The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? Marquis Wei An pointed at Sauron, and introduced to Li Cha with a smile: "Master Li Cha, look, this is One of my most powerful subordinates is the five-pattern elite magic knight. Of course he is not your opponent, after all you are a wizard, but I think he should be able to barely block one of your attacks."

"Almost." Li Cha said.

"Then you see, how to test is better? Do you want to go to the open space outside?"

"No, it's fine here, tell your subordinates to be careful, don't hurt yourself." Richard said.

"That's good." Marquis Wei'an nodded, turned his head, and issued an extremely serious order, and said to Sauron, "Did you hear that, Sauron, the wizard wants you to test his fighting skills. You have to do your best!" Stay on the defensive, so as not to be hurt by the wizard's spells, otherwise no one will save you."

"Yes, Lord Marquis!" Sauron replied in a deep voice.

After he finished speaking, he stood up with a "crash", half-bending his body like a cheetah ready to go, staring at Li Cha, more like an attack than a defense. The magic pattern on the surface of the armor is activated, rays of light flow, and a dangerous breath is born, like a bayonet, which will pierce the human body at any time, and it is already in a fighting state.

On the other hand, Li Cha was still sitting in his seat, his eyes were still looking at Marquis Wei An, holding a teacup in one hand, he was not in a hurry, without any serious appearance.


After taking a sip of the tea and swallowing it, Li Cha flicked his fingers, and a faint spark like a firefly flew out and floated towards Sauron.

Marquis Wei An frowned, feeling that Li Cha's behavior was a little...frivolous.

Yes, lightly picked.

Although he is not a wizard, it can be seen that the sparks released by Li Cha are not very powerful. It may not even be able to hurt an ordinary person, let alone deal with a five-stripe elite magic knight.

However, Marquis Wei'an, as a Marquis, has sufficient aristocratic qualities, and he will not jump to conclusions until the matter has no results. Smiling and nodding to Li Cha, he watched the situation quietly.

I saw the sparks popping out from Richard's fingertips, slowly approaching Sauron, approaching, approaching again...

Five meters, three meters, one meter...

At this time, Sauron's expression was a little distorted, his whole face was red, he was staring at the floating Mars, and he clenched his hands tightly. As a warrior, he doesn't have the aristocratic accomplishments of the Marquis of Wei'an, nor does he need such accomplishments. What he has is the powerful fighting power of a magic knight and... the pride that matches it.

As a magic knight, he felt it more clearly than the Marquis of Wei'an. The sparks released by Richard really have no power, and there is no essential difference from the ordinary sparks floating out of the flames.

Such a Mars hits a person, unless it falls on the naked skin, it is possible to scald a blister. If it falls on him, the biggest possibility is that it will be directly immune to the armor.

This is a bit too much!

This is simply insulting!

Staring at Li Cha, Sauron secretly gritted his teeth.

Does the other party think that he is so weak?

Or, the other party is ostentatious, not a wizard at all, but a liar. Unable to cast real spells, only tricks like this?

Then you must teach the other party a lesson!

As Sauron thought about it, Mars was getting closer to him, already within a dozen centimeters, and was about to touch his armor.

Looking at the still unchanged Mars, Sauron has completely ignored it, thinking whether to let Mars fall on his armor and go out directly.

Then, Mars approached to within ten centimeters.

For some unknown reason, Sauron felt his body suddenly turn cold, and an extremely dangerous feeling enveloped his whole body.

what happened?

Sauron's complexion changed drastically, his expression was confused, he couldn't find the source of the sense of danger at all, his eyes turned quickly, swept over the corners of Li Cha's meaningful mouth, and his eyes suddenly locked on the sparks that were about to stick to him.

Could it be this thing?

But how is it possible?

Sauron's mind is confused,

However, the survival instinct has prompted him to make a subconscious action, quickly retreating to the rear, preparing to avoid Mars.

Unexpectedly, when he stepped back, Mars suddenly accelerated, catching up like a tarsal maggot.

For a moment, the feeling of danger was extremely strong.

Sauron's eyes shrank suddenly and turned into two black spots. He had a premonition that if he was really hit by this spark, he would be seriously injured even if he was not dead.



Sauron suddenly pulled out the two-handed sword he was carrying behind his back, and was about to extinguish the sparks.

As a result, Mars sped up again, pulling out a slender line of fire, and when he was about to take a shot with his sword, it hit his armor with a "slap".

Time stood still for a moment.

The stagnation ended, and a ball of dazzling white light suddenly flashed from Sauron's chest, followed by a fireball.

With a "bang", a huge explosion sounded, and Sauron almost uncontrollably flew backwards, fell out of the living room with a "bang", and slammed heavily on the open space outside the living room door, motionless.


Marquis Wei'an, who was sitting on the seat in the living room, froze for a moment. He never thought that such a situation would happen. He never thought that a little spark, with such great power, would easily defeat the most powerful magic outfit under him. knight.

This is not at all the level of a peak second-level wizard, or a new third-level wizard, right? Even some experienced third-level wizards may not be so terrifying, right?

Feeling the shock, Marquis Wei'an slowly looked at Li Cha.

Li Cha seemed to have sensed it, and said: "Don't worry, Marquis Wei'an, your subordinate was only temporarily stunned, and he didn't die. His internal organs may suffer some injuries, but he needs to recover for a few months." It’s almost there. Actually, it’s also my fault. I’ve been studying various things on weekdays, and I rarely participate in battles, so I can’t control the severity of my shots, otherwise it wouldn’t be like this. Sigh.”

At the end, Li Cha shook his head lightly, with a self-blame expression on his face.

"Uh..." Marquis Wei'an made a sound from his throat, understanding the meaning of Li Cha's words, and then took a second to sort out his emotions, and his expression turned into a smile.

"Ha!" Marquis Wei'an laughed, "Master Wizard Li Cha, you are really polite. This is not your fault, it is entirely due to the lack of strength of my subordinates. It seems that Master Wizard Richard, your level It is much higher than what you said, it really made me see."

At this moment, Marquis Wei'an thought very clearly, he wanted to test Li Cha's level, and if Li Cha showed a level far beyond his expectations, that would be enough. As for the details, he has no interest nor ability to explore.

All he wanted was a result. Now that he had confirmed that Li Cha was not weaker than the newly promoted third-level wizard, he could try to contact Li Cha.

Perhaps a further relationship could be developed?

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