a third-level wizard to a fourth-level wizard, it is extremely difficult.

On the east coast, the most powerful wizard is only a third-level wizard, but on the main continent, with massive resources and a higher density of free energy elements, this level is only raised by one level to a fourth level.

People who can become fourth-level wizards are basically rare in the main continent. Every such person is either a peerless genius, or the leader of a powerful wizard organization, and is the absolute strongest among wizards.

As for the higher level five wizards, that only exists in rumors. There are often rumors that the elders of a certain wizard organization retreated and successfully broke through to the fifth-level wizard, or that a certain big man from a hundred years ago suddenly appeared and became a fifth-level wizard, but none of them have been confirmed.

This is the main continent.

The bottom layer of the first-level wizard, the middle layer of the second-level wizard, the upper layer of the third-level wizard, and the top layer of the fourth-level wizard.

A power frame that is one level higher than the East Coast.

Li Cha is somewhat puzzled about this power framework. According to what he learned from the wizard book "Chapter of Monroe", the limit of a wizard should be level nine.

But now, on the most prosperous main continent, the limit is only a fourth-level wizard, which is far behind. There is undoubtedly a huge fault in the middle, or even more than one fault.

What is the reason may not be known until the truth of the world is clarified.

The thing to be solved now is how to answer Marquis Wei'an's question: what level does he belong to.

The Marquis of Wei'an is in the power level of wizards in the main mainland, correspondingly, he is almost a middle-level second-level wizard.

Therefore, he replied that it was the same level, and the other party would try to make further contact.

And if the answer is a lower level, the other party is likely to be polite and will see off the guests. As for the previously promised supply of glass to the glass factory, they may use various reasons to shirk it. For example, worker riots, material shortages, etc.

After all, this is a very real world, and promises can be very important, or they can be worthless.


He also has other options.

For example, tell Marquis Vian that he is a higher wizard level.

According to his current combat power that can crush most third-level wizards, it is not a big problem to call himself the peak third-level wizard, or an ordinary fourth-level wizard. Presumably, the Marquis of Wei'an will be very pleasantly surprised to accept this answer.

But having said that, this conflicts with his usual practice of carefully hiding himself. He came to the Marquis of Wei'an just to buy some glass, so there is really no need to reveal his full strength.

After thinking about it, Li Cha answered.

"What is my level of wizard?" Richard said, "Marquis Wei'an, you can regard me as a peak second-level wizard, or a level that has just been promoted to a third-level wizard."

"The pinnacle of a second-level wizard? Or just promoted to the level of a third-level wizard?" Marquis Wei An repeated what Richard said, and said half-jokingly, "Why, Sir Richard, you can't even determine your true level. ? How did you tell me it was a range?"

This is of course a temptation.

After hearing this, Li Cha replied without changing his face: "Marquis Wei'an, you have to understand, because I am not that kind of common wizard, I am more inclined to research than fighting, so the real fighting level is very difficult." Defined, there is a certain fluctuation.”

"So, Master Wizard Richard is a scholar wizard?" Marquis Wei'an suddenly showed a respectful look.

"Scholar wizard?" Richard asked, "You can also say the same."

"Then Master Wizard Li Cha, have you ever thought about testing your real combat skills?" Marquis Wei'an leaned forward slightly, his face full of enthusiasm, "If Master Wizard Li Cha wants to do this If so, the people under me can help."

This is the further temptation and the real purpose of temptation.

The Marquis of Wei An would naturally not listen to what Richard said, everything had to be proved.

Li Cha is also very clear about this, knowing that even if the other party is not allowed to get what he wants, the other party will test it in many ways in the future, so he simply said: "Then I will trouble the Marquis of Wei'an."

"No trouble, no trouble, it's all right, let me see it." Marquis Wei'an continued to smile, turned his head, and shouted out of the living room: "Sauron!"

"grown ups!"

Responding to the sound, a strong man in black iron armor walked in with heavy steps, walked to the living room, knelt down on one knee and saluted.

It can be seen that the strong man named Sauron is about 1.9 meters tall, with explosive muscles under the iron armor, and he is powerful. The surface of the iron armor is densely covered with magic lines, exuding faint mana fluctuations. Once activated, it will explode with powerful combat power.

The other party is a magic knight.

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